Maven version range pattern to find one before latest - maven-2

I need to create maven version pattern to get one before latest artifact. I know that i can use [0,) to get latest one, but is there a possibility to search for one before?

I ended up downloading POM of latest version, getting latest_version from it and using pattern [0, latest_version).


Only one JIRA issue per top-level groupId is necessary. This looks like a duplicate of OSSRH-12345, so let's track progress in that issue

I tried to create a repo for my 2nd artifact. but it gives me
Only one JIRA issue per top-level groupId is necessary. This looks like a duplicate of OSSRH-85362, so let's track progress in that issue.
My 1st repo group id is io.github.cozyloon.lets. Now i tried to create io.github.cozyloon.RAapi but it shows above error. any solution for this
I figured it how it works. After creating a repo with the Jira issue we don't need to create again for the new artifact. we can release that artifact under the io.github.cozyloon
We only need to create 1 Jira issue to create our own repo and sync it with maven central. That's all. After successful sync, we can create any artifact under this group id

New artifact version is not listed after publishing to Maven Central

We recently published a new version of existing artifacts. The version shows up if I explicitly type the version number in the URL.
But they are not listed on the artifact page.
Is this is an issue with naming of the version or change in some other properties (I made quite a few) in the POM file?
It seems to take a few days before the new version gets listed. It would be good to know the reason for this delay. now shows 2.0.0-preview version. I expect to also show it in a couple of days.
Publication takes around 30 minutes, while the search engine might take several hours to be updated.
Quoting from the Central repository guide:
Upon release, your component will be published to Central: this typically occurs within 30 minutes, though updates to search can take up to four hours.

Can a specific version be modified on npmjs?

I'm trying to understand the purpose of the revision on the
Is it possible that one old or latest version changes and with that the revision changes too? Or the revision just changes when a new value is updated?
For this package:
I have the info:
What can this modified be?
After research about it, the revision change means that we may have new versions for a specific package.

Why are some Apache-licensed repositories not in GitHub open dataset?

I find the repository "SchemaStore/json-validator" in the open GitHub data collection, queryable with BigQuery.
The repository "SchemaStore/schemastore" has the same Apache 2.0 license, but does not seem to be in the open data collection.
I tried:
SELECT distinct repo_name
FROM `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.files`
WHERE repo_name like 'SchemaStore/%';
This only finds "SchemaStore/json-validator", but not "SchemaStore/schemastore".
Not all GitHub projects are included on the BigQuery copy.
They need to have an appropriate license, and SchemaStore/json-validator has one.
But there are more criteria.
One is project relevance - we see here SchemaStore/json-validator has only 8 stars, and no action during the last 4 years.
I'm not sure when the next list of repos to index refresh will happen, but probably this project won't be included - unless there's a good reason it should.

How add field deadline in TRAC?

I want to add new field "deadline" for tickets in a Trac system .
How can I do it?
take a look at Custom Ticket Fields.
I'm working with a modified revision of the Trac development version 0.13dev, that has support for true custom time fields. This version performs well in production for more than a year now, but still lacks some requirements like unittest to make it's way into the next stable release of Trac. Until this is at least in 'trunk' you'll have to take a special revision from the repository, patch Trac code on your own or use the DateFieldPlugin.
BTW, there is CustomFieldAdminPlugin to help you prepare properly formatted entries for [ticket-custom] section of your trac.ini .