How can I share things to other apps on a Windows 10 App by JS? - windows-phone

I am creating a Windows 10 hosted Web App following the guideline here. I have a button on my App, which for Android, would lauch the native sharing dialogue. I guess Windows 10 should have something similar, so that users can share the page URL to other apps like Facebook and Twitter whewn they find the page interesting. I am looking at here but the links are dead. Any examples or documentations about how I can achieve this? Thanks!

On the following location you can find example code (JS, C# and C++) how to share data/content with another app in Windows 10.


React Native send email with link to web app or mobile app

I am trying to implement deep linking into this app. The app is a React Native Expo app, and is served on web, iOS and Android. There are a bunch of things we want to achieve with this i.e. link to specific things in the app such as certain messages etc. But currently my primary focus is just to navigate to general screens like 'Home', 'Messages', 'Login' etc.
I have been testing and so far, I can enter the URIs such as exp://host:port/--/login and they work as expected.
However, I know and understand that this will not work in a web browser on my laptop for example.
So my question is, how do I send an email to a user let's say after they have verified their account, prompting them to login, with a link that will for one, take them to the web app if they are on desktop, and two open the mobile app if they have it installed on their phone?
And just as an example, let's imagine my deep link URI is myapp://login
Thanks for any help.
After looking around some more, I am deciding to consider the possibility of linking to the web app, and upon the web app loading, linking to the mobile app if they have it installed.
Given this, what is the best way to handle this?
You can follow one of the next approaches.
Validate the request origin and based on that generate the link for
an specific platform.
Generate as much links as platform are currently serving you app.
Like: Link to iOS, Link to Android and Link To web
You can design image buttons for each one to make it prettier

How to Launch/Open any other external app from hybrid app? [duplicate]

I have a requirement to open the native version of the hybrid app (.ipa/.apk/.appx) when the hybrid app is requested in a device browser.
I am able to detect the environment using WL.Client.getEnvironment(); method, if it is found to be Android/iPad, I want to launch the respective .apk/.ipa file in the device. Any help is appreciated.
Re-reading this question and the comments several times... I still do not understand the actual scenario... it'd be best to rephrase it.
Scenario: How to open an app from the web browser:
If you have added the following environments to your Worklight application:
Mobile Web
And when visiting the Mobile Web version of your app, you want to display a message like "For the full experience, open the full application by clicking here".
It is implied that the user already has the application installed.
If it is not installed, you need to take care of that somehow
The way to handle this scenario is to use URI schemas:
For Android: How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android
This means that after adding the custom URI schema to AndroidManifest.xml, you could then detect the device OS the Mobile Web app is currently running on and display a custom link: myapp://<the URI schema you've defined>. Tapping it will open the app installed on the device.
For iOS, in a similar fashion:
Also see:
Alternate solution: If you are not sure if the app will be installed or not, then instead of using URI schemas you can always point to either Google Play or Apple App Store, to the app page; the user will then have either a "Open" or "Install" link.
Scenario: How to open an app from my own app
If you have a Worklight Hybrid application (Mobile Web is not a Hybrid application), and you want to open another application from within it, you can:
Use the same approach of URI schemas, or
Use Cordova plug-ins
I have created this Worklight 6.1.0 project to demonstrate:
Android - How to open, for example, the Android Settings app from your Worklight Hybrid app
iOS - How to check if Waze is installed and open it, and if it is not installed then to open Apple Maps instead.
See instructions.txt in the apps\test folder.
Are you asking that if the user via their device browser hits the webapp version of your app on the internet, the website will ask the user to fire up the native app on their device? kind of like what ebay does?
if that is what you want check out these pages
android:Launch custom android application from android browser
iPhone - Open Application from Web Page

Android, Iphone, Windows and Blackberry API search apps

Is it possible to search apps via API on:
1. Android Market
2. App Store
3. Windows Phone App Store
4. Blackberry App World
5. Facebook App Store
and if so, can you provide specific links to that sections (not only to the develops pages)?
you can use google api, or some simple stuff
for example you want to search games in android market place
get the result of this
games site:
For Apple App store---<appname>+&entity=software
There are no public apis are available for Android, Windows, Blackberry.
Paid API For Android Apps--
For Windows, Backberry, Facebook--
Do web scrapping by using CSQuery(or) html agility pack..

Is Sencha UI and SenchaTouch only meant for web applications accessed from device or for native apps too?'

As I am new to PhoneGap and SenchaTouch I want to know the basic information . I understand that sencha Touch is only for web applications accessed from device. I am correct Please clarify my doubt that is 'Is Sencha UI and SenchaTouch only meant for web applications accessed from device or for native apps too?'
Thank you
Sencha touch is a web toolkit, provides API to create interface looks similar to Native UI. But, however it is still a web application with a native look. However, if you want to crate the native packaging (application build) and if you want to access the device hardware features like camera, sensor then you can go for PhoneGap. PhoneGap can warp the HTML and JavaScript code and helps you to generate native builds for each platforms.

Develop Mobile Web app using Dojox

I am new to Dojo. Dojo provides a way to develop Web app for mobiles.
Just I want to create Hello world app with Dojo.
Any one help me????
look at this resources, i think it will be helpful test pages - Several samples showing how to use various features of Documentation
API Reference for
Instructions for installing and configuring the Android Device Emulator. You can use the emulator to test the application if you don't have access to an Android device.
Visit the Safari Reference Guide or tips on building web applications on the iPhone