can someone post a "multiple table" example yadcf - yadcf

I'm trying to get the "multiple tables" example from working and i cant seem to get it to work.
Was wondering if anyone could post a zip file of a working example that i could just tweak.
I have a specific outcome i'm trying to test for with multiple tables where the second table gets filtered by the contents of the first table.

You can grab all the needed files from the yadcf-showcase repo' , here is the link to the zip of the showcase , and this is the relevant html , here its in action in the showcase
you can grab the war folder and place it into your \Public folder of the DropBox and access it via the "Copy public link* that way there will be no need in web server.


Can I get children using folder name and id in the same time using Microsoft Graph API?

I am trying to display folder and file list from a Sharepoint in my CakePHP web application.
Please review my previous question here.
What I am going to do is to get children from a folder with id and also inner folder with name, in the same time, using Graph API.
I want to get list from an api like{drive-id}/root:/{folder-name}:/items/{item-id}/children
I am not sure if it is available and how to implement it.
At this moment, I can get children from a folder with its name.{drive-id}/root:/{folder-name}:/children
And I can filter the response using query parameters like below.{drive-id}/root:/{folder-name}:/children/?$filter=id eq '{folder-id}'
Can I get sub folder's children at this moment?
Any help?
There is no such method. As #Shiva said, their properties are the same. You cannot use the folder name and folder ID at the same time. You can try the api provided by Shiva. I think it is a good method:{folder-name}?$expand=children

Create an app in from zip

I'm trying to build a sample app in Wit.AI, with a lot of entity values and expressions. Thus, to create that app manually is not an option.
I've tried their "import" feature, but it seems it doesn't work very well or it might be very capricious about the zip. The things I've done and nothing gave a result:
Download a zip from another app in my account
Change the zip command in order to work for the new app
The changed files are expressions.json and a single file in the entities folder, describing an user-defined entity.
Zip the whole folder in order to preserve the structure of the ZIP
Nevertheless how many approaches I've tried (format the JSON and etc.) nothing worked! The server returns 400 Bad Request response.
Further, I've tried with their Web API, but to no avail again. When I'm updating the values of an entity the server responses with Success, the response doesn't contain the new values...
I've checked this article Error importing app from backup on and many others as well as some issues on GitHub, but again...nothing helped ;)
So, if anyone could help on that...He/she gets a beer! :)
When you create a new app, you can simply upload the the zip file in Import your app from a backup, and create the new app.
To be sure to not include any redundant files in the app zip file, it is important to use the following to zip app files:
zip AppName/app.json AppName/entities/*.json AppName/expressions.json
and upload
Note that, the name of new app, zip file, and app name in app.json file, all should be the same (here AppName).

How to create a searchable central repository of code documentation using DocFx

I'm looking to create a central repository for all of our published API documentation using DocFx. I have documentation auto-generated via my build (using TFS) and published through my release (using Octopus) just fine for multiple individual sites. However, I'm wanting to pull it altogether in one location. The thinking is that through a parent site you could filter content in any of the individual sites without having to drill down into them. Do you have a recommendation on how to do this?
Also, within this same documentation repository I want to provide the capability to search by all of the meta data (project-level documentation) across the hundreds of projects in our portfolio. This will give our BA, DEV and QA teams easier access to what all our systems do. I like the "filtering" capability built into DocFx, but I'm wanting full-text search across all of the meta data. Do you have a recommendation for this functionality as well?
To change the location of the docfx output, edit the docfx.json file and specify the dest value. By default it is "dest": "_site". For more formatting guidance, reference:
Regarding full-text search, that is possible by simply ensuring the ExtractSearchIndex post-processor is invoked (in order to generate an index.json file of keywords) and that the global _enableSearch value is set to true in the docfx.json file. A snippet from that file would look like:
"postProcessors": [ "ExtractSearchIndex" ],
"globalMetadata": {
"_enableSearch": "true"
For your first question:
I think what you expect is like the .NET API Browser. The source code behind this page is not open to public, so you need create this page by yourself, through collecting xrefmap.yml from multiple sites, and extract the needed data into this page.
For your second question:
DocFX uses Luna to scan all the output files and generate an index file called index.json for later search use. In your case, you should want to limit the search scope only in the metadata you defined. This is also not supported by DocFX by default. You can also use Luna in your central place to search these meta. You can create your specific index.json for each project first, and the cental place to collect them for the search page.

how to dynamically extract data from dropdown lists or multiple textboxes using

I am making an API wherein I want to dynamically get data from the site
Depending on start and end station and timings I want to get the list of all available trains along with the table given by clicking on viewroute column table. i.e. for eg.
I am using connector... But it works well with a single textbox but not with multiple textboxes (Refer this link)or dropdown lists...
Can anyone guide what should I do next...
Apart from is there anyother alternative?
I am a newbie working with crawlers... So please justify your answer.
What is web scraping... Do I have to use web scraper??
Thank you.
Actually, if you look in the URL bar the parameters for destination and time are defined there (highlighted below), so you don't need to worry about drop down menus, or using a Connector.
Use an Extractor on this page:
Train it to get every column - note that the view route column contains links.
You can create a separate Extractor for the "view route" page:
Now you should "Chain" the second Extractor to the first one and it will pull that information from every link on the first one.
If you want to choose different destinations and times, just change the URL parameters of the original link.
Your best bet here seems to have an API for every URL combination. You have to analyze the URL structure.

How to design RESTful API for hierarchical entities

I'm designing RESTful API for file storage and having problems with finding the best way to organize URL's to actions.
Files can be grouped to folders but it is needed to be able to get all the files.
Guidelines suggests to use the following url to get files for specific folder.
GET /folders/{folderName}/files
But what should be used to just get all files? GET /files or GET /folders/files?
Also Google Drive has somewhat similar functionality and they use diifferent approach
GET files/{folderName}/children
As you've noticed this can range from one API designer to another.
If I was facing this problem I would want to consider all use cases and figure out what works best.
It looks like the following would meet your needs:
GET / Retrieves all files and folders
GET /{folderId} Retrieves all contents of said folderId (folders and files)
GET /{fileId} Retrieves the file
GET /{folderId}/{folderId} Same as above, but for nested folder
GET /{folderId}/{folderId}/{fileId} Retrieves the file
this pattern can continue for however nested the file structure is (note there is a limit on URL length)
Then if you have a unique requirement such as all you just create a new api endpoint.
GET /files/ Retrieves all files
GET /files/?filter="*.txt" Retrieves all text files
So to answer your EXACT question of:
But what should be used to just get all files? GET /files or GET
I would lean towards /files instead of /folders/files. /folders/files does not make much sense as an api consumer.