dynamicly build <div> with razor vb.net - vb.net

Hi i want to dynamicly build a div layout depending on the data i send to view, i want make 2 rows of divs and when there is odd number of models sent to view i want the layout to close as you can see in the code every 2nd model or on last model and start div every odd model .... but when i uncomment the commented code there are errors ....
(if i am not mistaken something similar worked in with C# so i hope it's only synax error)
#For Each procesData In Model
curElement = curElement + 1
elemNumb = elemNumb + 1
If (curElement = 1) Then
'#<div id="row"> !Comented
End If
#<h3>Element number #elemNumb</h3>
#<br />
If (curElement = Model.Count) Then
If (elemNumb = 1) Then
'#</div> !comented
End If
End If
If (curElement = 2) Then
'#</div> !comented
elemNumb = 0
End If

I tweaked .css file and i managed to 'avoid' my problem but if anyone knows how to solve this without bypassing the original problem i would be greatfull for answer :)
<div id="toggle">
#For Each procesData In Model
curElement = curElement + 1
elemNumb = elemNumb + 1
Dim idName As String = "element" + elemNumb.ToString
#<div id=#idName>
<div class="heading">
#procesData.Name ::::::: Status <img class="statusIMG" id=#procesData.Status.ToString align="right" src="/" />
<div class="content">
Dokladniejsze informacje o wskazniku (potrzebne bedzie id zeby wygenerowac partial view! zapamietac)
<br />
np.Html.ActionLink("Edit Me", "Edit", new { id=item.ID })
If (curElement = 2) Then
elemNumb = 0
End If


How do i call the controller from a new folder in mvc4

How do i call a controller from anchor tag when Controller is on the:
Here is the code:
<a href="#Url.Action("TicketTemplate", "MyTickets", new {area = string.Empty,controller = "TicketTemplate", page = Model.PageNumber, sort = "DateCreated ", isAsc = isAsc })">
Date Created
<span class="#clsDateCreated" style="text-align: right;"></span>
The above code is not working..
How do i call the controller??
Here is the path:
You can do that and it will work, but i don't know if there is a better solution or not.
<a href="#Url.Action("MyTickets", "Ticket/TicketTemplate", , new {area = string.Empty,controller = "TicketTemplate", page = Model.PageNumber, sort = "DateCreated ", isAsc = isAsc })">
Date Created
<span class="#clsDateCreated" style="text-align: right;"></span>

Change value in onlick web page option using vba (IE 11)

I'am new in VBA DOM oblject and i'm trying to select a specific option in a web page. Unfortunatly that option has an ID name that is the same as others option in the page except for the value of the inner function.
here the web code:
<table class="stati_check" id="ctl00_NetSiuCPH_ctl25">
<span class="check">
<INPUT onclick="if (!boxWorkflow_rbSelect(this)) return;setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'ctl00$NetSiuCPH$ctl25$ctl00$WorkflowState\',\'\')', 0)" tabIndex=0
id=ctl00_NetSiuCPH_ctl25_ctl00_WorkflowState type=radio
value=ONVALIDAPROOF name=ctl00$NetSiuCPH$ctl25$ctl00$WorkflowState>
<span class="check">
<INPUT onclick="if (!boxWorkflow_rbSelect(this)) return;setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'ctl00$NetSiuCPH$ctl25$ctl01$WorkflowState\',\'\')', 0)" tabIndex=0
id=ctl00_NetSiuCPH_ctl25_ctl01_WorkflowState type=radio
value=ONANNULA1 name=ctl00$NetSiuCPH$ctl25$ctl01$WorkflowState>
As can be see the two ID are the same so when I run the VBA code line:
Set pdr_button = ie.Document.getElementById("ctl00_NetSiuCPH_ctl25_ctl00_WorkflowState").click
It will be selected only the first option, but i'm trying to select the ones with the value "ONANNULA1".
I've tried with remove/setatribute:
Set Annulla_Button = ie.Document.getElementById("ctl00_NetSiuCPH_ctl25_ctl00_WorkflowState")
Annulla_Button.removeAttribute ("value")
Annulla_Button.setAttribute ("value"), "ONANNULLA1"
However the result is that nothing will be selected.
Can someone help me.
thanks in advance for you patience
So that the strip of code:`
Set TABELLA_STATI = ie.Document.getElementById("ctl00_NetSiuCPH_ctl25").getElementsByTagName("TR")
Set coltd = tr.getElementsByTagName("TD")
For Each td In coltd
Set option_Button = td.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")
Option_Value = option_Button(0).Value
If InStr(1, Option_Value, "ONANNUL") > 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Next td
Next tr

