Getting 'undefined method batch' for Google Directory API with service account - google-directory-api

So I'm writing a script to batch delete users from a Google Apps for Education domain. The code looks like this:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'google/api_client'
require 'csv'
service_account_email = ''
key_file = 'key.p12'
key_secret = 'notasecret'
admin_email = 'XXX#xxx'
# Build the API Client object
client =
:application_name => 'XXX',
:application_version => '0.1'
key = Google::APIClient::KeyUtils.load_from_pkcs12(key_file, key_secret)
client.authorization =
:token_credential_uri => '',
:audience => '',
:scope => '',
:issuer => service_account_email,
:signing_key => key,
:person => admin_email,
directory = client.discovered_api('admin', 'directory_v1')
# Reads and parses CSV input into a hash
# Takes file path as an argument
def import_csv(file)
csv =,
:headers => true,
:header_converters => :symbol
return {|row| row.to_hash}
users_to_delete = import_csv('accounts.csv')
puts 'Preparing to delete users...'
users_to_delete.each_slice(1000) do |chunk|
directory.batch do |directory|
chunk.each do |user|
:api_method => directory.users.delete,
:parameters => { :userKey => user[:emailaddress].downcase }
puts 'Users successfully deleted!'
When I run the script without the two outer batch blocks, the script runs perfectly (although incredibly slowly).
What I want to know is what I need to change to stop giving me the undefined method error on the 'batch' method for the directory API. In examples in Google's documentation, I've noticed that they call the API differently (zoo = instead of zoo = client.discovered_api('zoo', 'v1')). I don't see how that would make a difference though.

You can do achieve it this way:
client =
:application_name => 'XXX',
:application_version => '0.1'
directory = client.discovered_api('admin', 'directory_v1')
batch = do |result|
batch.add(:api_method => directory.users.delete,:parameters => { :userKey => user[:emailaddress].downcase })


How to use Wasabi (AmazonS3) in sabre/dav?

I am building a WebDAV server using sabre/dav, I want to create a WebDAV server file storage location in Wasabi which is compatible with AmazonS3, I did some research and found something that looks like AWS.php but I don't know how to use it. If anyone knows how to do this specifically, please respond.
What we tried:
・Download s3dav ( and install the file.
・Server.php was written as follows
use Sabre\DAV;
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
// The autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$raw_credentials = array(
'credentials' => array(
'key' => '<insert-access-key>',
'secret' => '<insert-secret-key>'
//'profile' => 'wasabi',
'endpoint' => '',
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'version' => 'latest',
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'use_path_style' => true,
'use_ssl' => true,
'port' => 443,
'hostname' => '',
'bucket' => '<bucket-name>',
// establish an S3 Client.
$s3 = S3Client::factory($raw_credentials);
// Now we're creating a whole bunch of objects
//$rootDirectory = new DAV\FS\Directory('public');
$rootDirectory = new DAV\FS\S3Directory("/",'<bucket-name>',$s3);
// The server object is responsible for making sense out of the WebDAV protocol
$server = new DAV\Server($rootDirectory);
// If your server is not on your webroot, make sure the following line has the
// correct information
// The lock manager is reponsible for making sure users don't overwrite
// each others changes.
$lockBackend = new DAV\Locks\Backend\File('data/locks');
$lockPlugin = new DAV\Locks\Plugin($lockBackend);
// This ensures that we get a pretty index in the browser, but it is
// optional.
$server->addPlugin(new DAV\Browser\Plugin());
// All we need to do now, is to fire up the server
The file name list is displayed, but it is displayed as 0 bytes.
Uploading is working, but other operations are not working (file size is correct on Wasabi).
”4.4.0 Exception Cannot traverse an already closed generator" is displayed.

reading a file from s3 bucket with laravel getting error

Im trying to get file from s3 bucket using getObject
$s3 = AWS::createClient('s3');
$file = $s3->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => 'hotel4cast',
'Key' => $path->path,
'SaveAs' => public_path()
I'm getting below error
Error executing
"GetObject" on "";
AWS HTTP error: Unable to open /var/www/html/laravel/public/ using mode r+: fopen(/var/www/html/laravel/public/):
ailed to open stream: Is a directory
if i take SaveAs out and dump $file i get object of data, body, stream all that stuff but not sure what to do with that.
I have figured out, there is bug in aws sdk,
i was able to get file to save by storing path in var before calling getObject
$r = fopen(public_path() . '/myfile.xlsx', 'wb');
$s3 = AWS::createClient('s3');
$file = $s3->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => 'bucketname',
'Key' => $path->path,
'SaveAs' => $r
can you tell me that what exactly these equals too ? So, I can guide you accordingly.
$path->path = ???
public_path() = ???
your method params should be like this, you just passing the saveAs path but attaching the key name, So, add the keyname with saveAs path, it will be downloaded.
$s3 = AWS::createClient('s3');
$file = $s3->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => 'hotel4cast',
'Key' => $path->path,
'SaveAs' => public_path()."/filename.xlsx"
here are the examples of code, which I am using for uploading file and coping file
for uploading
$result = $this->S3->putObject([
'ACL' => 'public-read-write',
'Bucket' => 'xyz', // REQUIRED
'Key' => 'file.xlsx', // REQUIRED
'SourceFile' => public_path()."/xlsx/file.xlsx",
for Coping from one bucket to another
$copy = $this->S3->copyObject(array(
'ACL' => 'public-read-write',
'Bucket' => 'xyz', // REQUIRED
'Key' => 'file.xlsx', // REQUIRED
'CopySource' => 'mybucketname/xlsx/file.xlsx,
but your file which is exists in s3 bucket should have permission to read. other wise it will give you error to saveAs, copy etc
here are multiple permissions, you can see here
'ACL' => 'private|public-read|public-read-write|authenticated-read|aws-exec-read|bucket-owner-read|bucket-owner-full-control',

