Microsoft Access Deadlocks on SQL server - sql

We are experiencing some problems with SQL Deadlocks when connecting via MS Access.
Is there any way to debug this kind of error. I'm not really a SQL expert (Sorry for that).
This is the exact error I get:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Transaction (Proces ID 189) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. (#1205).
We have a SQL Server 2008R2 environment.

There are three things you can try:
Add a new column with the data type "timestamp" in every table. That is automatically used as a unique key, even if it's not set as a key.
Set standard values for every "bit" column. Access can't read NULL in bit values and tries to set it to false on it's own and that causes an error.
Set a primary key in every table. Make sure it is unique.
These rules apply only for tables and views which are connected to your Access DB. Reconnect the tables after you made the changes.


Identity SQL Server [duplicate]

In one of my tables Fee in column "ReceiptNo" in SQL Server 2012 database identity increment suddenly started jumping to 100s instead of 1 depending on the following two things.
if it is 1205446 it is jumps to 1206306, if it is 1206321, it jumps to 1207306 and if it is 1207314, it jumps to 1208306. What I want to make you note is that the last three digits remain constant i.e 306 whenever the jumping occurs as shown in the following picture.
this problem occurs when I restart my computer
You are encountering this behaviour due to a performance improvement since SQL Server 2012.
It now by default uses a cache size of 1,000 when allocating IDENTITY values for an int column and restarting the service can "lose" unused values (The cache size is 10,000 for bigint/numeric).
This is mentioned in the documentation
SQL Server might cache identity values for performance reasons and
some of the assigned values can be lost during a database failure or
server restart. This can result in gaps in the identity value upon
insert. If gaps are not acceptable then the application should use its
own mechanism to generate key values. Using a sequence generator with
the NOCACHE option can limit the gaps to transactions that are never
From the data you have shown it looks like this happened after the data entry for 22 December then when it restarted SQL Server reserved the values 1206306 - 1207305. After data entry for 24 - 25 December was done another restart and SQL Server reserved the next range 1207306 - 1208305 visible in the entries for the 28th.
Unless you are restarting the service with unusual frequency any "lost" values are unlikely to make any significant dent in the range of values allowed by the datatype so the best policy is not to worry about it.
If this is for some reason a real issue for you some possible workarounds are...
You can use a SEQUENCE instead of an identity column and define a smaller cache size for example and use NEXT VALUE FOR in a column default.
Or apply trace flag 272 which makes the IDENTITY allocation logged as in versions up to 2008 R2. This applies globally to all databases.
Or, for recent versions, execute ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION SET IDENTITY_CACHE = OFF to disable the identity caching for a specific database.
You should be aware none of these workarounds assure no gaps. This has never been guaranteed by IDENTITY as it would only be possible by serializing inserts to the table. If you need a gapless column you will need to use a different solution than either IDENTITY or SEQUENCE
This problems occurs after restarting the SQL Server.
The solution is:
Run SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Select SQL Server Services.
Right-click SQL Server and select Properties.
In the opening window under Startup Parameters, type -T272 and click Add, then press Apply button and restart.
Enables or disables identity cache at the database level. The default
is ON. Identity caching is used to improve INSERT performance on
tables with Identity columns. To avoid gaps in the values of the
Identity column in cases where the server restarts unexpectedly or
fails over to a secondary server, disable the IDENTITY_CACHE option.
This option is similar to the existing SQL Server Trace Flag 272,
except that it can be set at the database level rather than only at
the server level.
This example disables the identity cache.
I know my answer might be late to the party. But i have solved in another way by adding a start up stored procedure in SQL Server 2012.
Create a following stored procedure in master DB.
USE [master]
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ResetTableNameIdentityAfterRestart]
begin TRAN
declare #id int = 0
SELECT #id = MAX(id) FROM [DatabaseName].dbo.[TableName]
--print #id
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('[DatabaseName].dbo.[TableName]', reseed, #id)
Then add it in to Start up by using following syntax.
EXEC sp_procoption 'ResetOrderIdentityAfterRestart', 'startup', 'on';
This is a good idea if you have few tables. but if you have to do for many tables, this method still works but not a good idea.
This is still a very common issue among many developers and applications regardless of size.
Unfortunately the suggestions above do not fix all scenarios, i.e. Shared hosting, you cannot rely on your host to set the -t272 startup parameter.
Also, if you have existing tables that use these identity columns for primary keys, it is a HUGE effort to drop those columns and recreate new ones to use the BS sequence workaround. The Sequence workaround is only good if you are designing the tables new from scratch in SQL 2012+
Bottom line is, if you are on Sql Server 2008R2, then STAY ON IT. Seriously, stay on it. Until Microsoft admits that they introduced a HUGE bug, which is still there even in Sql Server 2016, then we should not upgrade until they own it and FIX IT.
Microsoft straight up introduced a breaking change, i.e. they broke a working API that no longer works as designed, due to the fact that their system forgets their current identity on a restart. Cache or no cache, this is unacceptable, and the Microsoft developer by the name of Bryan needs to own it, instead of tell the world that it is "by design" and a "feature". Sure, the caching is a feature, but losing track of what the next identity should be, IS NOT A FEATURE. It's a fricken BUG!!!
I will share the workaround that I used, because My DB's are on Shared Hosting servers, also, I am not dropping and recreating my Primary Key columns, that would be a huge PITA.
Instead, this is my shameful hack (but not as shameful as this POS bug that microsoft has introduced).
Before your insert commands, just reseed your identity before each insert. This fix is only recommended if you don't have admin control over your Sql Server instance, otherwise I suggest reseeding on restart of server.
declare #newId int -- where int is the datatype of your PKey or Id column
select #newId = max(YourBuggedIdColumn) from YOUR_TABLE_NAME
Just those 3 lines immediately before your insert, and you should be good to go. It really won't affect performance that much, i.e. it will be unnoticeable.
There are many possible reasons for jumping identity values. They range from rolled back inserts to identity management for replication. What is causing this in your case I can't tell without spending some time in your system.
You should know however, that in no case you can assume an identity column to be contiguos. There are just too many things that can cause gaps.
You can find a little more information about this here:

