Bootstrap media object cannot align properly - twitter-bootstrap-3

I am using Bootstrap 3 media objects and I have this code here dynamically I want to have 4 columns in one row,but the problem is that the last row will have spaces inbetween to the second row.
here is my code.
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){
'<div class="media col-sm-3">'+
'<div class="media-left">'+
'<a href="#">'+
'<img src=".....">'+
'<div class="media-body">'+
'<h4 class="media-heading">'John Doe'</h4>'+
'<p>Live: '+data[i].address+'</p>'+
<div class="someclass">
<div class="row" id="mycontainer">
and this is the result looks like

I believe you are placing all the media objects in one row ... and they don't fit.
In every row that you've opened ( <div class='row'>...</div> ) you can place only 4 <div class='media col-sm-3'></div> ... because each col size = 3 ... ( 4x3 = 12 )
So in the for loop, after each 4 media objects - you should close the current row div and create a new <div class='row'> ...
See plunker:
Right after the for loop:
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){
if ( i && i % 4 == 0 )
mymdedia += '</div><div class="row">'; // close row and create a new one
... your original code ...
mymdedia += '</div>' // close the last row outside the for loop ...


Totaling a Summary Line in Data Table

I hve a sumField method which totals values in a given column:
sumField (key) {
let total = 0
const sum = this.tableName.reduce((acc, cur) => {
return (total += +cur[key])
}, 0)
return sum
Inside my data table I call sumField to produce a rolling total of the values in a specific column of my data table:
<template v-slot:[`body.append`]="{headers}">
<tr class="summary">
<td v-for="(header,i) in headers" :key="i">
<div v-if="header.value == 'COL HEADER 1'">
{{ sumField('COL HEADER 1') }}</div>
<div v-else-if="header.value == 'COL HEADER 2'">
{{ sumField('COL HEADER 2') }}</div>
This is presented on screen as an additional line of the data table, and the values change depending on the filters applied to the table.
Is there a way to sum the values calculated, and show this as a rolling total value also?
Got a solution which I hope might provide some help to others in the future!
Started by creating a new function:
sumTot (col1, col2) {
var one = col1
var two = col2
var tot = col1 + col2
return tot
Then I called sumTot giving the arguments of the individual sumField calls:
{{ sumTotal(sumField ('COL HEADER 1'), sumField ('COL HEADER 2')) }}
That gives me a dynamically updated running total value.

Angular Gridster-2 Redraggable and Resize

I am new to angular gridster 2
Could you please let me know if we are able to display the already developed charts using angular gridster 2 , I am also looking to see the same approach . As my UI has 5 different div blocks and inside there is a card being displayed in each div block ..
How can I use angular gridster to disaply these 5 cards with draggable and resizable features after loading the page..
<gridster [options]="options">
<div class="col-md-12 ml-auto mr-auto" >
<div class="row" > <!--[item]="item" *ngFor="let item of dashboard" gridster-item-->
<gridster-item class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6" [item]="item" *ngFor="let item of dashboard" >
export class dashboard implements oninit{
draggable: {
enabled: true},
resizable: {
enabled: true
dashboard = [
{cols: 1, rows: 1, y: 0, x: 0}
Please explain what does the rows,columns, x and y represents .. How does it effect the UI if these values are changed..
Cols and Rows are your gridster layout design to allow gridster-items. If cols = 1 and rows = 1, you can put one gridster item only except maxItemRows and maxItemCols set greater than 1. The y and x are col and row index for gridster-item.
Example, cols = 5, rows = 5, and x = 3, y = 2, gridster-item will display start from column 3 and row 2.
Here are some articles about gridster.

how to insert a new empty line on selected index number in an array using \n. while we loop through it using v-for and create a list

want to insert a new empty line before a selected array element while we loop through it using v-for to create a list..trying to do this using \n isn't working
<!-- this is the template part -->
<li v-for = "ninja in ninjas" > {{ninja}}</li>
/* this is the script part notice index no 2 in the array*/
data() {
return {
ninjas: [
'mati kahe kumhaar sey, tu kya ronday mohey',
' Ik din aisa aayega mai rondungi tohe',
'\n aaye hain toh jaayengay Raja, Rank, fkeer',
' Ik sinhaasan chodi chale, Ik baandhay zanjeer'
This is pretty easy to do using the <pre> tag which forces it to preserve white space, new lines, etc. This is often used for preserving formatting in code examples.
<div id="app">
<li v-for = "ninja in ninjas" ><pre>{{ninja}}</pre></li>
working example:
You will probably want to use css to style the text surrounded by <pre> since most browsers automatically format it differently.

