How to access two different routines in two files in Trace32 CMM scripts - scripting

I have two files in two different floder locations in Trace32. I execute file_name subroutine_name in Trace32. The trace32 takes the location of first command executed as the folder from which the following commands needs to be executed. How can I execute the routines from two different folders.

There is a pretty good guide here on how to script in Trace32.
I do not understand why you need to have them in two different folders, shouldn't it be solved by just have it in the same folder?

Well, maybe you should simply use DO <myscript.cmm> instead of CD.DO <myscript.cmm>.
DO <myscript.cmm> executes the script at the given location but keeps the current working path.
CD.DO <myscript.cmm> changes the working path to the location of the given script and then executes the script.
However I would recommend to write your scripts in a way that it doesn't matter if they are called with CD.DO or just DO. You can achieve that with either absolute paths or with paths relative to the script locations. (I prefer the 2nd one.)
So imagine the following file structure:
You can cope this structure with absolute paths like that:
DO "C:/t32/myscripts/folder1/routines.cmm" subroutine_A
DO "C:/t32/myscripts/folder2/loadapp.cmm"
Data.LOAD.Elf "C:/t32/myscripts/folder2/application.elf"
DO "C:/t32/myscripts/folder1/routines.cmm" subroutine_B
With relative paths you could use the prefix "~~~~" before accessing other files relative from the location of the currently executed PRACTICE script. The "~~~~" is replaced with the path of the currently executed script (just like "~" stands for your home directory.) There is also a function OS.PPD() which gives you the directory of the currently executed PRACTICE script.
So above situation with relative paths look like that:
DO "~~~~/folder1/routines.cmm subroutine_A"
DO "~~~~/folder2/loadapp.cmm"
Data.LOAD.Elf "~~~~/application.elf"
DO "~~~~/../folder1/routines.cmm" subroutine_B


How to specify multiple Working directory in set_tests_properties in Ctest

I have a large supporting file placed in another location outside my test Working directory.
Working Directory = C:/cmake/src/Test
Large Binary file to be parsed = C:/Largefiles/Binary.fft
I dont want to copy Binary.fft to C:/cmake/src/Test
set(working_dir "C:/cmake/src/Test")
set(Large_Binary "C:/Largefiles/")
Is it possible to do specify two working directories for a test like this?
set_tests_properties(Test_Large PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT PATH=${BIN_DIR} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${working_dir }${Large_Binary })
Or is there a better way to approach this situation?


I am trying to setup CTest to run a coverage analysis. It seems like I have to make a MyScript.cmake file and call it with ctest -S MyScript.cmake. I thought a simple example might look like this:
but I am getting
ctest_start source directory not specified. Specify source directory as an argument or set CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY
I don't want to hard code this path in the script file as I may want to run it in different places, so where am I supposed to get paths for CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY and CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY?

BigQuery loading batch folders error

I'm trying to load group of folders files in one time with when
i set
sourceURI = 'gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/app/reports/app_network_analytics_report/201409011*'
all the folders that i'm want to load start with 20140911
but i get the error:
ERROR: Invalid path: gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/
20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0 is one of these folders(don't know why it's print the all folder name of this specific folder)
in some other folder tree cases it's works, but in this specific folder tree it's return the same error .
i know that cloud storage don't have real folders and it's part of the name of the object, but you understand what i mean.
is it bug?
Without more information, what it looks like is that you have a object file called gs://ybbi/bi_landing_zone/files_to_load/apn/reports/appnexus_network_analytics_report/20140901191111_3bab8ec0_092a_43de_a157_db35d1555ea0/ that is not a csv/json file. Some tools may create these dummy files in order to simulate directories. BigQuery requires all objects that match the input glob path to be importable files.
One solution would be to change the glob path to include a narrower set of files. You can pass multiple paths if that makes things easier. For example, you could pass

Need help on Pig

I am executing a Pig script, which reads files from a directory, performs some operation and stores to some output directory. In output directory I'm getting one or more "part" files, one _SUCCESS file and one _logs directory. My questions are:
Is there any way to control the name of files generated (upon execution of STORE command) in output directory. To be specific, I don't want the names to be "part-.......". I want Pig to generate files according to the file name pattern I specify.
Is there any way to suppress the _SUCCESS file and the _log directory? Basically I don't want the _SUCCESS and _logs to be generated in the output directory.
See this post.
To remove _SUCCESS, use SET mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs false;. I'm not 100% sure how to remove _logs but you could try SET pig.streaming.log.persist false;.

Execute scripts by relative path in Oracle SQL Developer

First, this question relates to Oracle SQL Developer 3.2, not SQL*Plus or iSQL, etc. I've done a bunch of searching but haven't found a straight answer.
I have several collections of scripts that I'm trying to automate (and btw, my SQL experience is pretty basic and mostly MS-based). The trouble I'm having is executing them by a relative path. for example, assume this setup:
| /A1.sql
| /A2.sql
I would like to have a file scripts/runEverything.sql something like this:
where "##", I gather, means relative path in SQL*Plus.
I've fooled around with making variables but without much luck. I have been able to do something similar using '&1' and passing in the root directory. I.e.:
#'&1/A/runAll.sql' '&1/A'
#'&1/B/runAll.sql' '&1/B'
and call it by executing this:
#'c:/.../scripts/runEverything.sql' 'c:/.../scripts'
But the problem here has been that B/runAll.sql gets called with the path: c:/.../scripts/A/B.
So, is it possible with SQL Developer to make nested calls, and how?
This approach has two components:
-Set-up the active SQL Developer worksheet's folder as the default directory.
-Open a driver script, e.g. runAll.sql, (which then changes the default directory to the active working directory), and use relative paths within the runAll.sql script to call sibling scripts.
Set-up your scripts default folder. On the SQL Developer toolbar, Use this navigation:
Tools > Preferences
In the preference dialog box, navigate to Database > Worksheet > Select default path to look for scripts.
Enter the default path to look for scripts as the active working directory:
Create a script file and place all scripts associated in it:
The content of runAll.sql would include:
To test this approach, in SQL Developer, click on File and navigate and open the script\runAll.sql file.
Next, select all (on the worksheet), and execute.
Through the act of navigating and opening the runAll.sql worksheet, the default file folder becomes "script".
I don't have access to SQL Developer right now so i can't experiment with the relative paths, but with the substitution variables I believe the problem you're seeing is that the positional variables (i.e. &1) are redefined by each start or #. So after your first #runAll, the parent script sees the same &1 that the last child saw, which now includes the /A.
You can avoid that by defining your own variable in the master script:
define path=&1
#'&path/A/runAll.sql' '&path/A'
#'&path/B/runAll.sql' '&path/B'
As long as runAll.sql, and anything that runs, does not also (re-define) path this should work, and you just need to choose a unique name if there is the risk of a clash.
Again I can't verify this but I'm sure I've done exactly this in the past...
you need to provide the path of the file as String , give the patch in double quote it will work
For Example
#"C:\Users\Arpan Saini\Zions R2\Reports Statements and Notices\Patch\08312017_Patch_16.2.3.17\DB Scripts\snsp.sql";
Execution of Sql
How to pass parameters in file
#A1.sql; (Parameter)
#A2.sql; (Parameter)
This is not absolute or relative path issue. It's the SQL interpreter issue, where by default it will look for files which are having .sql extention.
Please make sure to modify the file name to file_name.sql
Ex: if workspace is having file name called "A", then move the file from A to "A.sql"