Is there any way to have one OPTIONS request for all the subsequent POST requests.
The application communicates with the server by means of POST requests whenever required.There are many unrelated POST requests happening and for each POST request one OPTIONS is triggered to ensure CORS.Can we have one OPTIONS for all these POST requests.
Looking here, I believe you can accomplish this by setting the "Access-Control-Max-Age" header for an arbitrarily long duration of time. This field determines how long the results from the pre-flight OPTIONS request are cached for before an additional OPTIONS request needs to be sent, so by extending it you can limit how often OPTIONS requests are sent.
We have implemented a Logic app to call do a POST call to a third-party API which returns a 202 with location header. The Logic app in the backend automatically polls using the location header resulting in GET request to the third-party provider hoping to receive a 200 response once the processing is complete. However, the GET requests are resulting in 404 errors.
We have tried disabling the check location headers but for some reason Logic apps still continues to send the GET requests and at a faster rate.
Is there any way to stop the GET request from Logic Apps or should this be the third-party provider's responsibility to handle the polling and not send 404's?
Yes, you can stop the GET request from your Logic Apps. Basically it totally depends on your workflow. If you are designing a stateful workflow then I would suggest that not to stop the GET request.
For stateful workflow all HTTP-based actions follow the standard asynchronous operation pattern as the default behavior. Where after an HTTP action calls or sends a request to an endpoint or API, the receiver immediately returns a "202 ACCEPTED" response. And the response can include a location header which the caller can use to poll or check the status for the asynchronous request until the receiver stops processing and returns a "200 OK" success response or other non-202 response.
But if you are designing a stateless workflow, then caller doesn't have to wait for the request to finish processing and can continue to run the next action. In this case the receiver return the "202 ACCEPTED" response as-is, and proceed to the next step in the workflow execution. A stateless workflow won't poll the specified URI to check the status.
You can stop the GET request from your logic app by following any of the two approaches mentioned below.
Turn off Asynchronous Pattern setting.
You can achieve this by going to the Logic App Designer, on the HTTP action's title bar, selecting the ellipses (...) button and setting Asynchronous Pattern to Off if enabled.
Disable asynchronous pattern in HTTP action's JSON definition.
In the HTTP action's underlying JSON definition, add the "DisableAsyncPattern" operation option to the action's definition so that the action follows the synchronous operation pattern. Check this document for more information.
Also check this Asynchronous request-response behavior document by Microsoft for more understanding.
I need to get data from an api that reuqires first getting a sessionId using a username and password. The sessionId that is provided from the getSession endpoint needs to be passed in with all requests in the header.
I'm able to use httpclient to do all this for making requests, but how can this be automated such that requests can be made on a schedule, for example every 5 minutes? Would I need to cache the provided session so that I can reuse it as long as it is alive? I'm guessing you wouldn't want to request a new sessionId with every request. How, would I know that it is alive without specifically making some kind of request to the api?
Any pointers to examples or resources on this type of automated api request process would be welcome.
I made a web api with asp core.
When a client sends two requests in a row, A and B. Is the order of requests guaranteed as with TCP protocol?
Can I be sure the request A is always processed before request B in my web api?
No, you can't be sure that the first request is processed before the second one as the requests could be handled by different threads, so there's no guarantee about the order you'll receive your responses.
If you want to be sure to display data related only to your last request, you could use a counter on the client side, increment that at every request and send it to your API. On the server side, the response will then contains your counter and your client will only show the response that has the matching counter in the content.
Suppose I have an endpoint that supports creating new messages. I am avoiding the creation of two times the same message in the backend, in case the user tries to push the button twice (or in case the frontend app behaves strangely).
Currently for the duplicate action my server is responding with a 303 see other pointing to the previously created resource URL. But I see I could also use a 302 found. Which one seems more appropriate ?
Note that the duplicate avoidance strategy can be more complex (eg for an appointment we would check whether the POSTed appointment is within one hour of an existing one)
I recommend using HTTP Status Code 409: Conflict.
The 3XX family of status codes are generally used when the client needs to take additional action, such as redirection, to complete the request. More generally, status codes communicate back to the client what actions they need to take or provide them with necessary information about the request.
Generally for these kind of "bad" requests (such as repeated requests failing due to duplication) you would respond with a 400 status code to indicate to the client that there was an issue with their request and it was not processed. You could use the response to communicate more precisely the issue.
Also to consider, if the request is just "fire and forget" from the client then as long as you've handled the case for duplication and no more behavior is needed from the client it might be acceptable to send a 200 response. This tells the client "the request was received and handled appropriately, nothing more you need to do." However this is a bit deceptive as it does not indicate the error to the client or allow for any modified behavior.
The JSON:API specification defines:
A server MUST return 409 Conflict when processing a POST request to create a resource with a client-generated ID that already exists.
I'm building a idempotent REST based POST API call. I want to implement idempotency behavior to avoid clients creating duplicate resource during network failure & timeout. Client passes a ClientToken in request header of every API call. My POST request has standard payload and I have validation logic around it. What is ideal idempotency behavior expected from an API during a retry? Should it depend just on the ClientToken and ignore request payload or should I run the validation logic on the request payload before invoking idempotent checks using ClientToken?
It depends, but for the idempotent API's that I've implemented, I always check the token first.
Because I only store the idempotency token in the same transaction as the changes made to the database (inserting the new resource for example) I know that if it is their, whatever is being requested has already been committed and worked previously.
If the token exists, I'll return a 201 created to the client with the link (for a POST) immediately before validating the payload.
The reason for this is that the rules of the game for clients is the idempotency token allows you to retry EXACTLY the same request. If someone writes a client that is silly enough to change the payload and use the same idempotency token, that's on their head.
The bonus of checking the idempotency token first is it can potentially save a bit of validation work, if the validation of a payload is heavy going.
First of all, POST, as a HTTP method, is not idempotent. Idempotent means that multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request.
If you change the payload, you no longer have identical requests. If you use them with the same token then what happens on the server? Does a second, different request, cause side effects? If it does then it is no longer indempotent. If on the other hand the result is the same then the method is indempotent so the payload does not matter but you no longer have identical requests needed to respect idempotency of HTTP.
I would personally check the request to have the same payload and reject subsequent requests that have a different payload.