Why messages sometimes get lost using Scatter/Gather with default threading profile? - mule

I am using reliable delivery in mule flow. It is very simple case that takes message from JMS queue (ActiveMQ based), invokes several actions depending on it's content and, if everything is fine - delivers it into another JMS queue.
A flow is synchronized, both JMS queues are transactional (first BEGINS, second JOINS transaction), redelivery is used and DLQ for undelivered messages. Literally: I expect that all messages are properly either processed or delivered to DLQ.
For processing orchestration I am using Scatter/Gather flow control which works quite fine until I call external HTTP service using HTTP connector. When I use default threading profile it happens, that some messages are lost (like 3 of 5000 messages). They just disappear. No trace even in DLQ.
On the other hand, when I use custom profile (not utilizing thread) - all messages are getting processed without any problems.
What I have noticed is the fact, default threading profile utilizes 'ScatterGatherWorkManager', while custom uses 'ActiveMQ Session Task' threads.
So my question is: what is the possible cause of loosing these messages?
I am using Mule Server 3.6.1 CE Runtime.

by default scatter gather is setup for no failed routes you can define your own aggregation strategy to handle lost message


ActiveMQ CMS: Can messages be lost between creating a consumer and setting a listener?

Setting up a CMS consumer with a listener involves two separate calls: first, acquiring a consumer:
cms::MessageConsumer* cms::Session::createConsumer( const cms::Destination* );
and then, setting a listener on the consumer:
void cms::MessageConsumer::setMessageListener( cms::MessageListener* );
Could messages be lost if the implementation subscribes to the destination (and receives messages from the broker/router) before the listener is activated? Or are such messages queued internally and delivered to the listener upon activation?
Why isn't there an API call to create the consumer with a listener as a construction argument? (Is it because the JMS spec doesn't have it?)
(Addendum: this is probably a flaw in the API itself. A more logical order would be to instantiate a consumer from a session, and have a cms::Consumer::subscribe( cms::Destination*, cms::MessageListener* ) method in the API.)
I don't think the API is flawed necessarily. Obviously it could have been designed a different way, but I believe the solution to your alleged problem comes from the start method on the Connection object (inherited via Startable). The documentation for Connection states:
A CMS client typically creates a connection, one or more sessions, and a number of message producers and consumers. When a connection is created, it is in stopped mode. That means that no messages are being delivered.
It is typical to leave the connection in stopped mode until setup is complete (that is, until all message consumers have been created). At that point, the client calls the connection's start method, and messages begin arriving at the connection's consumers. This setup convention minimizes any client confusion that may result from asynchronous message delivery while the client is still in the process of setting itself up.
A connection can be started immediately, and the setup can be done afterwards. Clients that do this must be prepared to handle asynchronous message delivery while they are still in the process of setting up.
This is the same pattern that JMS follows.
In any case I don't think there's any risk of message loss regardless of when you invoke start(). If the consumer is using an auto-acknowledge mode then messages should only be automatically acknowledged once they are delivered synchronously via one of the receive methods or asynchronously through the listener's onMessage. To do otherwise would be a bug in my estimation. I've worked with JMS for the last 10 years on various implementations and I've never seen any kind of condition where messages were lost related to this.
If you want to add consumers after you've already invoked start() you could certainly call stop() first, but I don't see any problem with simply adding them on the fly.

RabbitMQ as both Producer and Consumer in a single application

I am currently learning RabbitMQ and AMQP in general. I started working with some tutorials I found online and all of them show more or less the same example - a Spring Boot web app that, upon a REST call, produces a message and puts in onto a RabbitMQ queue and then, another class from the same app, which is configured as the Consumer of that message consumes it and processes the handler method.
I can't wrap my head around why this is beneficial in any way. The upside I understand is that the handler is executed in a separate thread, while the controller method can return right after sending the message to the queue. However, why would this be in any way better than just using Spring's #Async annotation on that handler method and calling it explicitly? In that case I suppose we would achieve the same thing, while not having to host and manage a seperate instance of a message broker like RabbitMQ.
Can someone please explain? Thanks.
Very simply:
with RabbitMq you can have persistent messages and a much safer and consistent exception management. In case the machine crashes, already pushed messages are not lost.
A message can be pushed to an exchange and consumed by more parallel consumers, that helps scaling the application in case the consumer code is too slow.
and a lot of other reasons...

want to run multiple consumers on same RabbitMQ queue

I have an application with RabbitMQ at the backend. So I want to develop custom 3rd party analysis code which it connects application queues on RabbitMQ and collect data. So my issue is I want to be sure both application and my code do not lose any data from rabbitmq.
If it is possible how can I configure RabbitMQ queues? I have administrative access on RabbitMQ.
I hope it's not code of producer issue because I don't have access the application code
Thanks for your help
Change the current exchange/queue mapping to allow for message replication
At the moment we can simplify that existing producer sends a message to existing exchange, that routes the message to some queue, from which the messages are now consumed:
[producer-app] ---> existing-exchange ---> existing-queue ---> [existing-consumer]
Now, what you want to have a following design, with new consumer consuming the same messages:
[producer-app] ---> existing-exchange ---> existing-queue ---> [existing-consumer]
\--> new-queue --------> [your-consumer]
You might need to change configuration of existing-exchange to allow replication of your message - for example direct and fanout will create the same message on each of the queues.
Depending on your application it might be quite easy to perform without changes in producer, but you need to be aware of possible pitfalls:
producer might re-declare exchanges/queues/bindings from time to time, and throw exceptions if the current state cannot be change to its request (this might happen if you change exchange's type)
you need to manage the new-queue on your own (preferably from your consumer artifact), as it is going to receive all the messages; in case your consumer shuts down, the queue is not going to disappear unless it is made exclusive or has TTL set

