Spark HiveContext does not retrieve newly inserted records from Hive Table - apache-spark-sql

I am using Spark 1.4. HiveContext is used to connect Hive. I did the following
val hx = new HiveContext(sc)
import hx.implicits._
hx.sql("select * from tab").show
// it is fine, result was shown as expected
then, I inserted a few records into tab from beeline console
hx.sql("select * from tab").show
// still old records, no newly inserted records
My question is: why the HiveContext didn't retrieve the newly inserted records?

hiveContext.refreshTable(tableName: String) - this will refresh only metadata of the table (not the actual data)
Notes from official documentaition : (credits:
refreshTable(tableName: String): Unit
Invalidate and refresh all the cached the metadata of the given table. For performance reasons, Spark SQL or the external data source library it uses might cache certain metadata about a table, such as the location of blocks. When those change outside of Spark SQL, users should call this function to invalidate the cache
To retrive newly inserted records:- uncache first and cache again using , uncacheTable(String tableName) and cacheTable(String tableName)

If the target table is partitioned, You need to insert with 'partition' option. If you miss out the partition, data will not be visible.
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tablename1 PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2...) SELECT col1,col2,.... FROM tablename2

On a differently slight case, I have an RDD coming from a Spark SQL statement via HiveContext. The solution which worked for me after some experiments was to actually regenerate the RDD itself.
It does not matter whether you are using the DDL by Spark SQL or sending SQL statements directly via hiveContext.sql.
I have seen around people using a "count trick" in order to force the recomputation of a dataset but at least in my attempts I couldn't get to see the new data this way.
Anyway trying caching, refreshing and friends did not work for me, if somebody has some proper pattern here please share.


How to append new and overwrite existing to SQL from PySpark?

So I have a table in an SQL database and I want to use Synapse (PySpark) to add new records and overwrite existing records. However in PySpark I can either use overwrite mode (which will delete old records that I am not pushing in the iteration) or append mode (which will not overwrite existing records).
So now I wonder what the best approach would be. I think these my options;
Option A: Load the old records first, combine in PySpark and then overwite everything. Downside is I have to load the whole table first.
Option B: Delete the records I will overwrite and then use append mode.
Downside is it requires extra steps that might fail.
Option C: A better way, I did not think of.
Thanks in advance.
Spark drivers don't really support that. But you can load the data into a staging table and then perform a MERGE or INSERT/UPDATE with TSQL through pyodbc (python) or jdbc (Scala).

Why isn't there an option to upsert data in Azure Data Factory inline sink

The problem I'm trying to tackle is inserting and/or updating dynamic tables in a sink within an Azure Data Factory data flow. I've managed to get the source data, transform it how I want it and then send it to a sink. The pipeline ran successfully and it said it copied 37 rows (as expected) but investigation showed that no data was actually deposited in the target table. This was because the Table Action on the sink was set to 'None'. So in trying to fix this last part, it seems I don't have the 'Create' option but do have the 'Recreate' option (see screenshot of the sink below) which is not what I want as the datasource will eventually only have changed data. I need the process to create the table if it doesn't exist and then Upsert data. (Recreate drops the table and then creates it).
If I change the sink type from Inline to Dataset, then I can select Insert and Upsert, etc options but this is then not dynamic as I need to select a specific dataset.
So has anyone come across the same issue and have you managed to have dynamic sinks in your data flow where the table is created if it doesn't exist, then upsert data.
I guess I can add a Pre SQL script which takes care of the 'create the table if it doesn't exist' but I still can't select the Upsert option with inline tables.
For the CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS issue, I would recommend a Stored Procedure that is executed in the pipeline prior to the Data Flow.
For Inline vs Dataset, you can make the Dataset very flexible:
So still based on your runtime table name and no schema, so no need to target a specific table.
For the UPSERT issue, make sure you have an AlterRow activity before the Sink:

BigQuery: Cannot insert new value after updating several schema fields using streaming API

The issue I am facing in my nodejs application is identical to this user's question: Cannot insert new value to BigQuery table after updating with new column using streaming API.
To my understanding changes such as widening a table's schema may require some period of time before streamed inserts can reference the new columns otherwise a 'no such field' error is returned. For me this error is not always consistent as sometimes I am able to successfully insert.
However, I specifically wanted to know if you could alternatively use a load job instead of streaming? If so what drawbacks does it have as I am not sure of the difference even having read the documentation.
Alternatively, if I do use streaming but with the ignoreUnknownValues option, does that mean that all of the data is eventually inserted including data referencing new columns? Just that new columns are not queryable until the table schema is finished updating?

