Laravel 5: Join On with IN query - sql

I'm trying to do something like:
$results = $query->leftJoin('checklist_items', function($join) use ($days) {
$join->on('', '=', 'checklist_items.user_id')
->on('checklist_items.due_date', 'IN', $days);
->where('checklist_items.user_id', null)
This is an example of the query I'm attempting to execute:
FROM users
LEFT JOIN checklist_items
ON = checklist_items.user_id
AND checklist_items.due_date IN ('2015-07-09', '2015-07-10')
WHERE checklist_items.user_id IS NULL
So this is a left outer join. In query builder, most of this is no problem. The problem is the fact that my AND line uses an IN query. If it were part of a WHERE clause I would use ->whereIn but since I need it in the Join clause, whereIn won't work and there is no orIn or some such.

You can use ->whereIn() within the ->leftJoin() closure (Tested in Laravel 5.7.16):
$days = ['2015-07-09', '2015-07-10'];
$results = \DB::table('users')
->leftJoin('checklist_items', function($join) use ($days) {
$join->on('', '=', 'checklist_items.user_id')
->whereIn('checklist_items.due_date', $days);
->where('checklist_items.user_id', null)
Output from dd(\DB::getQueryLog(); produces your example query:
array:1 [▼
0 => array:3 [▼
"query" => "select * from `users` left join `checklist_items` on `users`.`id` = `checklist_items`.`user_id` and `checklist_items`.`due_date` in (?, ?) where `checklist_items`.`user_id` is null order by `users`.`id` asc ◀"
"bindings" => array:2 [▼
0 => "2015-07-09"
1 => "2015-07-10"
"time" => 6.97

I think you would need to use DB::raw() so it doesn't try to quote your days and wrap your days in parenthesis as well. This should do the trick.
$days = '(\'2015-07-09\', \'2015-07-10\')';
$results = DB::table('users')->leftJoin('checklist_items', function($join) use ($days) {
$join->on('', '=', 'checklist_items.user_id')
->on('checklist_items.due_date', 'IN', DB::raw($days));
->where('checklist_items.user_id', null)
echo $results;

This Query will Work
$results = DB::table('users')
->whereIn('checklist_items.due_date',['2015-07-09', '2015-07-10'])

For Laravel 7 and above use whereIn instead of on :
$join->on('', '=', 'checklist_items.user_id')


Convert MariaDB SQL into Laravel Query

This is the working SQL in MariaDB:
SELECT * FROM ticket_categories
WHERE cat_name LIKE '%test%'
( cat_parent_id = 236
OR cat_id = 236
OR cat_parent_id
IN (SELECT cat_id FROM ticket_categories Where cat_parent_id = 236)
What I have in Laravel Query so far:
->where(function($query) use($request) {
query->where('ticket_categories.cat_parent_id', '=', $request->input('departments_filter'));
$query->orWhere('ticket_categories.cat_id','=', $request->input('departments_filter'));
$query->orWhereIn('ticket_categories.cat_parent_id', function($query1) use ($request) {
->from(with(new TicketCategory)->getTable())
->where('cat_parent_id', '=', $request->input('departments_filter'));
My code is now working but you can you can look for people's answer that is much cleaner.
First, I would rewrite your raw MariaDB query as follows:
FROM ticket_categories tc1
LEFT JOIN ticket_categories tc2
ON tc1.cat_parent_id = tc2.cat_id AND
tc2.cat_parent_id = 236
tc1.cat_name LIKE '%test%' AND
tc1.cat_parent_id = 236 OR
tc1.cat_id = 236 OR
tc2.cat_id IS NOT NULL
This would correspond to the following Laravel code:
$results = DB::table('ticket_categories tc1')
->leftJoin('ticket_categories tc2', function($join) {
$join->on('tc1.cat_parent_id', '=', 'tc2.cat_i ');
$join->on('tc2.cat_parent_id', '=', 236);
->where('tc1.cat_name', 'like', '%test%')
->where(function($q) {
$q->where('tc1.cat_parent_id', 236)
->orWhere('tc1.cat_id', 236)
Note that this answer assumes that a given category would have only one parent. If not, then my left join approach could generate duplicates. A workaround would be to use an EXISTS query in the WHERE clause.

Eloquent 2 left join query

I would like to execute the following query using Laravel's eloquent query builder:
SELECT a.*,, FROM hours as a
left join reserves as b
on = b.hour_id and = '2015-12-12'
left join doctors as c
on a.doctor_id =
where a.doctor_id = 1;
I have tried the following:
Hour::leftJoin('reserves', function($join) {
$join->on('' , '=' , 'reserves.hour_id')
->where('' , '=' , '2015-12-12');
->leftJoin('doctors', function($join) {
$join->on('hours.doctor_id', '=', '');
->where('hours.doctor_id', '=', $doctorId)
Unfortunately, I am not getting the same results.
Everything looks fine, however you miss selecting columns, after Hour:: you should add:
You could also make second join simpler and use aliases, so the final code could look like this:
->from('hours AS a')
->leftJoin('reserves AS b', function($join) {
$join->on('' , '=' , 'b.hour_id')
->where('' , '2015-12-12');
->leftJoin('doctors AS c', 'a.doctor_id', '=', '')
->where('a.doctor_id', $doctorId)
Of course as $doctorId you should set 1 to get exact same result
you can use DB::raw :
Hour::select(DB::raw('hours.*'),, c.doctors)
->leftJoin('reserves',DB::raw(" = reserves.hour_id AND'2015-12-12'") ,DB::raw(''), DB::raw(''))
->leftJoin('doctors','hours.doctor_id', '=', '')
->where('hours.doctor_id', '=', $doctorId)
the 2 empty DB::raw is because leftJoin expect 4 arguments(table,columnA,operator,columnB)