Implementing the reliability pattern in CloudHub with VM queues

I have more-or-less implemented the Reliability Pattern in my Mule application using persistent VM queues CloudHub, as documented here. While everything works fine, it has left me with a number of questions about actually ensuring reliable delivery of my messages. To illustrate the points below, assume I have http-request component within my "application logic flow" (see the diagram on the link above) that is throwing an exception because the endpoint is down, and I want to ensure that the in flight message will eventually get delivered to the endpoint:
As detailed on the link above, I have observed that when the exception is thrown within my "application logic flow", and I have made the flow transactional, the message is put back on the VM queue. However all that happens is the message then repeatedly taken off the queue, processed by the flow, and the exception is thrown again - ad infinitum. There appears to be no way of configuring any sort of retry delay or maximum number of retries on VM queues as is possible, for example, with ActiveMQ. The best work around I have come up with is to surround the http-request message processor with the until-successful scope, but I'd rather have these sorts of things apply to my whole flow (without having to wrap the whole flow in until-successful). Is this sort of thing possible using only VM queues and CloudHub?
I have configured my until-successful to place the message on another VM queue which I want to use as a dead-letter-queue. Again, this works fine, and I can login to CloudHub and see the messages populated on my DLQ - but then it appears to offer no way of moving messages from this queue back into the flow when the endpoint comes back up. All it seems you can do in CloudHub is clear your queue. Again, is this possible using VM queues and CloudHub only (i.e. no other queueing tool)?
VM queues are very basic, whether you use them in CloudHub or not.
VM queues have no capacity for delaying redelivery (like exponential back-offs). Use JMS queues if you need such features.
You need to create a flow for processing the DLQ, for example one that regularly consumes the queue via the requester module and re-injects the messages into the main queue. Again, with JMS, you would have better control.
Alternatively to JMS, you could consider hosted queues like CloudAMQP, Iron.io or AWS SQS. You would lose transaction support on the inbound endpoint but would gain better control on the (re)delivery behaviour.

Mule ESB: How to achieve typical ReTry Mechanism in MULE ESB

I need to implement a logic on Retry. Inbound endpoint pushes the messages to Rest (Outbound). If the REST is unavailable, I need to retry for 1 time and put it in the queue. But the second upcoming messages should not do any retry, it has to directly put the messages in to queue until the REST service is available.
Once the service is available, I need to pushes all the messages from QUEUE to REST Service (in ordering) via batch job.
How do I know the service is unavailable for my second message? If I use until Successful, for every message it do retry and put in queue. Plm is 2nd message shouldn't do retry.
For batch, I thought of using poll, but how to tell to poll, when the service becomes available to begin the batch process. (bcz,Poll is more of with configuring timings to run batch)?
Other ticky confuses me is - Here ordering has to be preserved. once the service is available. Queue messages ( i,e Batch) has to move first to REST Services then with real time. I doubt whether Is it applicable.
It will be very helpful for the quick response to implement the logic.
Using Mule: 3.5.1
I could try something like below: using flow controls
process a message; if exception or bad response code, set a variable/property like serviceAvailable=false.
subsequent message processing will first check the property serviceAvailable to process the messages. if property is false, en-queue the messages to a DB table with status=new/unprocessed
create a flow/scheduler to process the messages from DB sequentially, but it will not check the property serviceAvailable and call the rest service.
If service throws exception it will not store the messages in db again but if processes successfully change the property serviceAvailable=true and de-queue the messages or change the status. Add another property and set it to true if there are more messages in db table like moreDBMsg=true.
New messages should not be processed/consumed until moreDBMsg=false
once moreDBMsg=false and serviceAvailable=true start processing the messages from queue.
For the timeout I would still look at the response code and catch time-outs to determine if the call was successful or requires a retry. Practically you normally do multi threading anyway, so you have multiple calls in parallel anyway. Or simply one call starts before the other ends.
That is just quite normal.
But you can simply retry calls in a queue that time out. And after x amounts of time-outs you "skip" or defer the retry.
But all of this has been done using actual Mule flow components like either:
MEL http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/current/Mule+Expression+Language+Reference
Or flow controls: http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/current/Choice+Flow+Control+Reference
Or for example you reference a Spring Bean and do it in native Java code.
One possibility for the queue would be to persist it in a database. Mule has database connector that has a "poll" feature, see: http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/current/JDBC+Transport+Reference#JDBCTransportReference-PollingTransport