vba scrape by sub division and class

form this html scrap, I just want to get "NO IPLAN PRODUCT - 1" this is only last time under columno4,
<div class="row02">
<div class="column01">
<span class="outputLabel">Originator:</span>
<span class="outputText" id="originator_sessionheader">DORIS M MORRIS - SUBSCRIBER/RECIPIENT</span>
<div class="column02">
<span class="outputLabel">Tax ID:</span><span class="outputText"></span>
<div class="column03">
<span class="outputLabel" style="vertical-align: 2px;">PBB
<!-- IE11 remediation changes -->
<img class='imgLink' onclick="openKMWindow('https://svckm.uhc.com/eAgent/iq/ISET/gateway.jsp?create=kb%3AUHG&report()=p[prem_based_ben]');return false;" src="/chap/images/qm_drkBlue.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="PBB KM" title="PBB KM"/>
<span class="outputText" style="vertical-align: 2px;">:N</span>
<div class="column04">
<span class="outputLabel style="vertical-align: 2px;">iPlan
<!-- IE11 remediation changes -->
<img class='imgLink' onclick="openKMWindow('https://svckm.uhc.com/eAgent/iq/ISET/gateway.jsp?create=kb%3AUHG&view()=c[i_iplan_ind]');return false;" src="/chap/images/qm_drkBlue.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="IPLAN KM" title="IPLAN KM"/>
<span class="outputText" style="vertical-align: 2px;cursor:pointer" title="NO IPLAN PRODUCT">:1</span>
I tried multiple vba codes but not getting any solution,
Not quite sure what you're asking but to get the value 1 from the NO IPLAN tag bit you could use this rudimentary text string manipulation that I've recently started to employ as a function due to XML parsing problems:
Sub ho()
Dim str As String
Dim schSTR As String
Dim t1 As Integer
Dim t2 As Integer
Dim t3 As Integer
str = *this is where your HTML scrape would be assigned*
If InStr(1, str, schSTR, vbBinaryCompare) Then
t1 = InStr(1, str, schSTR, vbBinaryCompare) + Len(schSTR)
t2 = InStr(t1, str, "<", vbBinaryCompare)
t3 = t2 - t1
result = Mid(str, t1, t3)
MsgBox result
End If
End Sub
This will give you a message of "1."
If I've understood your requeset properly this will work for any html page/scrape that contains the schSTR variable (in this case "NO IPLAN PRODUCT">:"

Bootstrap media object cannot align properly

I am using Bootstrap 3 media objects and I have this code here dynamically I want to have 4 columns in one row,but the problem is that the last row will have spaces inbetween to the second row.
here is my code.
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){
'<div class="media col-sm-3">'+
'<div class="media-left">'+
'<a href="#">'+
'<img src=".....">'+
'<div class="media-body">'+
'<h4 class="media-heading">'John Doe'</h4>'+
'<p>Live: '+data[i].address+'</p>'+
<div class="someclass">
<div class="row" id="mycontainer">
and this is the result looks like
I believe you are placing all the media objects in one row ... and they don't fit.
In every row that you've opened ( <div class='row'>...</div> ) you can place only 4 <div class='media col-sm-3'></div> ... because each col size = 3 ... ( 4x3 = 12 )
So in the for loop, after each 4 media objects - you should close the current row div and create a new <div class='row'> ...
See plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/BJa3qdbKcYMDwhW809gp?p=preview
Right after the for loop:
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){
if ( i && i % 4 == 0 )
mymdedia += '</div><div class="row">'; // close row and create a new one
... your original code ...
mymdedia += '</div>' // close the last row outside the for loop ...

Grails not displaying SQL results in table, what am I missing?

I'm obviously missing something obvious here but I cant for the life of me work out what, I've setup a view to display a custom SQL query, but the screen is showing nothing, here's what I've got
def queueBreakdown(){
String SQLQuery = "select state, count(test_exec_queue_id) as 'myCount' from dbo.test_exec_queue group by state"
def dataSource
def list = {
def db = new Sql(dataSource)
def results = db.rows(SQLQuery)
If I run this manually I get a set of results back like so
state myCount
1 1
test 2
test2 1
The queueBreakdown.gsp has the following...
<g:message code="default.link.skip.label" default="Skip to content…"/>
<div class="nav" role="navigation">
<li><a class="home" href="${createLink(uri: '/')}"><g:message code="default.home.label"/></a></li>
<div id="queueBreakdown-testExecQueue" class="content scaffold-list" role="main">
<h1><g:message code="Execution Queue Breakdown" /></h1>
<g:sortableColumn property="Run State" title="Run State"/>
<g:sortableColumn property="Count" title="Count" />
<g:each in="${results}" status="i" var="it">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
But when I view the page I get nothing... The table has been built but there are no lines in it, what am I being thick about here?
your controller code is really confusing, what is the action here ? queueBreakdown() or list() ? It seems like you have mixed up 2 actions together, and queueBreakdown() is not returning any model...
class SomeController {
def dataSource
def queueBreakdown() {
String SQLQuery = "select state, count(test_exec_queue_id) as 'myCount' from dbo.test_exec_queue group by state"
def db = new Sql(dataSource)
def results = db.rows(SQLQuery)