Schedule a Google Cloud Function with both custom header and OIDC token - authentication

I have deployed a Google Cloud Function which requires authentication to be executed.
Then, I've scheduled this function using Google Cloud Scheduler, and setting authentication through OIDC token, which basically is an authentication header in the HTTP POST scheduled.
Now, I would like to provide some custom parameter to the Cloud Function as well, using the proper header in Cloud Scheduler, but seems not to work.
I'm afraid that is caused by what stated here, that is, authentication headers are overwritten.
Anyone faced the same issue?
How could be solved?

You can use the Headers in Cloud Scheduler to add the headers that you want, except the Authorization header that is set automatically when you activate the OIDC auth.
You can also put some parameter in the body if you want, all depends where you would like to read the data (header or body.)
I have a Cloud Run "logger" to simply logs the headers/body of requests. And it worked during my tests I have 2 custom headers + the authorization header automatically set. Have a look:


Spartacus Backend OCC login endpoint change

I have a question regarding the possibility to change the backend occ endpoint for the login.
In the default behavior, an auth object is created in local storage.
I changed in the app.module the default login: '/authorizationserver/oauth/token', to a different endpoint (/ourowntestserver/oath/token/test). After the change, the backend-side works as it has before, but on the front-end side, the auth object is not available in the local storage anymore.
In the Spartacus source code I can see an OAUTH_ENDPOINT with the same endpoint '/authorizationserver/oauth/token', used in an open-id-token.service, but I am not sure if that service is responsible for actually saving the token and if I have to extend it in the storefront app along with its store(actions, effects, etc.) too.
Are there any other changes that have to be done for this to work, or am I doing something wrong? Is it possible that the issue could be still back-end related?
Any help would be appreciated. (edited)
I would start by inspecting ngrx actions in devtools. Look for LoadUserToken and LoadUserTokenSuccess and LoadUserTokenFail actions. Look at their payload if everything there looks ok. Maybe the structure of response is different than the one returned from the default hybris OAuth server. Then you might need to create your own effect and handle the response a bit different than we do this by default.
The OAUTH_ENDPOINT is not currently customizable and it is being fixed right now for the 3.0 release. It'll have new auth module structure and allow for easier replacement of OAuth server.
open-id-token.service.ts is only used with Kyma module when you also need apart from access_token the id_token from OAuth server.

Social tables authorization and authentication flow

As per the documents received writing down the flow of authorization for version 4.0:
1. call authorize service to get the authorization code back.
2. read the 'code' value for the authorization_code.
3. use this authorization_code to get 'access_token' using '4.0/oauth/token'.
4. for the subsequent calls use 'access_token'.
Please confirm if my understanding above is correct.
My question:
- What will happen when access_token expires? Do we need to go to above flow again?
- the URLs are https does it need certificates?
- what will be the redirect_uri if i want to test in my dev?
I suggest reading a bit about OAuth 2.0 flow. Here's a decent article/example that I would start with from Digital Ocean:
But to answer your specific questions:
when the access_token expires you need to make an additional request to Social Tables with the refresh_token -- here's an example: click here. In short, yes you need to use the refresh token to get a new access token which you'll use for subsequent requests
No, you do not need to configure any certificates on your end. These are done via SSL+HTTPS and are ready to go.
The redirect_url for local development can be set to your local running server. You can set it to http://localhost:<port> and that will work just fine.

Access to with a service account

Posted this on github and was told to come here ask for help
I am trying to implement custom authentication for my resources on Google Cloud Storage using this module with a service account. I am trying to abstract away the need for a Google account for my end users.
What the ideal workflow would look like:
User queries[[BUCKET]]/[[FILENAME]] using Bearer token
The API on that end intercepts the bucket and file name and checks the validity of the token
The API then would request the resource at[[BUCKET]]/[[FILENAME]]
Step 3 Returns the Location header that I will pass over to the user
After snooping around a bit I found out that the Location header returned in step 3 in the form of https://[[DATA]][[BUCKET]]/o/[[FILENAME]]?qk=[[KEY]] is a public link that can be accessed by anonymous users too. Which is exactly what I want. However while using the storage API I can only see selfLink and mediaLink, not the link above.
I tried using google-auto-auth to sign the request with my service account towards the endpoint but I get an Unauthorized error.
From looking here I understand that to access the is based on cookie authentication, which google-auto-auth doesn't seem to do. All it does is add a Bearer token to the header of the request.
This looks like you need signedUrls
Yea, that would be great, if it didn't expose the email of the service account.
TL;DR How to get the redirect URL from links using a service account?

Exact online REST API: POST call not working

I am trying to make a post call in Exact Online REST API. I'm trying to create a SalesInvoiceLine. I can perfectly do a GET call via my browser. I am logged in in Exact Online so I don't need authentication since this should be passed via a cookie. I tried POST via a browser. The browser prompts me to login, when I do nothing happens. I've also tried this in Postman:
I am 100% certain these initials are correct, I can login with them in Exact Online. What am I doing wrong?
If this is not the way, how can I post data to Exact Online? There are not that many concrete examples to find online.
You can't log on to the Exact Online REST API with Basic authentication, the mode you are using now.
The web service uses OAuth as authentication mechanism, meaning you have to acquire a token first. The steps to do so are outlined in the official documentation.
It will need some work on your end to register an app, get the flow up and running. Depending on your business needs, you might be helped with one of the apps for Exact Online by the company I work for.
You need to retrieve the CurrentDivision through GET Request https://{Base Uri}/api/v1/current/Me only from OAuth then you need to assign
CurrentDivision to whatever may be the API call .../api/v1/{CurrentDivision}/../....
Without authorization by Auth 2.0, neither is impossible.
To authorize the ExactOnline API calls you have to do the following:
Register the app in the developer portal. Bear in mind that you have to do a separate registration for French, UK or Dutch version of ExactOnline (this is indeed a pain).
In case you want your application to be used by other accounts than yours, you have to submit the app for validation, this usually takes 2-3 weeks.
EO uses standard OAuth 2.0 schema (very similar to what Google is using with their services). You have to use endpoint GET /api/oauth2/auth for building an authorization link and endpoint POST /api/oauth2/token for obtaining both access and refresh tokens.
Please bear in mind that many Auth 2.0 services are proving long-lasting refresh token. This is not the case of EO. The refresh token is invalidated every time when the access token is requested (endpoint POST /api/oauth2/token). With access token new refresh token is supplied, so make sure you update you refresh token as well.
The access token is placed in HTTP header as "Authorization: Bearer {{ACCESS_TOKEN}}"
In case you want to automate the EO API calls and do not want to code anything on your own, you can try one of the pre-build Exact Online API connectors, created by the company I work for.

Adding header with username into request to backend in wso2 apimanager for all service

I am using apimanger 1.9.
I read this already : Add header with username into request to backend in wso2 apimanager.
I am able to add and forward username to backend in wso2 apimanager for specific service; but I want this for all service. I am modifying admin--<api_name>_<version>.xml for all services(50 services), which is very much manual. Something it leads to manual error.
Is there a single place configuration where I can set this (forward username to backend endpoint) for all service?
One more question - if I create and publish the APIs using "Publisher API" feature, is there a way to post something to set up the add header for each API?
Modify the velocity_template.xml which decides the template of an API. Please read my answer given to a similar requirement. You need to modify the relevant section in the velocity_template.xml.