Using SQL to get the continuous range of table - sql

Here is a table named track and have three columns: time, speed, isOverSpeed, like below
TIME Speed IsOverSpeed
10:00:01 76 1
10:00:11 58 0
10:00:21 70 1
10:00:31 70 1
10:00:41 90 1
10:00:51 40 0
10:01:01 30 0
10:01:11 80 1
10:01:21 20 0
What I want is to calculate how many times and how long a car which is overspeed, the requirement is the continuous overspeed records will be count as 1 time, in the example, there is 3 times overspeed not 4. I am thinking using the window function but seems it does not work. could anyone has an idea?
PS. the result should be 3 times, 50 seconds.

I think you need something like this:
COUNT(*) As Cnt, SUM(SECONDS_BETWEEN(dt.prevTime, dt.TIME)) As someTime
SELECT t1.TIME, MAX(t2.TIME) As prevTime
FROM aTable t1
aTable t2 ON t1.TIME > t2.TIME
WHERE t1.IsOverSpeed = 1


Sql getting MAX and MIN values based on two columns for the ids from two others

I'm having difficulties figuring a query out, would someone be able to assist me with this?
Problem: 4 columns that represent results for the 2 separate tests. One of them taken in UK and another in US. Both of them are the same test and I need to find the highest and lowest score for the test taken in both countries. I also need to avoid using subqueries and temporary tables. Would appreciate theoretical ideas and actual solutions for the problem.
The table looks like this:
ResultID Test_UK Test_US Test_UK_Score Test_US_Score
1 1 2 48 11
2 4 1 21 24
3 3 1 55 71
4 5 6 18 78
5 7 4 19 49
6 1 3 23 69
7 5 2 98 35
8 6 7 41 47
The desired results I'm looking for:
TestID HighestScore LowestScore
1 71 23
2 35 11
3 69 55
4 49 21
5 98 18
6 78 41
7 47 19
I tried implementing a case of comparison, but I still ended up with subquery to pull out the final results. Also tried union, but it ends up in a sub query again. As far as I can think it shoul be a case when then query, but can't really come up with the logic for it, as it requires to match the ID's of the tests.
Thank you!
What I've tried and got the best results (still wrong)
select v.TestID,
max(case when Test_US_Score > Test_UK_Score then Test_UK_Score else null end) MaxS,
min(case when Test_UK_Score > Test_US_Score then Test_US_Score else null end) MinS
(VALUES (Test_UK, 1), (Test_US, 0)
) V(testID, amount)
The answer provided by M. Kanarkowski is a perfect solution. I'm no expert on CTE, and a bit confused, how would it be possible to adapt this query to return the result ID of the row that min and max were found.
something like this:
TestID Result_ID_Max Result_ID_Min
1 3 6
2 7 1
3 6 3
Extra 2
The desired results of the query would me something like this.
The two last columns represent the IDs of the rows from the original table where the max and min values were found.
TestID HighestScore LowestScore Result_ID_Of_Max Result_ID_Of_Min
1 71 23 3 6
2 35 11 7 1
3 69 55 6 3
For example you can use union to have results from both countries togehter and then just pick the maximum and the minimum for your data.
with cte as (
select Test_UK as TestID, Test_UK_Score as score from yourTable
union all
select Test_US as TestID, Test_US_Score as score from yourTable
,max(score) as HighestScore
,min(score) as LowestScore
from cte
group by TestID
order by TestID
I assumed that you want to have the additional column with the previous result. If not just take the above select and replace Test_UK_Score and Test_US_Score with ResultID.
with cte as (
select Test_UK as TestID, Test_UK_Score as score, ResultID from yourTable
union all
select Test_US as TestID, Test_US_Score as score, ResultID from yourTable
,max(score) as HighestScore
,min(score) as LowestScore
,max(ResultID) as Result_ID_Max
,min(ResultID) as Result_ID_Min
from cte
group by TestID
order by TestID

complex paratition sum in postgresql

I have tables as follow:
A deliveries
delveryid clientid deliverydate
1 10 2015-01-01
2 10 2015-02-02
3 11 2015-04-08
B items in deliveris
itemid deliveryid qty status
70 1 5 1
70 1 8 2
70 2 10 1
72 1 12 1
70 3 100 1
I need to add a column to my query that gives me the qty of each part in other deliveris of the same client.
meaning that for given data of client 10 and delivery id 1 I need to show:
itemid qty status qtyOther
70 5 1 10 //itemid 70 exists in delivery 2
70 8 2 10 //itemid 70 exists in delivery 2
72 12 1 0 //itemid 72 doesn't exists in other delivery of client 11
Since I need to add qtyOther to my existing qry i'm trying to avoid using Group By as it's a huge query and if I use SUM in select I will have to group by all items in select.
This is what I have so far:
Select ....., coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid) ,0) AS qtyOther
LEFT JOIN (other tables)
WHERE clientid=10 ....
This query gives me the total sum of qty per itemid for specific clientid, regardless of which delivery it is. How do I change it so it will consider the delivryid? I need something like:
coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid) FROM B where deliveryid<>b.deliveryid ,0) AS qtyOther
Any suggestions how to do that?
Note: I can NOT change the condition in WHERE.
I think you just want to subtract out the total for the current delivery:
Select .....,
(coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid), 0) -
coalesce( SUM(a.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY a.itemid, a.deliveryid), 0)
) as qtyOther