Dynamically Tally Child Elements by Classname in Vue

I have a page that allows a user to drag/drop images into pre-defined DIVs, then I tally up the total value of the images based on their class name. What I am trying to do is get vue to read the values from each outer div.answer and get the class names of the child images.
My source code is:
v-for="box in boxes.slice().reverse()"
Vue.component('box-answers', {
props: ['level','hint'],
template: '<div class="droppable answer :id="level" :title="hint"></div>'
new Vue({
el: '#mainapp',
data: {
boxes: [
{ id: 1, level: 'baselevel-1', hint: 'x 1' },
{ id: 2, level: 'baselevel-2', hint: 'x 20' },
{ id: 3, level: 'baselevel-3', hint: 'x 400' },
{ id: 4, level: 'baselevel-4', hint: 'x 8,000' },
{ id: 5, level: 'baselevel-5', hint: 'x 160,000' }
This converts to the follow HTML (the nested DIVs and SPANs are user-possible entries by dragging):
<div id="baselevel-5" class="droppable answer" title="x 160,000">
<div><img src="images/line.gif" alt="Five" class="imgfive"></div>
<span><img src="images/dot.gif" alt="One" class="imgone"></span>
<div id="baselevel-1" class="droppable answer" title="x 1">
<span><img src="images/line.gif" alt="One" class="imgone"></span>
Currently, I have jQuery/JavaScript calculating the point values using the following:
$(function(j) {
var arAnswers = Array(1);
count = 0; //
j("div.answer").each(function( idx ) {
currentId = j(this).attr('id');
ones = 0;
fives = 0;
if ( j("#" + currentId).children().length > 0 ) {
ones = j("#" + currentId).children().find("img.imgone").length * 1;
fives = j("#" + currentId).children().find("img.imgfive").length * 5;
arAnswers[count] = ones + fives; //Tally box value
I would like Vue to perform similar iteration and addition to return total value of ones and fives found based on the image classname.
Currently, you are approaching this problem as a pure-play DOM operation. If that is what you need then you can simply use $refs:
<!-- NOTICE ref -->
<div ref="boxAnswers"
v-for="box in boxes.slice().reverse()"
Inside your high-level component, you will have a function like:
function calculate() {
// NOTICE $refs
const arAnswers = this.$ => {
// $el is the DOM element
const once = x.$el.querySelectorAll('img.imgone').length * 1;
const fives = x.$el.querySelectorAll('img.imgfive').length * 5;
return once + fives
return arAnswers;
But this is not the correct Vue way of doing things. You have to think in terms of events and data model (MVVM - don't touch DOM. DOM is just a representation of your data model). Since, you have a drag-n-drop based application, you have to listen for drag, dragstart, dragend and other drag events. For example:
<!-- NOTICE drop event -->
<div #drop="onDropEnd(box, $event)"
v-for="box in boxes.slice().reverse()"
Your onDropEnd event handler will look like:
function onDrop(box, $event) {
// box - on which box drop is happening
// $ - which image is being dropped
// Verify $ is actually the image you are intending
if ($ === 'some-type-image') {
// Do the counting manipulations here
// ... remaining code
This is not a complete code as I don't know other components. But it should help you with the required direction.

dynamicly build <div> with razor

Hi i want to dynamicly build a div layout depending on the data i send to view, i want make 2 rows of divs and when there is odd number of models sent to view i want the layout to close as you can see in the code every 2nd model or on last model and start div every odd model .... but when i uncomment the commented code there are errors ....
(if i am not mistaken something similar worked in with C# so i hope it's only synax error)
#For Each procesData In Model
curElement = curElement + 1
elemNumb = elemNumb + 1
If (curElement = 1) Then
'#<div id="row"> !Comented
End If
#<h3>Element number #elemNumb</h3>
#<br />
If (curElement = Model.Count) Then
If (elemNumb = 1) Then
'#</div> !comented
End If
End If
If (curElement = 2) Then
'#</div> !comented
elemNumb = 0
End If
I tweaked .css file and i managed to 'avoid' my problem but if anyone knows how to solve this without bypassing the original problem i would be greatfull for answer :)
<div id="toggle">
#For Each procesData In Model
curElement = curElement + 1
elemNumb = elemNumb + 1
Dim idName As String = "element" + elemNumb.ToString
#<div id=#idName>
<div class="heading">
#procesData.Name ::::::: Status <img class="statusIMG" id=#procesData.Status.ToString align="right" src="/" />
<div class="content">
Dokladniejsze informacje o wskazniku (potrzebne bedzie id zeby wygenerowac partial view! zapamietac)
<br />
np.Html.ActionLink("Edit Me", "Edit", new { id=item.ID })
If (curElement = 2) Then
elemNumb = 0
End If