Rounded corners with transparency with ImageResizer.NET - imageresizer

When using the roundcorners setting on the simple filters plugin - is it possible to have the background color be set to transparent (as opposed to white)? If so, how?
For reference, my present looks like this:
<preset name="roundedthumb" settings="s.roundcorners=100;mode=crop;width=100;height=100" />

Answering my own question here...
The source image I was testing on was in jpeg format (which doesn't support transparency).
The solution was simply to force the output format to png (which supports transparencies natively).
My new present looks like this:
<preset name="roundedthumb" settings="s.roundcorners=100;mode=crop;width=100;height=100;format=png" />


Imageresizer bgcolor transparancy

I am currently using ImageResizer from Imazen (
I want to create images with the same dimensions which is easily achieved by adding the
however i want to give a bgcolor to the image for background/whitespace color.
again works perfectly.
However is there a way to make this bgcolor transparant? (ofcourse only for .png's)
I read the docs and couldn't find a plugin or basic functionality that could provide this feature. Does anyone know if (or how) this can be achieved?
Use a 6-digit hex value (RRGGBBAA) to include an alpha/transparency component.

How to convert SVG file to XAML in windows 8 / WinRT

How i can convert SVG file to XAML in windows 8 / WinRT. I am new to this XAML / SVG environment. So anyone please help me to implement the same in windows 8. I need to parse this svg file and need to display the content in the page through code.
For me the simplest way to do it is the following:
Open your .svg file in free vector drawing tool Inkscape
Save as "Microsoft XAML (*.xaml)"
Also you may need to update the result output file a bit after conversion, since not all XAML processing engines support converting a string to Figures (as described in the accepted answer to Why does this Xaml Path crash silverlight?). So, for example, if you have this:
<Path Fill="#FFEDEDED" StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="#FFA3A3A3" Opacity="0.7"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" >
<PathGeometry Figures="m 1 2 l 4.0525 5.2361 l 4.0527 -5.2361 z "/>
then you will need to change it to this:
<Path Fill="#FFEDEDED" StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="#FFA3A3A3" Opacity="0.7"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Data="m 1 2 l 4.0525 5.2361 l 4.0527 -5.2361 z" />
- OR -
You could use a bit different way to export the xaml from Inkscape, described by Tim Heuer in accepted answer to the question Convert SVG to XAML, because both ways produce different xaml output:
Method (yes, superhack):
Use Inkscape to save as PDF
Rename the Filename extension from PDF to AI
Use Expression Design to open AI document
Export to Silverlight Canvas
UPDATE (2015-08-25)
I've found my self using the second ("hack") way more and more often rather then first (more straightforward) one, because it creates more "expectable" XAML as I would call it.
I cheated and converted my SVG to a font. First, I created the SVG, then using IcoMoon created the font.
I downloaded the font's ttf into my assets folder with content.
Next I add the code. Notice the font filename, then #, then the name of the font. The text should be
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="/Assets/icomoon.ttf#icomoon" FontSize="45"</TextBlock>
Please take a look at this article:
Transforming SVG graphics to XAML Metro Icons
You can find here a way to convert via transforming to XPS.
You can use also an Svg2Xaml converter.
There is a free converter available in the Microsoft Store (as standalone Windows application). It is called SVG to UWP XAML Converter.
It worked without any problems converting my multi-color SVGs correctly as batch to XAML, which I added to Visual Studio within a WPF User Control (for a preview you need to select the SVG file manually)

Using a <style> definition makes a font unfindable in jasper reports pdf export?

