populate combobox from datatable but change datatable selected item - vb.net

question may need rewording, but here is the issue, and code I am using is posted below
some background so as to understand I have a datatable bound to a datagridview with a column name column names in the code I will only show a portion of column names to save space, this section works but its needed to show issues
DataGridView3.DataSource = fieldDT
DataGridView3.AutoGenerateColumns = True
fieldDT.Columns.Add("Column Name", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
DataGridView3.Columns(0).Width = 123
fieldDT.Columns.Add("Field", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
DataGridView3.Columns(1).Width = 86
'columns 2 through 12 are here
fieldDT.Columns.Add("Format", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
DataGridView3.Columns(13).Width = 45
fieldDT.Columns.Add(" ", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
DataGridView3.Columns(14).AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
I also have a combobox that I want populated with the column name in the above datatable code to bind shown next
ComboBox10.DataSource = fieldDT
ComboBox10.DisplayMember = "Column Name"
ComboBox10.ValueMember = "Column Name"
the combobox populates correctly with all the columnnames in the datatable
now is where the issue that I need a way to fix arises,
if I select a row in the datagridview it is changing the displayed value in the combobox, and if I select a different value in the combobox it changes the selected row in the datagridview my feeling this is by default design but hoping it can be changed
although the combobox needs that column list and needs to be upto date if someone adds another row to the datagridview I don't want them to bind in the way they change each other.
the combo box is used for another purpose that it needs to select one of the available column names

I made the suggested change and now works as intended
Dim DV_fields As DataView = fieldDT.DefaultView
ComboBox10.DataSource = DV_fields
ComboBox10.DisplayMember = "Column Name"
ComboBox10.ValueMember = "Column Name"
ComboBox10.Text = ""


when I choose a value from the first compbox is the value of the remaining compbox is changed

I have 3 compobboxes I have created an import code from a SQL table
The problem when I choose a value from the first compbox
the values of other compbox is changed to be like my choice
I made a separate code for each compbox
But I find it impractical because my project has 90 compoboxes
It needs time to run
Is there a more practical solution?
this is my code...
Dim com As New SqlCommand("select Distinct Name1 from TB_dr", Con)
Dim RD As SqlDataReader = com.ExecuteReader
Dim DT As DataTable = New DataTable
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Name1"
ComboBox1.DataSource = DT
ComboBox2.DisplayMember = "Name1"
ComboBox2.DataSource = DT
ComboBox3.DisplayMember = "Name1"
ComboBox3.DataSource = DT
Only populate a combobox on its dropdown event.
That will make your app faster cause your client may not use them all and if he uses one combobox he would populate a small amount of data only.
And no data is populated on load.
As i look at what you are trying to do which is same data for all comboboxes, you can simply put all your comboboxes in a group, and go through your group to populate them all at once.
like for each cb in that group, cb.datasource = dt.
call the datatable once

Won't add a default custom row on combobox

been having an issue displaying an empty item as default selected item on a combobox. This combobox is a filter for my gridview and currently my datagridview displays all data based on the first item of the combobox but what i wanted is to have an empty first combobox item so that datagridview will pull all data from database. When i run the app it says
System.ArgumentException: 'Input string was not in a correct
format.Couldn't store <> in ailment_id Column. Expected type is
My code to populate combobox from database:
Private Sub populateComboAilment()
data_adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM ailment", myconnection.open())
Dim data_table As New DataTable
'assign default value
Dim row As datarow = data_table.NewRow()
row(0) = ""
data_table.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0)
comboAilment.DataSource = data_table
With comboAilment
.DisplayMember = "name"
.ValueMember = "ailment_id"
End With
End Sub
Update: All is working now when I changed combobox ValueMember to a
name since it's an id before. but when I select another item it
displays nothing on the gridview because my datagridview query doesn't
know the name, only id since it's a foreign key.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Ah, I just looked more carefully at the code and you're not actually assigning a String containing "<>" but rather an empty String. It doesn't really matter though. A String is a String and you can't put one where a number is required. You might be able to use a String that contained digits because that could be implicitly converted to a number but a empty String doesn't qualify.
If you want an empty field in a DataRow then you need to do what ADO.NET does to represent a database null, i.e. use DBNull.Value. That means an object of type DBNull, which is required because ADO.NET predates nullable value types. You can't just use Nothing because would work for reference types but not value types, e.g. if you assign Nothing to an Integer variable you are effectively setting it to zero.
In short, you need to change this:
Dim row As datarow = data_table.NewRow()
row(0) = DBNull.Value
row(1) = DBNull.Value
data_table.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0)
In the case of the name column, its data type is String so you could use an empty String there (preferably String.Empty rather than "" but either works) but null is more appropriate because it is actually no value, rather than a value containing no characters.

