PhpStorm 8 - can't enable emmet feature - emmet

In PhpStorm, I'm trying to get the emmet feature to work.
I went through Google and found this link:
Here, they tell me to enable the feature in Settings and then to use keystrokes like "tab" or "space" or "enter" which I've found to be already enabled and I've tried all those options, but it's not actually working.
How is this to be solved?

In PhpStorm Preferences you have the Emmet section. There you can check to enable the XML/HTML Emmet. Afterwards, you can type emmet syntax like : div.text and press TAB. You will get : <div class="text"></div> .
See this link screenshot


Search by text through the attached sources in IntelliJ

Is it possible to search through the attached sources in IntelliJIDEA 13?
If it is, how to enable that feature?
Thanks in advance.
Hitting the shift key twice should bring up the "search everywhere" dialog.
This reference is for version 14, but I believe it is still valid for version 13.
I found the solution for my problem:
In the search dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F) click on custom scope and click on ellipsis button.
Then use the following pattern:
All the sources will be included in your search.

How do I disable the Search Everywhere shortcut?

IntelliJ IDEA 13 has the new Search Anywhere feature. It sounds like it might be useful, but so far it just gets in the way. It's mapped to some kind of magical shift-based shortcut, and it comes up every time I try to shift-click to select text. When this happens, the pop-up flickers and gets into some stuck state, so the only way to get rid of it is to click in the editor pane, which of course loses the selection.
I call the shortcut "magical" because the Search Everywhere action appears in the Settings → Keymap list with no mapping, so I can't remove this mapping the usual way. Searching the dialog for search gives no relevant results.
How can I disable this buggy feature until it's ready for production use, and get back the ability to select text?
To disable the "Search everywhere" feature, you need to invoke "Go to action" (Ctrl+Shift+A), then type "Registry...".
Scroll down to "" and check the box.
After updating to build 133.331, I tried assigning a normal shortcut to it in Settings → Keymap, and that made it stop appearing on double-shift.
The settings for the new version have changed
Version: IDEA 2021.2.3
Preference > Advanced Settings
Scroll down to "User Interface", find "Disable double modifier key shortcuts" and check the box.
It's called Search Everywhere, and it's present in keymap.
For me it's perfectly disabled.
EDIT As I'v found it is hardcoded now, and will popup at doubleshift source
There is also an issue at jira, about this problem.
I hope it will be fixed soon.
In IDEA 2021.2:
You could enable the Settings (Preference on macOS) |
Advanced Settings | Disable double modifier key shortcuts option to
disable it.
This problem is still present under linux (ubuntu amd64 16.10 ) on Android Studio using X11Rdp for remote connection, maybe in other situations too - the Search Everywhere dialog appear on single Shift press.
The answer is here
Basically you need to
Open lib/resources.jar/idea/PlatformActions.xml and remove or comment such line:
<action id="SearchEverywhere" class="com.intellij.ide.actions.SearchEverywhereAction" />
and repack the jar.
Since end of 2017 you can add to the custom VM options: cf. the answer from JetBrains.

Suddenly Sublime shortcuts not working

I'm using sublime text as my editor and when i'm writing code in HTML such as
<div class="header"></div>
So there was a shortcut that i'm typing like that
and then clicking TAB and it automatically make it, but suddenly it's not working, do you have any idea?
Make sure you are actually in an HTML syntax file. You can tell what version you are in by looking in the bottom right corner:
You can change it by either clicking it or opening the command pallet and typing ssx html
I know that.. still in HTML like i did before and it's not wroking anymore for me...
I tried also the sublime 3, both of them doesn't make the TAB shortcut for me.... ?
-- OK, i got it, i was needed to remove the EMMET packages and install it again

