Upsizing Access to SQL Server - sql

I use Access 2010 and SQL Server 2005. I am new to the process of "upsizing" which I understand is a legacy term. When I make changes to published tables, I like to localize them back into Access, alter them with the Access interface, and then "re-upsize" them to SQL Server. When I "re-uspize" an altered table Access warns me:
"A table named xxxx already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
I choose yes. Then Access reports an error
"Server Error 3726: Could not drop object 'xxxx' because it is
referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint."
I understand the importance of foreign key constraints. I have encountered this same trouble using MySQL. In MySQL I would simply set Foreign_Key_Checks = 0; before the import, then set Foreign_Key_Checks = 1; when finished.
Unfortunately in SQL Server, a table cannot be dropped while it's keys are only disabled, they must be deleted. I don't want to delete and recreate foreign keys every time I alter a table. Do I need to start altering my tables in the SQL Server environment? Is there a way to easily "Re-upsize" a table and ignore foreign Key constraints?

If you need to use Access for a front end, instead of keeping an Access DB locally and dealing with the issues of moving back and forth. Try to use Access and connect directly to a version of the sql database you can develop against directly through access. You will probably want to look into using a linked datasource in Access to SQL.
Connecting SQL Server to an Access Database


DDL changes not showing in Oracle sql developer

I have sql Upgrade script which has many sql statements(DDL,DML). When i ran this upgrade script in SQL developer, it runs successufully.I also provide in my script at the bottom commit. I can see all the changes in the database after running this upgrade script except the unique index constraints. When i insert few duplicate records it says unique constraint violated. It means the table has unique constraints. But i dont know why i cant view this constraints in oracle sql developer. The other DDL changes made i can view.I dont know is there any settings to view it in oracle sql developer.
As A Hocevar noted, if you create an index
create unique index test_ux on test(id);
you see it in the Indexes tab of the table properties (not in the Constraints tab).
Please note that COMMIT is not required here, it is done implicitely in each DDL statement. More usual source of problems are stale metadata in SQL Developer, i.e. missing REFRESH (ctrl R on user or table node).
If you want to define the constraint, add following statement, that will reuse the index defined previously
alter table test add constraint test_unique unique(id) using index test_ux;
See further discussion about the option in Documentation
I am assuming you are trying to look for index on a table in the correct tab in sql developer. If you are not able to see the index there, one reason could be that your user (the one with which you are logged in) doesn't have proper rights to see the Index.
If you not obtain any error, the solution is very simple and tedious. SQL Developer doesn't refresh his fetched structures. Kindly push Refresh blue icon (or use Ctrl-R) in Connections view or disconnect and connect again (or restart SQL Developer) to see your changes in structures.

Microsoft Access Deadlocks on SQL server

We are experiencing some problems with SQL Deadlocks when connecting via MS Access.
Is there any way to debug this kind of error. I'm not really a SQL expert (Sorry for that).
This is the exact error I get:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Transaction (Proces ID 189) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. (#1205).
We have a SQL Server 2008R2 environment.
There are three things you can try:
Add a new column with the data type "timestamp" in every table. That is automatically used as a unique key, even if it's not set as a key.
Set standard values for every "bit" column. Access can't read NULL in bit values and tries to set it to false on it's own and that causes an error.
Set a primary key in every table. Make sure it is unique.
These rules apply only for tables and views which are connected to your Access DB. Reconnect the tables after you made the changes.

EF5 generates SQL Server CE constraints with dot in name

I am building a .NET disconnected client-server application that uses Entity Framework 5 (EF5) to generate a SQL Server CE 4.0 database from POCOs. The application allows the user to perform a bulk copy of data from the network SQL Server into the client's SQL Server CE database. This is very (VERY) slow, due to the constraints and indexes created by EF5. Temporarily dropping the constraints and indexes will reduce the 30-minute wait to 1 minute or less.
Before starting the bulk copy, the application executes queries to drop the constraints and indexes from the SQL Server CE tables. However, the commands fail, because EF5 created constraint names include the table schema name, dot, and table name. The dot in the constraint name is causing the drop command to fail, due to a parsing issue.
For example, POCO Customer creates table dbo.Customer with the primary key constraint PK_dbo.Customer_Id. The database performs as expected.
However, upon executing non-query:
SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider returns an error:
There was an error parsing the query.
[ Token line number = 1, Token line offset = 57, Token in error = . ]
Of course, using a secondary DataContext object that does not have foreign keys generate the database without the constraints, and then add them later works; but, that requires maintaining two DataContext objects and hopefully not forgetting to keep both updated. Therefore, I am looking for one of two solutions:
Compose the DROP statement in such a way that the . character is parsed
Prevent EF5 from using the . character in the constraint and index names
Thank you in advance for your help!
Wrap that bad boy in a []. It tells the parser that everything inside is the key name.
Should run fine.
Personally I just wrap every identifier in brackets to avoid this exact issue. So I would write this query like this.
ALTER TABLE [Customer] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.Customer];
I think it's more readable that way because you can instantly see identifiers.