Add column to DataGridView (VB.NET)

I would like to add a new column in my project, but a weird thing happened...
My code
dgv.datasource = datatable
The column index of test column should be the last index.
However, I found the column index is 0 and the original 0th index turns to 1
I am not sure what happened. Is there any factor could cause this problem?
property settings of datagridview is wrong?
Try This Code For Adding the Column
Dim col As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
col.DataPropertyName = "PropertyName"
col.HeaderText = "SomeText"
col.Name = "colWhateverName"
It's simple , get the total column count first and then add the column at the end :
Dim col as New DataGridViewColumn
col.HeaderText = "abc"
dgv.Columns.Insert(dgv.ColumnCount, col)
If the above code doesn't help , try adding column to the IDataTable itself :
datatable.Columns.Add("Header text", GetType(System.String)).SetOrdinal(datatable.Columns.Count)
Your code
dgv.datasource = datatable
seems to be working properly.
I guess you are re-filling the datagridview that's why the added column is in index 0.
try to add
dgv.DataSource = Nothing
you will notice that the added column "test","testHeader" will be in index 0.
setting again
dgv.datasource = datatable
will cause the added column to remain at index 0 while the datatable will be added to the succeeding columns.
There's a DataGridViewColumn.DisplayedIndex property to control order of visible columns.
Keep in mind that DataGridView tracks theese values and update them for other columns in your grid. Chaning some of them to 0 will update all other columns to highter values.
This works because we clone an existing column while you cannot append a column that does already exist in a table. this also has the benefit of cloning all the column settings applied to the existing columns.
Clone a existing column:
Dim Newtestcolumn As DataGridViewColumn = Existingcolumn.Clone
Adjust header text:
Newtestcolumn.HeaderText = "test"
Add column to datagridview:
If you add columns that does not match the current drawing format you need to update the datagridview object by calling:
If you want to write to a specific column or you dont know the column name
you use this to return the amount of columns and then point to column 0 for cloning fx.
Dim Index = DataGridView1.Columns.GetColumnCount(DataGridViewElementStates.None)
You specify the column index like this:
going back to the first line we would then write
Dim Newtestcolumn As DataGridViewColumn = DataGridView1.Columns.Item(index).clone

datagridview not displaying currency format

Firstly I used the following to populate the DataGridView:
dta = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From [" & ActName & "$B6:E" & LastEntryRow & "]", cn)
dts = New DataSet
dta.Fill(dts, "Detailtable")
DataGridView1.DataSource = dts
DataGridView1.DataMember = "Detailtable"
I then formatted the DataGridView which included the following code:
Dim currencyCellStyle As New DataGridViewCellStyle
currencyCellStyle.Format = "C2"
With Me.DataGridView
.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle = currencyCellStyle
.Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle = currencyCellStyle
End with
This worked well. Columns displayed their values as $1234.00.
When new values were added to the columns they immediately displayed as $1234.00. (working so far)
If a column did not have any values when the dataset was made, no values showed in the datagridview for that column. (no problem so far)
However, all new values added to the blank column display as 1234.00. Not $1234.00.
I have tried refreshing the DataGridView
I have re-formatted the DataGridView after the change to the cell.
It still displays as 1234.00.
If I save the changes, recreate the DataSet and repopulate the DataGridView all is OK.
I need the DataGridView to reflect the correct format ($1234.00) when new values are added directly to the column?????
If you use this line
DataGridView1.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "C2"
it must be work but if your database column format is not Decimal (but TEXT), this type of format it'll never works.

Show bit Column as a checkbox column in unbound Datagridview

Dim Comp = From C In db.Table1 _
Select C.Completed, C.Taken, C.Namne
Datagridview1.DataSource = Comp
Am using the Entity Framework and Columns Completed and Taken are of bit Datatype. When the query results are displayed in the datagridview, these bit columns are returned as of ColumnType Textbox - so i get a Datagridview textbox column with true or false string values.
I want to display Completed and Taken as Checkbox columns (either ticked for True or un-ticked for false) but ofcourse i can't do this in EditColumn dialogue because the Datagridview is unbound.
how can i change this in code at runtime
I just looked at your code again and I realised that what you actually mean is that the DGV is bound rather than unbound? Since you're binding it to Comp.
If I understand correctly, just create 3 columns in the DGV at design time, 1 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn and 2 DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. Then set the DataPropertyName of each column (Completed or Taken for the checkbox columns etc).
If the DataPropertyNames are correct the data will appear in them (if they're not correct, you'll end up with 6 columns in total).