Search by text through the attached sources in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

Is it possible to search through the attached sources in IntelliJIDEA 13?
If it is, how to enable that feature?
Thanks in advance.

Hitting the shift key twice should bring up the "search everywhere" dialog.
This reference is for version 14, but I believe it is still valid for version 13.

I found the solution for my problem:
In the search dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F) click on custom scope and click on ellipsis button.
Then use the following pattern:
All the sources will be included in your search.


IntelliJ IDEA: Navigate to the next or previous identifier occurrence using the Alt+MouseWheel

In IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1, there was this nice feature:
Ability to navigate to the next or previous identifier occurrence using the Alt+Wheel down or Alt+Wheel up shortcuts.
But, now that I've updated to the version of 2018.2.2, the same mechanism doesn't work. Checking the "Keymap" settings revealed that no entries have assigned the aforementioned shortcuts.
Please help me find the respective entry for the feature in the "Keymap" settings in the newer version.
Thanks in advance :)
In the latest 2018.3 EAP, the action is called: Go to next highlighted element usage.
By default, it is assigned to alt+wheel down / alt+G.
In the v2018.2.2, the actions don't have any shortcuts assigned by default. To locate the entries in the "Keymap" settings, navigate to the Main menu > Edit > Find.

Remove JavaDoc Tag Intellij

I'm looking for a way to delete an added JavaDoc tag.
The only solution on StackOverflow was from 2010 and did not help me because Intellij has updated and the menu settings are no longer the same.
If anyone could tell me how to remove it, that would be great.
Edit: This was the question from '10.
Edit 2: When you add a JavaDoc tag, and Intellij doesn't detect it as a valid tag, you can right click to add it to your saved JavaDoc tags.
I am looking for a way to remove my saved tags.
The answer from the linked issue is still valid, only the path to that settings has changed slightly.
Anyway, it is easiest if you just use the provided search: Use "File -> Settings", then type "javadoc problems" in the search field in the upper left.
You will then easily find "Editor -> Inspections", with the inspection "Java -> Javadoc issues -> Declaration has Javadoc problems" at the right.

IntelliJ IDE (IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm): Shortcut for focusing Filter field in e.g. Change Log tool window

Is there a shortcut for focusing the Filter box in tool windows, specifically the Change Log?
See the attached screenshot to know which field I'm talking about. I searched the net and key map, but found nothing like that.
I have confirmed at Jetbrains that unfortunately it's not possible yet:
Just start typing with the focus inside the tool window. IDEA invokes the search automatically. To select the item, press Enter. To cancel, press Esc.
This feature is called Tool Window Speed Search.

How do I disable the Search Everywhere shortcut?

IntelliJ IDEA 13 has the new Search Anywhere feature. It sounds like it might be useful, but so far it just gets in the way. It's mapped to some kind of magical shift-based shortcut, and it comes up every time I try to shift-click to select text. When this happens, the pop-up flickers and gets into some stuck state, so the only way to get rid of it is to click in the editor pane, which of course loses the selection.
I call the shortcut "magical" because the Search Everywhere action appears in the Settings → Keymap list with no mapping, so I can't remove this mapping the usual way. Searching the dialog for search gives no relevant results.
How can I disable this buggy feature until it's ready for production use, and get back the ability to select text?
To disable the "Search everywhere" feature, you need to invoke "Go to action" (Ctrl+Shift+A), then type "Registry...".
Scroll down to "" and check the box.
After updating to build 133.331, I tried assigning a normal shortcut to it in Settings → Keymap, and that made it stop appearing on double-shift.
The settings for the new version have changed
Version: IDEA 2021.2.3
Preference > Advanced Settings
Scroll down to "User Interface", find "Disable double modifier key shortcuts" and check the box.
It's called Search Everywhere, and it's present in keymap.
For me it's perfectly disabled.
EDIT As I'v found it is hardcoded now, and will popup at doubleshift source
There is also an issue at jira, about this problem.
I hope it will be fixed soon.
In IDEA 2021.2:
You could enable the Settings (Preference on macOS) |
Advanced Settings | Disable double modifier key shortcuts option to
disable it.
This problem is still present under linux (ubuntu amd64 16.10 ) on Android Studio using X11Rdp for remote connection, maybe in other situations too - the Search Everywhere dialog appear on single Shift press.
The answer is here
Basically you need to
Open lib/resources.jar/idea/PlatformActions.xml and remove or comment such line:
<action id="SearchEverywhere" class="com.intellij.ide.actions.SearchEverywhereAction" />
and repack the jar.
Since end of 2017 you can add to the custom VM options: cf. the answer from JetBrains.

How to disable help in IntelliJ Idea?

I have mapped 'tilde' key (under escape on mac) to autocomplete, I just find it easier that way. At times I instead hit F1 accidentally and the IntellJ help pops up. Is there a way that I can disable F1 from activating help?
Yes. Press Ctrl+Alt+S and go to the Keymap tab in settings. Then find the "Context Help" node in All Actions/Other/Context help, and remove the shortcut.
You can look for other bound shortcuts in the future (by the key used to activate them) using the "filter" icon to the right of the search box.