vb.net storing large amounts of data - vb.net

I need to store a large list of id's and load them into my .NET project the id's are like -
the list is roughly 15k lines.
ive tried storing the list online and reading it line by line but it takes 3-4 minutes just to get all the information, also tried downloading the text file and then reading it line by line but that's also incredibly slow.
can anyone suggest a better way ?
edit - code for reading from text file
Private Sub frmIkovItemID_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim fStream As New System.IO.FileStream("c:\proxy.txt", IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim sReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(fStream)
Do While sReader.Peek >= 0
Catch o As Exception
End Try

I need to store a large list of [...]
What you really mean is that you want to persist data.
Reading and writing in a file is a kind of persistence, yes, but a better solution would be to use a database. Especially if you are using a large amount of data. (Why use a database instead of just saving your data to disk?)
If you don't know how to use a database in vb.net, have a look at the Microsoft support page.


Read of text file never being released from memory

I'm using .NET Framework 4.6.2 (VB) for a Windows Service. I'm using NLog to write a log file without issue. I'm now adding a log viewer utility which will show the last 100 lines of the log file. I've used various methods to read the file but can't seem to escape the reality that I eventually need to iterate through the entire file to get to the lines that I need. That's not a problem.
Where I'm having an issue is that after I've finished reading the file it NEVER seems to get released from memory. When I start my application, it's using approximately 16MB of memory. After the read (of an at most 10MB file) it's using around 38.5MB. Even doing things like clearing the List(Of String) or a forced Garbage Collection is never fully releasing the memory.
I'm using probably the simplest version of a read:
Dim LogEntries As List(Of String) = System.IO.File.ReadLines(LogFile).ToList()
I am performing other tasks between the ReadLines and LogEntries.Clear() steps, but the issue is present even if I use only the lines shown above.
I would expect that on clearing the LogEntries list would return the memory usage to approximately 16MB, but the lowest I've been able to get it (after a GC.Collect()) is about 22MB. Can anyone explain this to me?
The whole point of calling ReadLines is that it doesn't read every line at the same time. If you then call ToList on the result then you force it to wait until all lines are read. That's silly. If you want the last 100 lines then you have no choice but to read the whole lot but there's no point keeping it all.
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
lines = lines.Skip(lines.Length - 100).ToArray()
The first line reads the entire file into a String array and then the second line creates a second array containing just the last 100 elements and discards the first array.
Another option that would reduce memory consumption at the expense of performance would be this:
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Using reader As New StreamReader(filePath)
Do Until reader.EndOfStream
If lines.Count > 100 Then
End If
End Using