Calculating difference in values in one table based on another table in SQL

I have 2 tables. MarketAction has the value I am finding for called 'B1', which will match to the 'Ticks' field in the TickTable.
(The MarketAction table is 25 million rows and the TickTable is 300 rows)
The tick table looks like this:
TickID Ticks MinorMagnet
140 2.80 1
141 2.82 0
142 2.84 0
143 2.86 1
144 2.88 0
145 2.90 0
146 2.92 0
147 2.94 0
I need to find 'TickDiff', and insert 'B1' and 'TickDiff' into a new temporary table.
If we look up the TickID for 'B1' from the TickTable, I need it to find the difference in the TickID's between the B1 TickID and the nearest MinorMagnet = 1 TickID value (the first higher (or zero), and the first lower (or zero)).
This works for the high:
144 - TickID AS TickDiff
FROM TickTable
WHERE MinorMagnet = 1
ORDER BY ABS( Ticks - 2.88 )
WHERE TickDiff >= 0
If I wanted the lower one I can modify for:
SELECT TOP 1 *, ABS(TickDiff)
WHERE TickDiff <= 0
But obviously works because I am explicitly stating the values from MarketAction. B1 = 2.88 and 144 is the TickID of B1.
I have tried all sorts of Joins and other things... Can't get my head around it...
How do I make it find the 'TickDiff' for each B1 value in MarketAction?
If I understand your question correctly then maybe this query might be what you want:
select tickid, ticks, minormagnet, min(abs(tickdiff)) tickdiff
from (
select ma.TickID, t.Ticks, t.MinorMagnet, tickdiff = t.TickID - oa.TickID
from MarketAction ma
join ticktable t on ma.TickID = t.TickID
outer apply (
select top 2 TickID
from ticktable
where MinorMagnet = 1
order by abs(t.Ticks-Ticks)
) oa
) x
group by tickid, ticks, minormagnet;

Select Previous Record in SQL Server 2008

Here's the case: I have one table myTable which contains 3 columns:
ID int, identity
Group varchar(2), not null
value decimal(18,0), not null
Table looks like this:
ID GROUP VALUE Prev_Value Result
1 A 20 0 20
2 A 30 20 10
3 A 35 30 5
4 B 100 0 100
5 B 150 100 50
6 B 300 200 100
7 C 40 0 40
8 C 60 40 20
9 A 50 35 15
10 A 70 50 20
Prev_Value and Result columns should be custom columns. I need to make it on view. Anyone can help? please... Thank you so much.
The gist of what you need to do here is to join the table to itself, where part of the join condition is that the value column of the joined copy of the table is less than value column of the original. Then you can group by the columns from the original table and select the max value from the joined table to get your results:
SELECT, t1.[Group], t1.Value
, coalesce(MAX(t2.Value),0) As Prev_Value
, t1.Value - coalesce(MAX(t2.Value),0) As Result
FROM MyTable t1
LEFT JOIN MyTable t2 ON t2.[Group] = t1.[Group] and t2.Value < t1.Value
GROUP BY, t1.[Group], t1.Value
Once you can update to Sql Server 2012 you'll also be able to take advantage of the new LAG keyword.

SQL decrement a value based on two columns till 0

I have the following datasets (just a sample):
1 20 0 1
1 30 0 2
1 40 0 3
1 50 0 4
2 0 0 1
2 30 0 2
2 40 0 3
2 40 0 4
1 75
2 70
I must update Table1.AMT from Table2.AMT using this rules:
Table1 and Table2 are joined on ID
Table1.AMT can't hold larger value than MAX
if Table2.AMT >= Table1.MAX then Table1.AMT = Table1.MAX... then on the next row update Table1.AMT with Table2.AMT - previous record AMT still using the above rules.
So the expected output would be
1 20 20 1
1 30 30 2
1 40 25 3
1 50 0 4
2 0 0 1
2 30 30 2
2 40 40 3
2 40 0 4
How can one achieve that?
I thought of creating a temp table with an aggregated SUM() of Table1.MAX, and using that as a reference to update Table1.AMT (if SUM(MAX) < Table2.AMT then Table1.AMT = Table1.MAX else Table1.AMT = previous records SUM(MAX)).
But can it be done without a temp table? (Sadly I can't create functions and procedures in my work env.)
More efficient solution can be made using specifics or Oracle PL/SQL.
Here is a generic solution:
select t1.ID, min(t1.MAX) as MAX, least(min(t1.MAX),coalesce(min(t2.AMT),0)-coalesce(least(sum(t1p.MAX-t1p.AMT), min(t2.AMT)),0)+min(t1.AMT)) as AMT, t1.SORTED
from Table1 t1
left join Table2 t2 on t2.ID = t1.ID
left join Table1 t1p on t1p.ID = t1.ID and t1p.SORTED < t1.SORTED
group by t1.ID, t1.SORTED
order by t1.ID, t1.SORTED
explanation of calculating AMT:
AMT is smallest of "MAX for the row" and "How much is possible"
least(min(t1.MAX),"How much is possible")
"How much is possible": max available - how much was given for previous rows + how much we already have
coalesce(min(t2.AMT),0) - "how much was given for previous rows" + min(t1.AMT)
"how much was given for previous rows": smalles of how much required to fill and how much possible
coalesce(least(sum(t1p.MAX-t1p.AMT), min(t2.AMT)),0)