MSSQL Import/Export/Copy IDENTITY_INSERT problems

Using MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008.
I have a db (say ip and called db1) and a second one (say ip called db2).
I am trying to copy one table (and its contents) from db1 into db2.
I have the database on both (but empty in db2).
The problem is no matter how I copy/export/import, no matter what options I set in MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008 when I click 'table'->'Design' (on db2) it ALWAYS says 'Identity Spefication: NO' even tho the db1 table has it on.
From db1 I go to 'Tasks'->'export'->'source/db' and 'destination/db'->'Edit Mapping'->'Enable identity Insert' and click it on.
But no joy. ALWAYS exports without it.
I try similar thing from IMPORT on db2. Similar thing if I use COPY.
I have read MANY of the STACKOVERFLOW articles on this, they all suggest setting IDENTITY_INSERT setting to ON but when I do run below:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[mytable] ON
The table either doesn't exist yet or has already copied WITHOUT the identity setting on so see the error:
does not have the identity property. Cannot perform SET operation.
I have tried setting it as a property (under database properties) for db2 but when I copy/import/export never works.
Would appreciate any help here as lots of StackOverflow articles so far all seem to be having an easier time than me.
I am planning on doing this for another 50 or so tables in this database so am hoping to find a way which doesnt involve running scripts for each table.
The process of using the Export Data Wizard to copy the data from one table to another will NOT replicate all aspects of the schema (like identity and auto-increment). If you want to replicate the schema, script out your table into a create statement, change the name to db2, and create it. Then you should be able to run the export/import wizard with the identity insert option on and insert into your new table that replicates the schema of your old table.
Ended up sorting this out using MS SQL Management Studio.
Thanks to #kevin for the help regarding Import Data and Export Data. Schemas are NOT transferred across however they are the best means to transport the data once schema is up.
Found best way to MASS import/export db table schemas using below (Saved SQL create scripts to file):
Tasks->Generate Scripts->All Tables To File->with Identity on
Ran 200kb SQL file on db2 for schema.
Then ran Import Data from db1 to db2.
Done, all Identity_Inserts maintained.
thanks for help
According to the Error message I think your table does not have an IDENTITY column. Make sure that [dbo].[mytable] does have an IDENTITY column before you executing SET IDENTITY_INSERT.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[mytable] ON
DEMO1 (Trying to set identity ON when there is NO identity column)
'Table 'T' does not have the identity property. Cannot perform SET operation.: SET IDENTITY_INSERT T ON'
DEMO2 (Trying to set identity ON when there is identity column)
--No Errors
Follow following Steps :
From db1 I go to 'Tasks'->'export'->'source/db' and 'destination/db'->'Edit Mapping'->'Enable identity Insert' and Edit SQL - > You will able to see query structure of Table.
IN the query for eg. ID int NOT NULL, do the next step ID int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)
Then proceed.
I bet it will work.

Cannot modify table ( using microsoft sql server management studio 2008 )

I create 2 tables and another 1 with foreign keys to the other two.
I realized I want to make some changes to table no 3.
I try to update a field but I get an error "Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following table to be dropped and re-created."
I delete those 2 relationships but when I look at dependencies I see my table still depends on those 2 and I still cannot make any change to it.
What can I do?
You can also enable saving changes that require dropping of tables by going to "tools->options->designers->Table and database designers" and unchecking "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
Be careful with this though, sometimes it'll drop a table without being able to recreate it, which makes you lose all data that was in the table.
When using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012, the same message occurs.
I used the script feature to do modifications which can be seen as a rather good workaround if you wanna use the designer only within a "safe" mode.
Especially the GUI related to create a foreign key is not the best in my opinion. When using a script (alter table) for adding a fk, you are faster than using this GUI feature.
When adding/writing a 'not' in prior to null, that's not a hard issue. (Removing an 'Allow Nulls' for a column refers to "Saving changes is not permitted" when using the designer.)