Oauth Client Creation Rails

I'm working with rails to create a client for the Fitbit API (very similar to twitter api) on Rails.
In my device.rb file
def fitbit_data
#client = (
:consumer_key => 'bb1', #I understand the security issues here and will change it for production
:consumer_secret => '81f',
:token => oauth_token,
:secret => oauth_token_secret,
:user_id => uid
It says that my syntax is wrong and asks for a ')' after :consumer_key. How do I get the syntax correct?
Note: this answer is applicable for Rails 4.1.4 and Fitgem 0.10.0.
I think the issue here is that to initialize a client, you have to pass in a hash. Additionally, I do not believe it's necessary to specify a user_id key. See my code below:
$client = ({ :consumer_key => ENV["FITBIT_CONSUMER_KEY"],
:consumer_secret => ENV["FITBIT_CONSUMER_SECRET"],
:token => ENV["OAUTH_TOKEN"],
:secret => ENV["OAUTH_SECRET"] })
Let me know if this helps.

$facebook->getSignedRequest(); return the correct value in iframe while return null on my server side

i am building a fan gate for my site to give out some coupon.
here is my code:
require_once 'facebook.php';
$app_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$app_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $app_id,
'secret' => $app_secret,
'cookie' => true
$signed_request = $facebook->getSignedRequest();
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$signed_request = $_REQUEST["signed_request"];
list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signed_request, 2);
$data = json_decode(base64_decode(strtr($payload, '-_', '+/')), true);
$like_status = $signed_request["page"]["liked"];
I find that the return value of $facebook->getSignedRequest(); is different when i am visiting my apps via and when i am visiting
Facebook Object ( [appId:protected] => 15255288xxxxxxxx [appSecret:protected] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[user:protected] => [signedRequest:protected] => Array ( [algorithm] => HMAC-SHA256 [issued_at] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx[user] => Array ( [country] => hk [locale] => en_US [age] => Array ( [min] => 21 ) ) ) [state:protected] => [accessToken:protected] => [fileUploadSupport:protected] => )
Facebook Object ( [appId:protected] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[appSecret:protected] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[user:protected] => [signedRequest:protected] => [state:protected] => [accessToken:protected] => [fileUploadSupport:protected] => )
so the fan gate wont work because $facebook->getSignedRequest(); always return null in my server side. I have do the searching for this problem for some days already and still dont understand what is the problem.
Any help is very much appreciated.
^ ... continue from the comments:
First of all, if you do this, your users will hate you; secondly, that plugin is bit of a scam - all it does is uses cookies to store if user has liked a page - but if you delete your cookies, you will be locked out of the content because you won't be able to like the page again. Furthermore, it won't work without Javascript.
All the plugin does is it hooks into the "like" action when user clicks on the like button via
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(href, response){});
facebook graph api determine if user likes url

Why do I get a connection timeout for facebook api-video?

This is the API call Im attempting:
(Video upload is not available in the new Graph API.)
I have tried many variations on the parameters. The code below is my best guess. If I modify the params to be obviously incorrect, change to http (not https) or try to use for video, I get proper errors back.
However, my code below just waits a few minutes before reporting:
ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out
Also included is working code to upload a photo - which is almost identical.
# Facebook Old-API method - testing only - this works.
def post_photo
url = ""
body = {
nil =>, 'rb'),
:access_token => self.session.auth_data[:access_token],
:callback => "none",
:aid => "Test Photos",
:caption => "Test",
:uid => self.session.auth_data[:uid],
response = url, body
# Facebook Old-API method - doesn't work - connection timeout.
def post_video
url = ""
body = {
:nil =>, 'rb'),
:access_token => self.session.auth_data[:access_token],
:callback => "none",
:title => "Test title",
:description => "Test description",
:privacy => "{ value: 'EVERYONE' }",
:uid => self.session.auth_data[:uid],
response = url, body
PS: Im in Australia - is the API limited to eg the USA?