I have a jar I include with my application with some fonts. If I paste around
<font fontName="NimbusSansGlobal Light" size="12" pdfFontName="NimbusSansGlobal Light" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>
into all my text elements, PDF output works fine. If I switch them all to use a style which defines the font as such:
<style name="SansFontStyle" isDefault="true" pdfFontName="NimbusSansGlobal Light" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>, then the font can't be found by the JRLoader when I try to generate reports. Interesting enough, if I use JRLoader within my application directly, the font is found fine.
Why would styles break PDF export?
Using Font Extensions should solve this problem.
Once you use font extensions, then you can set the font in the text element or in the style. You will not specify pdfFontName, pdfEncoding, or isPdfEmbedded in the report. That gets specified in the font extension.
Note: In a strict interpretation, this doesn't actually answer the question. I have no idea why styles work differently from directly setting the fonts. It seems like a bug, but maybe it's unexpected yet intentional for some reason we aren't thinking of. Therefore, I started to enter this as a comment rather than an answer. But it got too long.
Regardless, this should allow you to use styles as you want to. So I expect that it will solve the heart of the problem.
Font extensions are documented in the JasperReports (and iReport) samples and documentation, so it should be pretty easy to use them once you know that you ought to.

Theme-aware XAML resources in a WP7 project

I'm making a Windows Phone 7 application and I'm a bit confused with dark/light themes.
With a panorama, you very often set a background image. The issue is it's very hard to make a picture which is right for both dark and light themes. How are we supposed to proceed?
Is there a way to force a dark/light theme for a panorama? This will avoid making theme-specific panorama background pictures. Then how do I do? I found xaml files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Design. If this is a right way to proceed, how can I import them for my panorama?
Or if there's no way (or if it's wrong) to force a dark/light theme: how to write conditional XAML to set correct resources? Now I have the following XAML (default.xaml) which is fine with the dark theme:
<ImageBrush x:Key="PageBackground" ImageSource="Resources/PageBackground.png" Stretch="None" />
<ImageBrush x:Key="PanoramaBackground" ImageSource="Resources/PanoramaBackground.png" Stretch="None" />
But when I use a light theme, black controls and black texts are hard to read with my dark background pictures. So I made different pictures that I can use this way:
<ImageBrush x:Key="PageBackground" ImageSource="Resources/PageBackgroundLight.png" Stretch="None" />
<ImageBrush x:Key="PanoramaBackground" ImageSource="Resources/PanoramaBackgroundLight.png" Stretch="None" />
Now my issue is to make XAML conditional to declare the right thing depending on the current theme.
I found no relevant way on the Internet. I would prefer not to use code or code-behind for that because I believe XAML is able to do this (I just don't know how).
EDIT: Code snippet to load a xaml file as ResourceDictionary
string xaml = null;
StreamResourceInfo xamlInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("light.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(xamlInfo.Stream))
xaml = sr.ReadToEnd();
dic = (ResourceDictionary)XamlReader.Load(xaml);
To force a dark or white theme you can indeed use the styles defined in the folder you pointed out. Copy and Paste the rules you need to your App.xaml (just PhoneForegroundColor, PhoneBackgroundColor and the related Brushes would be a good start).
It's probably better though to stay "theme-aware" and load a different image for light and dark themes. Here is an article explaining how to do this:
There is another possibility I've found: You can use the Coding4Fun Toolkit Converter according to these instructions. However, I'm unable to use correctly use them.
Another possibiliy is to use an OpacityMask. But this only works for black/white images :/
Yousef's solution looks interesting. but it takes too much time to load. The image will be changed round about 1s after the app started. I've tested this on a Nokia 820. I've moved the call for setting the DataContext in a Loaded Event, which was called much later. Now the call takes place in the constructor, so the image will be already set when the application displays it. However, it still adds more loading time :( Any suggestions on how to improve this?

Flex 3 loading background color

During loading of a Flex 3 built application, it always shows this blue-grayish background color. I've tried a handful of tips, building preloaders etc, and all that works, but even before the preloaders kick in, that blue-grayish color is displayed. I've tried lots of ways to change it, like editing compiler options, setting background image to an empty string etc, but nothing works.
I had this same issue and spent a good hour looking for a solution. To the best of my understanding, the blueish-grey color is directly set from the HTML file generated from index.template.hmtl. There is a binding in that file under <param name="bgcolor" value="{bgcolor}" /> that sets the background color. I'm assuming that bgcolor should be pulled from the backgroundColor you set in your Application. And you could also just try hard coding your value in that param also.
To get past the default 'bluish' background on loading to say...white, add this to the compiler arguments: -default-background-color #ffffff.