How to setup Semantic-UI with less - less

How to setup semantic Ui with less so I can start working with it?

If you friendly using bower all you need run is the following command
bower install semantic
It will download semantic packakge into bower_components with the distribution and source package.
Read more about bower here
And since the build tool used in it is gulp,


I need a bower alternative

I am working on a project with dotnet core, in Linux and it is using MVC.
I am reading a book for learning how to put things together. The book advises installing Bower. But the last time I researched bower I believe they were advising towards using something else for new projects.
I would like to know what alternative I can use for front end management. I need to be able to use Bootstrap, Jquery, Popper and Datatables on my page. And of course, I should be able to use it in Linux.
Thanks for the help francium. NPM is working just fine.It is in the official Ubuntu repository. You have to install popper the following way though: npm install popper.js --save
If you don't specify the .js extension it will give you a warning saying that bootstrap requires a popper installation but it was not installed. You also have to install git on your machine to make it work. I did not do it the first time I ran it and it gave me an error asking me if it was installed. Thanks for the suggestion, It was relatively easy to do get things working.
Yarn is now the alternative to Bower, but to install Yarn you need to use NPM

NPM v5: Generate lockfile alongside `yarn.lock`?

I maintain a starter kit that bundles a Yarn yarn.lock file.
Now that NPM v5 is released and recommends committing its own package-lock.json, I'd like to include both.
Is it possible to generate both files without actually installing anything, solely for the purpose of committing the locks?
Note: The reason for including both is that, as a starter kit, the end-user may choose to use Yarn or NPM. I have no control over their environment, so I'd like to support both out-the-box.

How to maintain semantic-ui?

I installed semantic according to the document:
npm install semantic-ui --save
cd semantic/
gulp build
If I customised the variables how can I maintain them? For example, if I npm update semantic some day, my change would be gone by the semantic upgrade.
How do you guys maintain semantic-ui in your projects?
You can have a copy of your files outside semantic and write a gulp task to move it.
Every time you update semantic, you can just run this task again, and then run a gulp build inside semantic.

Turn a global into an npm, browserify, etc. module

I've built out this simple library and you can either clone it down or install via bower but I'm curious how I should go about turning it into an npm, browserify, etc. module.
Since you already have your project on github, for publishing to npm, you can follow the guide over here : npm-developers
AFAIK, browserify doesn't have a registry. You probably meant bower. Follow this guide : Creating Packages
And maybe use Google search next time, yeah?

NPM/Bower/Composer - differences?

Can someone explain to me the difference between NPM, Bower and Composer.
They are all package managers - correct?
But when should each one be used?
Also, each one appears to have a json file that accompanies it, does this store all the packages you require so they can be installed by cmd line? Why do you need this file?
[update, four years later]
bower is deprecated, and should not be used anymore for new projects. To a large extent, it has been subsumed into node dependency management (from their website: "While Bower is maintained, we recommend using Yarn and Webpack or Parcel for front-end projects").
yarn came out of the wood as a better npm (fixing several of npm flaws), and this is really what you should use now, as it is the new de-facto standard if you are doing front-end or node development. It does consume the same package.json as npm, and is almost entirely compatible with it.
I wouldn't use composer at this point (because I wouldn't use php), although it seems to still be alive and popular
[original answer]
npm is nodejs package manager. It therefore targets nodejs environments, which usually means server-side nodejs projects or command-line projects (bower itself is a npm package). If you are going to do anything with nodejs, then you are going to use npm.
bower is a package manager that aims at (front-end) web projects. You need npm and nodejs to install bower and to execute it, though bower packages are not meant specifically for nodejs, but rather for the "browser" environment.
composer is a dependency manager that targets php projects. If you are doing something with symfony (or plain old php), this is likely the way to go
Summing it up:
doing node? you do npm
doing php? try composer
front-end javascript? try bower
And yes, the "json" files describe basic package information and dependencies. And yes, they are needed.
Now, what about the READMEs? :-)