VB.NET (2013) - Check string against huge file

I have a text file that is 125Mb in size, it contains 2.2 million records. I have another text file which doesn't match the original but I need to find out where it differs. Normally, with a smaller file I would read each line and process it in some way, or read the whole file into a string and do likewise, however the two files are too big for that and so I would like to create something to achieve my goal. Here's what I currently have.. excuse the mess of it.
Private Sub refUpdateBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles refUpdateBtn.Click
Dim refOrig As String = refOriginalText.Text 'Original Reference File
Dim refLatest As String = refLatestText.Text 'Latest Reference
Dim srOriginal As StreamReader = New StreamReader(refOrig) 'start stream of original file
Dim srLatest As StreamReader = New StreamReader(refLatest) 'start stream of latest file
Dim recOrig, recLatest, baseDIR, parentDIR, recOutFile As String
baseDIR = vb.Left(refOrig, InStrRev(refOrig, ".ref") - 1) 'find parent folder
parentDIR = Path.GetDirectoryName(baseDIR) & "\"
recOutFile = parentDIR & "Updated.ref"
Me.Text = "Processing Reference File..." 'update the application
If Not File.Exists(recOutFile) Then
FileOpen(55, recOutFile, OpenMode.Append)
End If
Dim x As Integer = 0
Do While srLatest.Peek() > -1
recLatest = srLatest.ReadLine
recOrig = srOriginal.ReadLine ' check the original reference file
If Not recLatest.Equals(recOrig) Then
recOrig = srOriginal.ReadLine
FileOpen(55, recOutFile, OpenMode.Append)
Print(55, recLatest & Environment.NewLine)
x += 1
count.Text = "Record No: " & x
srOriginal.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
GoTo 1
End If
End Sub
It's got poor programming and scary loops, but that's because I'm not a professional coder, just a guy trying to make his life easier.
Currently, this uses a form to insert the original file and the latest file and outputs each line that matches into a new file. This is less than perfect, but I don't know how to cope with the large file sizes as streamreader.readtoend crashes the program. I also don't need the output to be a copy of the latest input, but I don't know how to only output the records it doesn't find. Here's a sample of the records each file has:
The program I have currently works... to a fashion, however I know there are better ways of doing it and I'm sure much better ways of using the CPU and memory, but I don't know this level of programming. All I would like is for you to take a look and offer your best answers to all or some of the code. Tell me what you think will make it better, what will help with one line, or all of it. I have no time limit on this because the code works, albeit slowly, I would just like someone to tell me where my code could be better and what I could do to get round the huge file sizes.
Your code is slow because it is doing a lot of file IO. You're on the right track by reading one line at a time, but this can be improved.
Firstly, I've created some test files based off the data that you provided. Those files contain three million lines and are about 130 MB in size (2.2 million records was less than 100 MB so I've increased the number of lines to get to the file size that you state).
Reading the entire file into a single string uses up about 600 MB of memory. Do this with two files (which I assume you were doing) and you have over 1GB of memory used, which may have been causing the crash (you don't say what error was shown, if any, when the crash occurred, so I can only assume that it was an OutOfMemoryException).
Here's a few tips before I go through your code:
Use Using Blocks
This won't help with performance, but it does make your code cleaner and easier to read.
Whenever you're dealing with a file (or anything that implements the IDisposable interface), it's always a good idea to use a Using statement. This will automatically dispose of the file (which closes the file), even if an error happens.
Don't use FileOpen
The FileOpen method is outdated (and even stated as being slow in its documentation). There are better alternatives that you are already (almost) using: StreamWriter (the cousin of StreamReader).
Opening and closing a file two million times (like you are doing inside your loop) won't be fast. This can be improved by opening the file once outside the loop.
DoEvents() is evil!
DoEvents is a legacy method from back in the VB6 days, and it's something that you really want to avoid, especially when you're calling it two million times in a loop!
The alternative is to perform all of your file processing on a separate thread so that your UI is still responsive.
Using a separate thread here is probably overkill, and there are a number of intricacies that you need to be aware of, so I have not used a separate thread in the code below.
So let's look at each part of your code and see what we can improve.
Creating the output file
You're almost right here, but you're doing some things that you don't need to do. GetDirectoryName works with file names, so there's no need to remove the extension from the original file name first. You can also use the Path.Combine method to combine a directory and file name.
recOutFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(refOrig), "Updated.ref")
Reading the files
Since you're looping through each line in the "latest" file and finding a match in the "original" file, you can continue to read one line at a time from the "latest" file.
But instead of reading a line at a time from the "original" file, then seeking back to the start when you find a match, you will be better off reading all of those lines into memory.
Now, instead of reading the entire file into memory (which took up 600 MB as I mentioned earlier), you can read each line of the file into an array. This will use up less memory, and is quite easy to do thanks to the File class.
originalLines = File.ReadAllLines(refOrig)
This reads all of the lines from the file and returns a String array. Searching through this array for matches will be slow, so instead of reading into an array, we can read into a HashSet(Of String). This will use up a bit more memory, but it will be much faster to seach through.
originalLines = New HashSet(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines(refOrig))
Searching for matches
Since we now have all of the lines from the "original" line in an array or HashSet, searching for a line is very easy.
Putting it all together
So let's put all of this together:
Private Sub refUpdateBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim refOrig As String
Dim refLatest As String
Dim recOutFile As String
Dim originalLines As HashSet(Of String)
refOrig = refOriginalText.Text 'Original Reference File
refLatest = refLatestText.Text 'Latest Reference
recOutFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(refOrig), "Updated.ref")
Me.Text = "Processing Reference File..." 'update the application
originalLines = New HashSet(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines(refOrig))
Using latest As New StreamReader(refLatest),
updated As New StreamWriter(recOutFile, True)
Dim line As String
line = latest.ReadLine()
' ReadLine returns Nothing when it reaches the end of the file.
If line Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
If originalLines.Contains(line) Then
End If
End Using
End Sub
This uses around 400 MB of memory and takes about 4 seconds to run.

Efficient use of (or alternative to) System.IO.MemoryStream

I have the following code which I am using to populate a ImageList from a SQLite database with images stored as blobs.
Public Sub populateImagesStyles()
Dim s As SQLiteDataReader
Dim rcount As Integer = 0
dbLocalQuery = New SQLiteCommand("SELECT id, image FROM tblImages", dbLocal)
s = dbLocalQuery.ExecuteReader()
While s.Read()
rcount += 1
ShoeImages1.Images.Add(CStr(s("id")), byte2img(s("image")))
StyleImagesLView.Items.Add(CStr(s("id")), CStr(s("id")))
End While
Here is the byte2img function...
Public Function byte2img(ByVal imgByte As Byte()) As Image
Dim imgMemoryStream As System.IO.MemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(imgByte)
byte2img = Drawing.Image.FromStream(imgMemoryStream)
End Function
The database contains over 250 images and this process is completed twice on load to populate two different ImageList, because I need the images displayed at two different sizes.
When the process runs on loading the form, it causes the process to consume between 800MB and 1GB of system memory, unless I manually run the process again from an form control, which seems to trigger garbage collection.
Stepping through the loading process, it is clear that it is the byte2img process that is causing the memory usage to escalate - what is the best way to mitigate this?
Also, if anyone can think of a more efficient process to execute this, i'm all ears. The images have to be stored in the database file because I need to be able to just package the .db file and send it to a remote location at a moments notice, so I can't mess with folders with images.
All help appreciated.
You are creating a lot of memory streams without disposing of them. Try this:
Public Function byte2img(ByVal imgByte As Byte()) As Image
Dim img As Image
Using ms As New MemoryStream(imgbyte)
img = Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms)
End Using ' auto dispose of the MS
Catch ex As Exception
' report possibly bad/missing imgByte()
' resulting in an error in either place
End Try
Return img
End Function
An imprecise way to detect this kind of thing is to watch the HANDLES count in TaskManager.
Ok, I've found a solution/workaround that seems to work - call the PopulateImageStyles sub when a user visits the specific TabPage the ImageList resides on.
For some arbitrary reason, when run this way (as above, when called on the form), the process never proceeds to consume more than 50-60 MB of working memory.
I'll add a Background Worker so that the process can execute without hanging the form.

