haproxy: inconsistencies between private key and certificate loaded from PEM file - ssl

I am trying to use certificate signed for another server. I have both private key and certificate.
My PEM file order is :
issuer=/C=***/O=*****Inc/CN=********Secure Server CA
subject=/C=US/O=******** Inc/CN=********* SHA2 Secure Server CA
issuer=/C=US/O=********* Inc/OU=*********/CN=******** Global Root CA
subject=/C=US/O=********* Inc/OU=***********/CN=*********** Global Root CA
issuer=/C=US/O=********* Inc/OU=************/CN=******** Global Root CA
When i tried to deploy it to my haproxy, i got this error.
[ALERT] 188/141626 (2322) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:32] : 'bind *:443' : inconsistencies between private key and certificate loaded from PEM file ................
[ALERT] 188/141626 (2322) : Error(s) found in configuration file : /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
[ALERT] 188/141626 (2322) : Proxy 'www-https': no SSL certificate specified for bind '*:443' at [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:32] (use 'crt').
[ALERT] 188/141626 (2322) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
Errors in configuration file, check with haproxy check.
And my haproxy version is:
HA-Proxy version 1.5.2 2014/07/12
Copyright 2000-2014 Willy Tarreau <w#1wt.eu>
I can start my haproxy with self-signed cert. Why does occur this inconsistency? I am sure that private key belongs to certificate.
I'm trying for hours now but I can not find the reason.
Please help! Thank you!

The order of the certificates in your file is wrong. It seems you are putting the intermediate certificate (i.e. Secure Server CA) first which is thus expected to be the server certificate. The order of the certificates needs to be:
server certificate
server private key (without any password)
intermediate certificate 1
intermediate certificate 2
It's actually not that important where you put the private key. However, the order of the certificates strictly needs to be ordered from leaf to root, i.e. first the server certificate, then the intermediate, then it's parent. Basically, you put the server certificate first, then its signer, then its signer, ...
For more information, please refer to the documentation.


How do I correctly install certificates to make soap request on windows 10

I need to make a request to a soap service and it is protected with certificates.
I have installed the certificates as far as I am able to tell. However the soap request fails with handshake errors.
I have a bunch of certificate files given to me but I have no idea which ones are which.
So I have as follows (names changed to protect information)
then I have what looks to be the same things in a different format.
then I have a single file named MyCert.pem but is smaller in file size than the other one of the same name and contains simply
-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- a lot of characters
I was told that this was the private key file, however if I check it using
openssl rsa
then it errors.
I have double clicked on the p7b files and installed the certificates in them using the default options and I have those certificates in the Certificate Management app in windows.
3 are in the Third Part Certification Authorities folder
1 ended up in the Other People folder (which I have also copied into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Folder)
4 have ended up in the Intermediate Certification Authorities Folder
All were installed for local computer rather than current user.
Now I am led to believe I should have a private key file too. However I can not find where this could be.
What am I doing wrong? Where would I normally get the private key file from?
I would have thought the service side has the private key in order to verify that our certificate is valid?
MyCert.pem is as follows (with the actual data removed for privacy reasons)
subject=CN=********************** issuer=CN=************************
-----END CERTIFICATE----- subject=CN=**************** issuer=CN=*****************
subject=CN=********************** issuer=CN=***********************

Comodo Essentials SSL: Vestacp "SSL intermediate chain is not valid"

I'm trying to install Comodo Essential SSL via Vestacp here's that I did. I opened www_example_com.crt and copied the digest and pasted it into SSL Certificate box then opened www_example_com.key used to generate the ssl at the beginning which starts with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and pasted the digest into SSL Key box then copied the digest of the other 3 files in this order into one file and copied the whole digest and pasted it into SSL Certificate Authority / Intermediate box but I get SSL intermediate chain is not valid
Final digest looks like this
I checked the certificate and the key and have no issue using https://www.sslshopper.com/certificate-key-matcher.html
I restored a back up so the key file doesn't exist on the server now does it matter? It's the first time I try to install SSL so please assist. Thanks in advance.
The Authority digest must be the content of these files in this order

vestacp error ssl intermediate chain is not valid

I am facing issue at vestacp: during pass the
SSL Certificate:
SSL Key:
i have already checked my certificate result this link: https://decoder.link/
it show me my certificate is valid.
You should do the following:
In the SSL Certificate field:
Paste the contents of the certificate issued to your domain. In windows you can usually verify this by simply double clicking (or opening) the .crt file. A window will pop-up with information about the certificate. Just check under "Issued to:" and make sure its issued to your domain.
In the SSL Key field
Paste the contents of the key that was created during the generation of the csr. It usually begins with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
In the SSL Certificate Authority/Intermediate
Paste the contents of the CA bundle certificate you received from your CA. That is the certificate without your domain name under "Issued to:" as explained in step 1.
Hope this helps someone. You can also read https://support.dnsimple.com/articles/what-is-ssl-certificate-chain/ to understand certificate chains.

Zevenet Load Balancer - SSL Certificate

I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Zevenet Load Balancers.
I have setup the community version (V4). I have 2 web servers with replicated content, I have a virtual IP setup in the system which points to the 2 IP addresses of the web servers. The load balancer works for HTTP and HTTPS traffic correctly but shows an cert error when trying to get to the servers via HTTPS.
I want to combat this by adding a certificate to the load balancer. To do this I have followed the these steps:
https://www.zevenet.com/knowledge-base/howtos/manage-certificates-with-zen-load-balancer/ (ignoring the bit about purchasing a cert from SofIntel as we use JISC for our Certs)
Basically I created a certificate in the load balancer, generated the CSR, purchased a certificate from JISC by uploading the CSR generated from the load balancer.
I then downloaded the ZIP file from JISC which contains the crt for the domain, as well as the root certificates required also in the ZIP.
I tried uploading the ZIP to the load balancer and it pops up an error showing that the certificate needs to be created in a PEM format.
I then found this here:
I am not really sure what this is asking me to do....does this mean the original CSR that I generated is irrelevant now? The instructions on the above link say that the PEM file needs to be the following:
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Private Key (without passphrase) -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Certificate (CN=www.mydomain.com) -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Intermediate (Intermediate CA, if exists) -----END CERTIFICATE-----
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Root (ROOT CA, who signs the Certificate) -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Essentially I already have the domain certificate, the intermediate and the root all from JISC now. But is there any way can go about getting the Private key from the load balancer so that I can just create the PEM file manually.
I am pretty new to cert stuff, not sure why it wont just let me upload the zip file.

Non-self signed certificate gives certificate signed by unknown authority error

I have an API server using a non-self signed certificate issued by a respected CA. When I connect to this server I get the following error:
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
I connect using a golang client using the net/http library. The certificate is properly configured as I do not get an error complaining about it.
I did not expect this error because I am using a CA. I am not getting the error when using a web browser.
The problem was that I did not pass the intermediate CA certificate to the http server. The method http.ListenAndServeTLS requires the intermediate CA certificate in the same certificate file.
The fix was easy, just add the intermediate certificate of your CA in your certificate file: