Adding header with username into request to backend in wso2 apimanager for all service - api

I am using apimanger 1.9.
I read this already : Add header with username into request to backend in wso2 apimanager.
I am able to add and forward username to backend in wso2 apimanager for specific service; but I want this for all service. I am modifying admin--<api_name>_<version>.xml for all services(50 services), which is very much manual. Something it leads to manual error.
Is there a single place configuration where I can set this (forward username to backend endpoint) for all service?
One more question - if I create and publish the APIs using "Publisher API" feature, is there a way to post something to set up the add header for each API?

Modify the velocity_template.xml which decides the template of an API. Please read my answer given to a similar requirement. You need to modify the relevant section in the velocity_template.xml.


Schedule a Google Cloud Function with both custom header and OIDC token

I have deployed a Google Cloud Function which requires authentication to be executed.
Then, I've scheduled this function using Google Cloud Scheduler, and setting authentication through OIDC token, which basically is an authentication header in the HTTP POST scheduled.
Now, I would like to provide some custom parameter to the Cloud Function as well, using the proper header in Cloud Scheduler, but seems not to work.
I'm afraid that is caused by what stated here, that is, authentication headers are overwritten.
Anyone faced the same issue?
How could be solved?
You can use the Headers in Cloud Scheduler to add the headers that you want, except the Authorization header that is set automatically when you activate the OIDC auth.
You can also put some parameter in the body if you want, all depends where you would like to read the data (header or body.)
I have a Cloud Run "logger" to simply logs the headers/body of requests. And it worked during my tests I have 2 custom headers + the authorization header automatically set. Have a look:

Access to with a service account

Posted this on github and was told to come here ask for help
I am trying to implement custom authentication for my resources on Google Cloud Storage using this module with a service account. I am trying to abstract away the need for a Google account for my end users.
What the ideal workflow would look like:
User queries[[BUCKET]]/[[FILENAME]] using Bearer token
The API on that end intercepts the bucket and file name and checks the validity of the token
The API then would request the resource at[[BUCKET]]/[[FILENAME]]
Step 3 Returns the Location header that I will pass over to the user
After snooping around a bit I found out that the Location header returned in step 3 in the form of https://[[DATA]][[BUCKET]]/o/[[FILENAME]]?qk=[[KEY]] is a public link that can be accessed by anonymous users too. Which is exactly what I want. However while using the storage API I can only see selfLink and mediaLink, not the link above.
I tried using google-auto-auth to sign the request with my service account towards the endpoint but I get an Unauthorized error.
From looking here I understand that to access the is based on cookie authentication, which google-auto-auth doesn't seem to do. All it does is add a Bearer token to the header of the request.
This looks like you need signedUrls
Yea, that would be great, if it didn't expose the email of the service account.
TL;DR How to get the redirect URL from links using a service account?

Sonos Soap Envelope example that includes SessionId

Trying to implement a Soap header handler I need a specific example of a Soap request that the Sonos client will make which includes the SessiondId.
We are deprecating support for sessionid-based authentication. It will continue to work, but future integrations should be built using app linking.
In the meantime, a sessionid-container header would contain this credentials object:

How to auto-enabled Kong authentication plugin for new APIs?

We are using Kong in our custom-services deployment system and we developed a new authentication plugin for Kong to suit our specific need.
All of this works well and we tested it doing this:
Register a new API (service)
Make a POST request to enabled the authentication plugin on the new API
While this works, it opens a window of opportunity for hackers to perform unauthenticated requests between 1. and 2. This is not acceptable obviously but I could not find a way to auto-enable the authentication proxy automatically.
Is there a way in Kong to either:
Auto-enable a given set of plugins for all new APIs.
Specify the list of plugins to enable when registering a new API.
Currently there is no way to automatically apply a plugin policy to an API at insertion time. There is another issue that could also help (but currently not implemented):
Which would allow you to:
Add API, but enabled=false and no requests can be proxied to it.
Add plugins
Enable the API with enabled=true.
As of today, the only way would be:
Add an API with a fake upstream_url that goes nowhere.
Add plugins.
Update the API with a PATCH request to now point it to a correct upstream_url.

How to authenticate using cloudcontrol REST API

I am trying to use the Cloudcontrol REST API.
Has anybody used that API? I did not find out how to authenticate.
As an example, I tried
I found : but I don't understand how exactly to use it.
An example would be great.
What I really want to do: I want to deploy an app using REST API. I cannot use the CLI tools due to missing python installation.
First, in order to get the token, you need to send a HTTP POST request to Basic Authentication using the email and password of your cloudControl account. You will get a JSON response like this:
{"token": "<TOKEN_KEY>"}'
You need this token key to authenticate for all other requests to the API. To do so, add an Authorization Header to your request with this content:
Authorization -> "cc_auth_token="<TOKEN_KEY>""
Furthermore, you might also need to set up some other headers for PUT or POST requests, like:
Content-Type -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Content-Length -> <length of your parametrized url values, e.g. bar=baz&foo=qux>
Accept-Encoding -> "compress, gzip"
You can find examples of this usage in the pycclib (Python) or gocclib (Go) libraries.