Timeout after 30000ms in Selenium IDE - selenium

I'm trying to open a page (target: /selenium#/login), but I keep getting a timeout error. The page seems to be done loading so I don't get why I keep getting the error. Also, the error only occurs when I'm playing the entire test suite. When I try to run each test case individually, the error doesn't appear.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, the error doesn't occur when I open a new tab right before the next test case starts (before the open command is read), so each test case has to be on an entirely new tab/window. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/pF2e6iU.png


Seleniumlibrary command not working with Ride?

The issue I'm having is with the command Go Back from the selenium library within RIDE.
I have tried to input the Go Back command into a test script im running. The website should then simulate a click on the back button within the browser (chrome). It however does not seem to work while it does tick off the step as done and passed. I googled some stuff and found out sometimes the browser isnt ready loading when trying to perform the next command and thus it could create an issue. Because of this i tried to implement the Set Selenium Implicit Wait 10 seconds command
In the img link below (can't post the img because im not 10 reputation) you can see that I have the command Go Back and Set Selenium Implicit Wait 10 seconds. Neither however seem to work (notice that while the timer is suppose to wiat 10 seconds. it is marked as completed in 00:00:00.003
I noticed that both come from the seleniumlibrary and while installed and imported (or Close Browser would not work) neither works. I'm not sure what im doing wrong here. In the picture below is how i wrote it down in the testcase.
Any help would be much appreciated into making the bowser use the back button and/or explaining why certain aspects of the seleniumlibrary don't seem to work.
See the implicit wait section. It can be read like "the maximum time when waiting to find the element". When you use the Go Back keyword, there is no element to wait for, so it is immediate.
See here a complete example (that would work as long this question is on the first results page):
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Move Back On Browser
Open Browser https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/robotframework%2bselenium?tab=Active Chrome
Scroll Element Into View xpath=//a[.='Seleniumlibrary command not working with Ride?']/../..//div[contains(#class, 'excerpt')] # Scroll to excerpt, because Cookie Policy ovelay is over URL element
Capture Page Screenshot active_questions.png
Click Link xpath=//a[.='Seleniumlibrary command not working with Ride?']
Capture Page Screenshot target_question.png
Set Selenium Implicit Wait 10 seconds
Go Back
Capture Page Screenshot after_go_back.png
[Teardown] Close Browser

Selenium IDE Custom error messages

I have read this (How to customize Selenium test error/fail message) question and it gave me some hope but can this be done with selenium IDE also? My boss wants to automate all tests but wants to keep it simple for non programmers to use so I cannot use WebDriver or jUnit.
I had a similar issue and came out with a surprisingly amusing answer. Selenium will write a failure only upon stepping on an error. In the current case I wanted Selenium to warn me if the 'Log In' button was absent on my page but a gotoIf wasn't going to do the job alone. Therefore I forced Selenium into an error by writing a click command that didn't exist 'TestLoginB2B failed because the login button was' and using it as my custom error line as Selenium will mention the name of a failed click command and always write them in red therefore allowing my file logging addon to spot them.
Custom error message

UFT showing some popup error's while running the scripts

Am using descriptive programming, while running the scripts in some playback UFT showing some error popup message. So we need to manually handle that uft window and after that script playback starts. Is there any solution to avoid this poop up messages? Attaching snap shotsof UFT error popup's
You can disable popUp error messages by :
File->Settings-> Run and set the "When error occurs during run session " to "proceed to next step".
I hope this answer your question

Selenium IDE: Is it possible to continue a failed test after manually fixing an issue?

I'm using the recorder for creating a large test case. The recorder sometimes records a click rather than a clickAndWait which results in a failed test.
When the test fails while running the replay I would like to be able to fix the test and then hit resume. However, I haven't found any way of resuming. I can fix the issue, but then I have to re-run the test from the beginning...
Does anyone know of any selenium version that has this kind of resuming functionality? I'm currently using Selenium IDE 1.10.0.
Dont know there is a resume option but we can start the play back from the error position by using "set/clear start point" ,right click on the position you want to resume and select set/ clear start point

Break point on opera Dragonfly

In opera dragonfly, we have 2 button:
Break on first statement of a new script
pauses the execution each time a new script is loaded and the first statement is evaluated.
Break on error, but in dragonfly it's called "Show parse errors and break on exceptions"
It is possible to get Opera Dragonfly to stop execution when a parse error occurs. Enabling the last button in the Scripts toolbar will stop JavaScript execution at the line where the parse error occurred and highlight it in the gutter in a similar manner to breakpoints. The same button will also stop execution when an exception is thrown.
What is it the second break "Show parse errors and break on exceptions" ?
When I load gmail page it will stop execution. It's the same like pause on all exceptions?
yes. Break on error simply pauses execution when exception is thrown or script cannot be parsed, this is quite handy.
but an anyway, you kinda already answered your own question.