Identity jump issue in sql server 2012 [duplicate]

In one of my tables Fee in column "ReceiptNo" in SQL Server 2012 database identity increment suddenly started jumping to 100s instead of 1 depending on the following two things.
if it is 1205446 it is jumps to 1206306, if it is 1206321, it jumps to 1207306 and if it is 1207314, it jumps to 1208306. What I want to make you note is that the last three digits remain constant i.e 306 whenever the jumping occurs as shown in the following picture.
this problem occurs when I restart my computer
You are encountering this behaviour due to a performance improvement since SQL Server 2012.
It now by default uses a cache size of 1,000 when allocating IDENTITY values for an int column and restarting the service can "lose" unused values (The cache size is 10,000 for bigint/numeric).
This is mentioned in the documentation
SQL Server might cache identity values for performance reasons and
some of the assigned values can be lost during a database failure or
server restart. This can result in gaps in the identity value upon
insert. If gaps are not acceptable then the application should use its
own mechanism to generate key values. Using a sequence generator with
the NOCACHE option can limit the gaps to transactions that are never
From the data you have shown it looks like this happened after the data entry for 22 December then when it restarted SQL Server reserved the values 1206306 - 1207305. After data entry for 24 - 25 December was done another restart and SQL Server reserved the next range 1207306 - 1208305 visible in the entries for the 28th.
Unless you are restarting the service with unusual frequency any "lost" values are unlikely to make any significant dent in the range of values allowed by the datatype so the best policy is not to worry about it.
If this is for some reason a real issue for you some possible workarounds are...
You can use a SEQUENCE instead of an identity column and define a smaller cache size for example and use NEXT VALUE FOR in a column default.
Or apply trace flag 272 which makes the IDENTITY allocation logged as in versions up to 2008 R2. This applies globally to all databases.
Or, for recent versions, execute ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION SET IDENTITY_CACHE = OFF to disable the identity caching for a specific database.
You should be aware none of these workarounds assure no gaps. This has never been guaranteed by IDENTITY as it would only be possible by serializing inserts to the table. If you need a gapless column you will need to use a different solution than either IDENTITY or SEQUENCE
This problems occurs after restarting the SQL Server.
The solution is:
Run SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Select SQL Server Services.
Right-click SQL Server and select Properties.
In the opening window under Startup Parameters, type -T272 and click Add, then press Apply button and restart.
Enables or disables identity cache at the database level. The default
is ON. Identity caching is used to improve INSERT performance on
tables with Identity columns. To avoid gaps in the values of the
Identity column in cases where the server restarts unexpectedly or
fails over to a secondary server, disable the IDENTITY_CACHE option.
This option is similar to the existing SQL Server Trace Flag 272,
except that it can be set at the database level rather than only at
the server level.
This example disables the identity cache.
I know my answer might be late to the party. But i have solved in another way by adding a start up stored procedure in SQL Server 2012.
Create a following stored procedure in master DB.
USE [master]
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ResetTableNameIdentityAfterRestart]
begin TRAN
declare #id int = 0
SELECT #id = MAX(id) FROM [DatabaseName].dbo.[TableName]