Doctrine QueryBuilder multiple distinct

I would like to restrict results with DISTINCT on two columns using doctrine ORM
My function is like this :
public function findFdvLinkedToPdv($pointVenteCodes){
$queryBuilder =
->leftJoin('r.forceVente', 'forceVente')
->leftJoin('r.pointVente', 'pointVente')
->leftJoin('r.signature', 'signature')
->leftJoin('signature.affaire', 'affaire')
->andWhere('pointVente.code IN (:pointvente_codes)')
->orderBy('forceVente.matricule', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('pointVente.code', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('affaire.code', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('r.type', 'ASC')
->setParameters(array('pointvente_codes' => $pointVenteCodes,))
'forceVente.matricule AS forcevente_matricule',
'pointVente.code AS pointvente_code',
'affaire.code AS affaire_code',
' AS id',
'r.profil AS profil',
'r.type AS type',
'forceVente.nom AS nom',
'forceVente.prenom AS prenom',
' AS email',
'r.deletedAt AS deletedAt'));
return $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
For each forcevente.matricule and each pointVente.code , I have from 2 to 6 rows. I would like to get one row for each couple forcevente.matricule/pointVente.code I have to do a distinct on both columns, but when I try :
'DISTINCT forceVente.matricule AS forcevente_matricule',
'DISTINCT pointVente.code AS pointvente_code',
'affaire.code AS affaire_code', etc ...
I have a doctrine error ...
I do this in PHP after executing the request to filter the results...
$linkedForceVentes2 = array();
foreach ($linkedForceVentes as $item) {
if (!isset($linkedForceVentes2[$item['pointvente_code']][$item['forcevente_matricule']])){
$linkedForceVentes2[$item['pointvente_code']][$item['forcevente_matricule']] = $item;
I finaly resolved it with a groupBy :
->groupBy('forcevente_matricule', 'pointvente_code', 'type' , 'affaire_code');
Just after the select statement.

Select sql code in Laravel

Following query returning six values
SELECT tbl_start FROM timetable inner join route ON tbl_rte_id = id WHERE rte_origin = "UL" and rte_destination = "HW" ORDER BY(tbl_start) DESC;
And my laravel code is returning only one value
$tables = Timetable::join('route', 'tbl_rte_id', '=', 'id')
->where('rte_origin', $origin, 'AND')
->where('rte_destination', $destination)
->orderBy('tbl_start', 'desc')
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$result[$table->id] = $table->tbl_start;
This laravel code is not similar or similar. Can anyone help me.
Change this part:
->where('rte_origin', $origin, 'AND')
// to:
->where('rte_origin', $origin)
It will know by default that it's AND operator
And if you want to provide this operator, then do this:
->where('rte_origin', '=', $origin, 'AND')
You may try something like this:
$tables = Timetable::join('route', 'tbl_rte_id', '=', '')
->where('rte_origin', $origin)
->where('rte_destination', $destination)
->orderBy('tbl_start', 'desc')
->get()->lists('tbl_start', 'id');
The $tables will contain an array of id => tbl_start pairs.
Add a listener in your routes.php
Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($sql){
Then execute both queries and check if you have the same result

Laravel Eloquent Select CASE?

Is there anyone with experience in PHP & Laravel Eloquent who can help me resolve this statement? I'm trying to inject a CASE... WHEN.. END... inside a raw() method. It seemed like it was completely ignored. The existing documentation hasn't been . I've tried several different things to no prevail. I'm trying to pull this off:
SELECT, ...,
CASE WHEN = <CurrentUser> THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_user,
FROM <table>
The source code is below:
$shares = Share::where('shares.status', '=', SHARE_STATUS_APPROVED)
->where('shares.deleted', '=', '0')
->where('', '<=', $nelat)
->where('', '>=', $swlat)
->where('locations.lng', '>=', $nelng)
->where('locations.lng', '<=', $swlng)
->where('', '=', $user)
->orWhere('shares.connected_user_id', '=', $user)
->join('users', 'shares.user_id', '=', '')
->join('locations', '', '=', 'users.location_id')
->join('provinces', '', '=', 'locations.province_id')
->join('countries', '', '=', 'locations.country_id')
->select(' AS share_id', ' AS user_id', 'shares.connected_user_id', 'shares.original_language_id', 'shares.image',
'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '',
'', '', 'countries.code',
'', 'locations.lng',
->raw('(CASE WHEN = ' . $user . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user')
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')
->orderBy('', 'asc')
->orderBy('shares.connected_user_id', 'asc')
Move your raw() call inside the SELECT statement:
->select(' AS share_id', ' AS user_id', 'shares.connected_user_id',
'shares.original_language_id', 'shares.image',
'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '',
'', '', 'countries.code',
'', 'locations.lng',
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN = ' . $user . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user')
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')
Alternatively you can use selectRaw instead.
->selectRaw(" AS share_id, AS user_id ,
shares.connected_user_id ,
shares.original_language_id, shares.image,
users.first_name, users.last_name,,,, countries.code,, locations.lng,
(CASE WHEN = {$user} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user)")
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')
Just recently I have created a package that adds CASE support for Eloquent Query Builder. You can check it out here:
Using the package you can do this:
use App\Models\Invoice;
use AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Query\CaseBuilder;
$invoices = Invoice::query()
->case(function (CaseBuilder $case) {
$case->when('balance', '<', 0)->then('Overpaid')
->when('balance', 0)->then('Paid')
->else('Balance Due');
}, 'payment_status')