VB.NET 2008: Import CSV & Extract Only Certain Named Columns

I'm using VB.NET 2008 and what I'm trying to do is very simple, yet I can't seem to figure it out.
I have an CSV file with around 200 columns and 50,000 rows that has the column headers in the first row. I need to read this file and export three named columns (Sample ID No, Analysis Date, P Count) to a tab delimited .TXT file. The columns may be in different orders depending on the machine that creates the original CSV, so I definitely need it to be exported by named column.
I can do this all day in console C with my eyes closed; however, my boss knows that I'm leaving in a few months and is asking that I do this in VB.NET so another guy can make tweaks in the future. I've spent several days looking through this site and others trying to find a solution. I've managed to get the CSV into a DataGridView (albeit without column headers, ugh), but I can't figure out how to get a data out of these. I'm just not used to this OOP stuff to be honest. If anyone would be willing to assist with this or even steer me in the right direction, I would be very grateful.
Not free, but almost ($5, free trail) - I user Kellerman Software's .Net CSV Reports.
Sample downloading a CSV from the web, works for local files to:
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Using client As New WebClient ' Imports System.Net needed
' Download the web page as a string.
Dim value As String = client.DownloadString("http://www.jotform.com/csv/##&*2131238*((")
Dim rdr As New CsvReader ' Imports KellermanSoftware.CsvReports needed
Dim dt As DataTable = rdr.CsvStringToDataTable(value)
dgv1.DataSource = dt
End Using
End Sub
Once the data is in a DataTable you'll have the named columns assuming the source has headers.
Note that this is licensed software and would require an included dll - I'm sure there are open source versions out there somewhere. I use this type of software for short term tasks, not great for production unless you buy the source and compile it in.

A faster way to read lines in text files quickly

My application is looking at huge text files (upwards to half a million lines) from a proxy server log. The problem is that a normal StreamRead iteration of the logs can take an excessive amount of time to process, so I'm looking for something faster.
On the form, the user picks the file they need to parse and enters up to three site filters to check for. The application then opens the file and begins to parse the date stamp and website URL from each line in the file. The average speed is about two lines per second, so for a file with 200,000 lines in it, this process will take about 28 hours to process a file.
I've been reading on the Task class, and I'm thinking this would probably be the route to take, but Microsoft doesn't give a very good example, so how can I can accomplish it?
I think you could use File.ReadLines() when reading large files.
According to MSDN :
The ReadLines and ReadAllLines methods differ as follows: When you use ReadLines, you can start enumerating the collection of strings before the whole collection is returned; when you use ReadAllLines, you must wait for the whole array of strings be returned before you can access the array. Therefore, when you are working with very large files, ReadLines can be more efficient.
For more detail, see MSDN File.ReadLines()
Instead of guessing about why it is slow, is it reading the file, processing the lines, etc. start by measuring how long it takes to read the file line-by-line.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim stpw As New Stopwatch
Dim path As String = "path to your file here"
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(path)
Dim linect As Integer = 0
Do While Not sr.EndOfStream
Dim s As String = sr.ReadLine
linect += 1
End Sub
I ran this against a test file I have that is 20MB. It is close to 3,000,000 lines long(the lines are very short). It took about .3 of a second to run.
After you run this you will know whether the problem is the read or the processing, or both.
Thanks, dbasnett... the results were:
Believe it or not, I found the problem. I had the textbox inside a GroupBox and was using the GroupBox.Text property to update statistics back to the user, using GroupBox.Refresh() to update the line x of y and matches found, etc. so the user had some idea of what was being found.
By leaving that information out and putting in a progress bar, the speed of the scans went up exponentially. Using 3 filters, I was able to parse 172900 lines in a matter of 3:19 minutes:
Scan complete!
Process complete!
Scanned 172900 lines out of 172900 lines.
Percentage (icc): 0.0052% (900 matches)
Percentage (facebook): 0.0057% (988 matches)
Percentage (illinois): 0.0005% (95 matches)
Total Matches: 1983
Elapsed Time: 00:03:19.1088851