--print #id
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('[DatabaseName].dbo.[TableName]', reseed, #id)
Then add it in to Start up by using following syntax.
EXEC sp_procoption 'ResetOrderIdentityAfterRestart', 'startup', 'on';
This is a good idea if you have few tables. but if you have to do for many tables, this method still works but not a good idea.
This is still a very common issue among many developers and applications regardless of size.
Unfortunately the suggestions above do not fix all scenarios, i.e. Shared hosting, you cannot rely on your host to set the -t272 startup parameter.
Also, if you have existing tables that use these identity columns for primary keys, it is a HUGE effort to drop those columns and recreate new ones to use the BS sequence workaround. The Sequence workaround is only good if you are designing the tables new from scratch in SQL 2012+
Bottom line is, if you are on Sql Server 2008R2, then STAY ON IT. Seriously, stay on it. Until Microsoft admits that they introduced a HUGE bug, which is still there even in Sql Server 2016, then we should not upgrade until they own it and FIX IT.
Microsoft straight up introduced a breaking change, i.e. they broke a working API that no longer works as designed, due to the fact that their system forgets their current identity on a restart. Cache or no cache, this is unacceptable, and the Microsoft developer by the name of Bryan needs to own it, instead of tell the world that it is "by design" and a "feature". Sure, the caching is a feature, but losing track of what the next identity should be, IS NOT A FEATURE. It's a fricken BUG!!!
I will share the workaround that I used, because My DB's are on Shared Hosting servers, also, I am not dropping and recreating my Primary Key columns, that would be a huge PITA.
Instead, this is my shameful hack (but not as shameful as this POS bug that microsoft has introduced).
Before your insert commands, just reseed your identity before each insert. This fix is only recommended if you don't have admin control over your Sql Server instance, otherwise I suggest reseeding on restart of server.
declare #newId int -- where int is the datatype of your PKey or Id column
select #newId = max(YourBuggedIdColumn) from YOUR_TABLE_NAME
Just those 3 lines immediately before your insert, and you should be good to go. It really won't affect performance that much, i.e. it will be unnoticeable.
There are many possible reasons for jumping identity values. They range from rolled back inserts to identity management for replication. What is causing this in your case I can't tell without spending some time in your system.
You should know however, that in no case you can assume an identity column to be contiguos. There are just too many things that can cause gaps.
You can find a little more information about this here:

Access 10' with SQL Server DB 'Operation must use an updateable query'

I have an Access 2010 'front-end' DB that has its data stored in a SQL Server DB 'back-end.'I'm trying to write the most simple UPDATE query I can and being met with this error: 'Operation must use an updateable query.' My qry code is:
UPDATE tblTableLastModifiedDates SET LastModified = NOW()
WHERE id='1';
A lot of this DB was set up before I got this job so the dumb table names are not my fault. Also, I checked the tblTableLastModifiedDates and it actually has no PK and I've been unable to create one. I'm not sure if that is the problem.
Before I scrap all this and start it over (to do it the right way), I figured I'd ask if anyone knew how to fix this error.
This error implies that tblTableLastModifiedDates is a view that is not unique enough to update the LastModified field in the underlying table. This isn't that uncommon.
The best approach is going to be to execute the UPDATE against the underlying table.