Hive Data Flow Issues

I am using Hive on HDInsights/Azure Spark 2.2 Cluster, submitting my queries through Ambari, the data is stored in External tables on Azure Data Lake. Staging and Target tables are partitioned.
I've been working on loading data in Hive today. The flow of data goes from .gz file -> staging table -> target table. It's an incremental load, left join from target to landing to preserve old data and then union all with new data for the full set.
I've noticed some behaviors that seem odd to me, was hoping to gather more insight.
Observation 1: After running the script through, I notice the new data is not present in the staging or the target from the original table/gz file. I wouldn't expect that since there's a UNION ALL present.
Observation 2: I did one step, manually loading data into my staging table from the .gz file/table. I run a simple count(*) on it. It returns 39k, great. I try running a select * where val = XYZ, it returns records, great again. I put a count(*) on that expression, starts returning 0 records.
Apologies if my thoughts are jumbled but wanted to know if there's anybody out there who's experienced similar occurrences and how to overcome them. Let me know any clarifications needed.
Are you sure you don't have spaces in your key ? have you tried trim(val) ?
Observation 2 is really surprising : from the same where predicates, you have rows being returned with a select * but nothing with select(*) ?
Could you include SQL queries and some rows of data ?

Difference between invalidate metadata and refresh commands in Impala?

I saw at this link which affects Impala version 1.1:
Since Impala 1.1, REFRESH statement only works for existing tables. For new tables you need to issue "INVALIDATE METADATA" statement.
Does this still hold true for later versions of Impala?
According to Cloudera's Impala guide (Cloudera Enterprise 5.8) but stayed the same for 5.9:
waits to reload the metadata when needed for a subsequent query, but
reloads all the metadata for the table, which can be an expensive
operation, especially for large tables with many partitions. REFRESH
reloads the metadata immediately, but only loads the block location
data for newly added data files, making it a less expensive operation
overall. If data was altered in some more extensive way, such as being
reorganized by the HDFS balancer, use INVALIDATE METADATA to avoid a
performance penalty from reduced local reads. If you used Impala
version 1.0, the INVALIDATE METADATA statement works just like the
Impala 1.0 REFRESH statement did, while the Impala 1.1 REFRESH is
optimized for the common use case of adding new data files to an
existing table, thus the table name argument is now required.
and related to working on existing tables:
The table name is a required parameter [for REFRESH]. To flush the metadata for all
tables, use the INVALIDATE METADATA command.
Because REFRESH table_name only works for tables that the current
Impala node is already aware of, when you create a new table in the
Hive shell, enter INVALIDATE METADATA new_table before you can see the
new table in impala-shell. Once the table is known by Impala, you can
issue REFRESH table_name after you add data files for that table.
So it seems like it indeed stayed the same. I believe CDH 5.9 comes with Impala 2.7.
As per Impala document Invalidate Metada and Refresh
The INVALIDATE METADATA statement marks the metadata for one or all tables as stale. The next time the Impala service performs a query against a table whose metadata is invalidated, Impala reloads the associated metadata before the query proceeds. As this is a very expensive operation compared to the incremental metadata update done by the REFRESH statement, when possible, prefer REFRESH rather than INVALIDATE METADATA.
INVALIDATE METADATA is required when the following changes are made outside of Impala, in Hive and other Hive client, such as SparkSQL:
Metadata of existing tables changes.
New tables are added, and Impala will use the tables.
The SERVER or DATABASE level Sentry privileges are changed.
Block metadata changes, but the files remain the same (HDFS rebalance).
UDF jars change.
Some tables are no longer queried, and you want to remove their metadata from the catalog and coordinator caches to reduce memory requirements.
No INVALIDATE METADATA is needed when the changes are made by impalad.
REFRESH Statement
The REFRESH statement reloads the metadata for the table from the metastore database and does an incremental reload of the file and block metadata from the HDFS NameNode. REFRESH is used to avoid inconsistencies between Impala and external metadata sources, namely Hive Metastore (HMS) and NameNodes.
Usage notes:
The table name is a required parameter, and the table must already exist and be known to Impala.
Only the metadata for the specified table is reloaded.
Use the REFRESH statement to load the latest metastore metadata for a particular table after one of the following scenarios happens outside of Impala:
Deleting, adding, or modifying files.
For example, after loading new data files into the HDFS data directory for the table, appending to an existing HDFS file, inserting data from Hive via INSERT or LOAD DATA.
Deleting, adding, or modifying partitions.
For example, after issuing ALTER TABLE or other table-modifying SQL statement in Hive
Invalidate metadata is used to refresh the metastore and the data (structure & data)==complete flush
Refresh is used to update only the data = lightweight flush