I have questions on quickblox
a.) Whats the user limit for private group
b.) For public group is pushnotification supported?
There is no any limits of users count for private group chats
For public group chat the Push Notification are not supported because there is no any members list here
Is it possible, through any means, to query the Facebook API to return a list of attendees for a private group event?
I would expect that an admin of the group user token or an app(token) added to the group would be required.
Any ideas?
Reading thus far, I suspect the above is not possible at all in any way.
There used to be an API endpoint for this, however it has been removed:
The Graph API for Events has no way of accessing the users that are attending, only the count.
There is a public telegram chat. I want to make it so that when a user joins a chat group, the bot will send that user a private message.
I checked the technical capabilities and realized that this cannot be done, but I could be wrong. To implement this feature, the user must run this bot, then such an opportunity will appear.
Question. How to make it so that before joining a chat group, a person has to launch a bot?
First, you can get an array new_chat_members of new users in the chat from Message. Then you can send a Message with button (InlineKeyboardButton). This button has a switch_inline_query_current_chat field. That's what you need.
Is there a way to send a private message to one of the participants in a group/room in a Google Meet so that it's only that person that gets to see it and not the other participants in the meeting?
Can I create a group chat based on interests? For example in my first activity I want to list some interests such as sports, music, art etc... And user clicks one of them and joins a group chat(could be also a chat-room) to chat other users with same interest. Is this possible with quickblox? Can I use custom parameters for this purpose? http://quickblox.com/developers/Android_XMPP_Chat_Sample#Custom_parameters
Yeah quickblox offers public group chat feature.
Using Google Api in Google Plus I am getting the public posts performed by that particular user(Logged in by whom) only as follows::
private Person profile = null;
profile = plus.people().get("me").execute();
Plus.Activities.List list = plus.activities().list(id,"public");
((com.google.api.services.plus.Plus.Activities.List) list).setMaxResults(Long.parseLong("50"));
ActivityFeed feed = ((com.google.api.services.plus.Plus.Activities.List) list).execute();
How do I get all the posts performed by the user as well as by the other users(friends) as shown in the Google plus user profile?
Currently, the Google+ APIs only provide access to public posts by a user. Also, Google+ does not currently offer a method that would allow you to list a specific user's friends.