Upsizing Access to SQL Server

I use Access 2010 and SQL Server 2005. I am new to the process of "upsizing" which I understand is a legacy term. When I make changes to published tables, I like to localize them back into Access, alter them with the Access interface, and then "re-upsize" them to SQL Server. When I "re-uspize" an altered table Access warns me:
"A table named xxxx already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
I choose yes. Then Access reports an error
"Server Error 3726: Could not drop object 'xxxx' because it is
referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint."
I understand the importance of foreign key constraints. I have encountered this same trouble using MySQL. In MySQL I would simply set Foreign_Key_Checks = 0; before the import, then set Foreign_Key_Checks = 1; when finished.
Unfortunately in SQL Server, a table cannot be dropped while it's keys are only disabled, they must be deleted. I don't want to delete and recreate foreign keys every time I alter a table. Do I need to start altering my tables in the SQL Server environment? Is there a way to easily "Re-upsize" a table and ignore foreign Key constraints?
If you need to use Access for a front end, instead of keeping an Access DB locally and dealing with the issues of moving back and forth. Try to use Access and connect directly to a version of the sql database you can develop against directly through access. You will probably want to look into using a linked datasource in Access to SQL.
Connecting SQL Server to an Access Database

Why does a temp table work but not a permanent table?

I've written a SQL query for a report that creates a permanent table and then performs a bunch of inserts and updates to get all the data, according to company policy. It runs fine in SQL Server Management Studio and in Crystal Reports 2008 on my machine. However, when I schedule it to run on the server with SAP BusinessObjects Central Management Console, it fails with the error "Associated statement not prepared."
I have found that changing this permanent table to be a temp table makes the query work. Why would this be?
Some research shows that this error is sometimes sent instead of the true error. Other people reporting it talk of foreign key and (I would also assume) duplicate key errors.
Things I would check:
Does your permanent table have any unique constraints that might be violated? Or any foreign key constraints?
Are you creating indexes on the table after it has been created?
Are you creating any views over this permanent table?
What happens if the table already exists before the job is run?
What happens to the table if the job fails?
Are there any intermediate steps (such as within a stored procedure) that might involve additional temp or permanent tables?
ETA: Also check what schema the permanent table belongs to: is it usually created with "dbo"? Are you specifying that explicitly? Is there any chance that there might be a permissions problem?
That is often a generic error. Are you able to run it on the server as the account that it is scheduled to run as? It is most likely a permission error or constraint issue.
Assuming you really need a regular table, why it's not possible to create the permanent table once, vs creating it every time you run the query?
Recreating regular user table each time query runs does not seem right. But to make it work you may try to recreate the table in a separate batch or query (e.g. put GO in the script, that splits it into separate queries).
Regarding why it happens, I'm thinking about statement caching. Server compiles the query and stores the result for some time in case same query has to run again. So it's my speculation that it tries to run the compiled query which refers to the table you have already dropped and recreated under the same name. Name is the same, but physically it's a new table. You could hit some bug in the server this way. Just a speculation, it can be different kind of problem.
Without seeing code it's a guess, but being that you are creating a permanent table everytime you run the report, I assume you must be dropping the table at some point? (Or you'd have a LOT of tables building up over time.)
I suggest a couple angles to consider:
1) Make certain to prefix tables (perhaps by a session ID or soemthing) if you are concerned about concurrency/locking issues and the like so each report run has a table exclusive to itself.
2) If you are dropping the table at the end, instead adjust your logic to leave the table be. Write code that drops when you (re)start the operation. It's possible the report is clinging to the table and you are destroying it prematurely.