Intellij: Search console output

Up until version 10, intellij enabled searching text in the console window. From version 11 this option is not available anymore.
Is there any configuration to enable that? A plugin maybe? This is very useful for me and I miss this function...
-- EDIT --
I'm using the community edition of Intellij
Override the keymap for Ctrl+F to "Find" which was mapped to some other find.
To be more specific, in Settings - Keymap go to Main Menu - Edit - Find - Find... and make sure that a Shortcut is assigned here.
Press Ctrl+F in the console:
Check you key map settings. Like in my case - I have eclipse key mapping and there is CTRL+F set to "edit\Replace" not to "edit\Find", and the "edit\Find" has no key binding at all, that's why it is not working in console.
Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap -> Main menu -> Edit -> Find -> Find... (right click on it) -> add keyboard shortcut.
It's not set by default so you have to set it manually.
CTRL+F is by default for Replace that is not supported in console for IntelliJ.
Click on console and Use CTRL+K it is used for find in intelliJ
I was encountering the same issue while I was using vim in IntelliJ 2018.3.4.
After I disabled the Tools -> Vim Emulator, I could then search in Console using Ctrl+F.
In macOS, I just could use Command+F without disabling the emulator.
Perhaps that's why developers are using macOS more.
For those who have vim plug-in enabled.
Go to Editor->Vim Emulation and check keymaps. Make sure Ctrl + F is handled by IDE and not by Vim.
After setting that, I am able to search the console by Ctrl + F and keep vim enabled.
I'm using Eclipse key mapping in IntelliJ. The shortcut to search the console is Ctrl + Shift + G. By default it would search the word where the cursor is pointing.

Intellij ignores the selected keyboard layout

This seems like a bug in IntelliJ 12: Every couple of times when I switch between keyboard layouts (English and Hebrew) IntelliJ get stuck on one of them and ignore the windows selected keyboard layout. This happens only for intelliJ, all other programs respond as usual to the windows selected keyboard layout.
Is there at least a workaround, or a way to reset IntelliJ's keyboard layout? The only thing that seems to work for me so far is restarting my machine...
(My OS is Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit)
This is 100% reproduced when you switch keyboard layout in quick class search (Ctrl+N). Also in intellij idea 13.
Something like:
Open quick search menu when keyboard is not in English layout (Russian e.g.)
Type anything
Switch to English
Congratulations! you stuck in russian layout :) restart your intellij idea!
When I ceased to switch layout in search, I forgot about this problem.
UPD: it's suitable for most part of text inputs (even for search and file creation)
I've just had this problem on PyCharm 2020.2.3
Here's how I've solved it:
Go to Settings -> Keymap
At the bottom of the window, check the option Use national layouts for shortcuts (require restart)
That did the trick
restarting IntelliJ also works.
I wonder how they managed to get such a stupid bug, this is not an easy bug to write, especially in Java.
That was found to be more like a global Microsoft/Oracle bug. Simple workaround from IntelliJ's issue tracker: use Windows' language parameters to assign a hotkey (Ctrl + number) for changing the layout directly to a desired language. This suddenly will affect both Windows And IDEA. It's said that bug was fixed in Win8. A bit more info: here
In 2020 bug is still relevant in the most IDEs based on IntelliJ. For example I observe this in PyCharm now.
There is workaround for Windows:
Go to Language Bar - Settings... - Advanced Key Settings
Set key sequence of To English action to Ctrl + 1
Set key sequence of to other your language to Ctrl + 2
Go to IntelliJ/PyCharm and switch language by new sequences
After that bug disappears and you can switch language by traditional method
For me the following actions seem to resolve the issue:
Go to Control Panel
Select Clock, Language & Region
Press Region
In the opened window choose English for Format.
Also all my settings except the location are set to English (locale, default keyboard etc.)
This fix worked on my mac, access Preferences -> Editor -> Typing Corrector from the intellij IDEA menu. If you are able to navigate to the same window on your OS, you can try this.
Uncheck Enable keyboard layout correction in the Typing Corrector window
I got the same issue in Ubuntu 16.04. Restarting IDEA doesn't change anything. But Changing the default layout to be the one I want by default ensured ubuntu work well with it.
Go to the search textfield above file editor.
Switch layout.
Type smth.
Click somwhere in the file editor.
Write smth with swithed layout.