Using a <style> definition makes a font unfindable in jasper reports pdf export? - pdf

I have a jar I include with my application with some fonts. If I paste around
<font fontName="NimbusSansGlobal Light" size="12" pdfFontName="NimbusSansGlobal Light" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>
into all my text elements, PDF output works fine. If I switch them all to use a style which defines the font as such:
<style name="SansFontStyle" isDefault="true" pdfFontName="NimbusSansGlobal Light" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>, then the font can't be found by the JRLoader when I try to generate reports. Interesting enough, if I use JRLoader within my application directly, the font is found fine.
Why would styles break PDF export?

Using Font Extensions should solve this problem.
Once you use font extensions, then you can set the font in the text element or in the style. You will not specify pdfFontName, pdfEncoding, or isPdfEmbedded in the report. That gets specified in the font extension.
Note: In a strict interpretation, this doesn't actually answer the question. I have no idea why styles work differently from directly setting the fonts. It seems like a bug, but maybe it's unexpected yet intentional for some reason we aren't thinking of. Therefore, I started to enter this as a comment rather than an answer. But it got too long.
Regardless, this should allow you to use styles as you want to. So I expect that it will solve the heart of the problem.
Font extensions are documented in the JasperReports (and iReport) samples and documentation, so it should be pretty easy to use them once you know that you ought to.


style of asciidoc Admonition missing while using Hugo ? ( syntax not supported? )

I'm using Hugo to generate static pages in Gitlab, seems the syntax of asciidoc not supported well (such as Admonition)? or it's just about the theme I'm using?
for code [TIP]
Please enable font-based icons by adding
:icons: font
to your document. See Font Icon Mode in AsciiDoc docs for details.
Depending on the CSS you use, the tool tip might look different. See below for the "classic" CSS of Asciidoctor.
Once you add the :icons: font, it is a matter of updating the CSS to make it look like your screenshot above.

Gecko Engine in ABCPDF not rendering text color

I'm using ABCPDF + Gecko to render some PDFs within an HTML->PDF templating engine I'm writing. I switched to Gecko specifically to be able to render embedded SVG graphics for things like signatures. However, it seems that now all font colors have changed to black,regardless of the style sheet, class names, or even inline styles being used. Is this a gecko configuration problem, a problem with ABCPDF, or ... ??
Example HTML:
<span style="color:blue;">This should be blue</span>
I'm specifying no options besides browser size, and didn't customize anything in the XULRunner21_0 folder. I'm using AddImageHtml to add the html to a PDF document.
Update: after some more research looks like this may be tied to how Gecko treats text upon printing (not the same as media type). Is there a setting that will prevent it from mucking with the visuals?
This ended up being caused by including bootstrap css in my little project. Removing the print media bits from my copy of bootstrap resolved the issue.

Cannot change size of custom Font

Hi I am using below code to use custom font style for label text. I've installed it and work fine but the problem is that the size of text does not change. I've tried more times with different sizes. I don't know what should do
self.saveButton_label.text = NSLocalizedString(#"Saved", nil);
self.saveButton_label.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica Neue LT Pro" size: 13.0];
I believe the issue lies with one of the steps you need to take when adding a custom font to your project, you probably are not noticing the difference because Helvetica Neue is also the default font, which I believe is used if you were to assign nil to UILabel as the font.
I suggest following this guide, I've used it as a checklist myself when using custom fonts and it has worked, especially take not of the naming, the name you have to use in code might not be the one you see in FontBook or when using Preview on the font.
Try this code, In your code you are missing "-" with font name.
self.saveButton_label.text = #"Saved";
[self.saveButton_label setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica-Neue-LT-Pro size:13.0f]];
also you can use below fonts.
Hope it will work for you.

Add all Glyphicons to Bootstrap 3

I'm diggin' the Glyphicons in Bootstrap 3, but it looks like they're not all there! I'd really like to use the building icon, but Googling hasn't turned up much of anything.
Does anyone know how to add the missing Glyphicons to Bootstrap 3?
You can build your own custom font using the free service:
Simply drag your glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg file in, choose the icons you want to use and download a custom font containing only that which you need.
Fontello comes preloaded with the following libraries:
Font Awesome
Modern Pictograms
MFG Labs
Web Symbols
You can also buy the full version of Glyphicons for $59 at
I wanted to use the Glyphicons Pro I'd bought but expanding the current halflings stuff inside bootstrap was messy. So I created a separate css file for each icon set (full, filetypes & social) and copied the way bootstrap initialises them so I could use similar syntax.
<span class="glyphpro glyphpro-download"></span>
<span class="glyphfiles glyphfiles-xml"></span>
<span class="glyphsocial glyphsocial-github"></span>
This way you can load only the ones you want and when you want and you can use the vanilla bootstrap config. Find my files here: Gist#GitHub
I have purchased the full Gylphicons set from and wanted to use all the icons available. If you are using less you may have to do something different I dont know.
What I have done and worked for me after trying various things posted from this thread and others on the stackexchange network is the following:
(1) Backed up my original bootstrap.css file (I have modified mine, plus good idea)
(2) Copied all the glyphicons-regular font files from /web/html_css/fonts directory to the fonts directory where my bootstrap font files are located
(3) Starting on line 263ish of bootstrap.css make the change to reflect like below: (yours might be slightly different)
#font-face {
font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.eot');
src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.eot?#iefix')
format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.woff')
format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.ttf')
format('truetype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-regular.svg#glyphiconsregular') format('svg');
They url's should be pointed at the new font files.
(4) If you want all of the glyphs like I did then open up the file in the /web/html_css/css/ directory labeled glyphicons.css and copy all the css for the glyhicons except the part with #font-face{} and the .glyphicon{}
and paste into empty text document.
(5) You will need to do a search and replace (I did anyway) for .glyphicons, mind the (s) at the end and replace with .glyphicon no (s) on the end
(6) Next open up the bootstrap.css file and comment out or remove all the other .glyphicon-whatever styles and paste in your new styles.
(7) You may need to remove the line from the very bottom of the file which point to the file. I didn't have to but you may need to.
(8) Happy Glyphing!
NOTE You should be setup to use all the glyhpicons now. Just keep in mind that some of the names of the glyphicons are different then in the original bootstrap file.
I created a repository for the modified css file:
It would be simpler to just create a custom .png and use css normally.

Loading custom font in Windows 8 Metro App

I found this link on how to embed custom fonts in XAML apps. Is there some way I can achieve the same while building using JS? The following method did not work.
#font-face {
font-family: "MimicRoman";
src: url("/fonts/MimicRoman.otf") format('opentype');
Looks ok to me, that's how it should work. You are sure the path to the font file is correct and you did also actually use the font-face somewhere? For instance,
body {
font-family: MimicRoman;
Also, you are sure there are no other font-family declarations taking precedence over the declaration you've made? (this can be seen quite easily with the DOM Explorer).
If nothing else works, you might want to test some other font file, just in case that file is corrupt or something (some working examples from here, for instance).