find subdocument without start from parent - express

Pretty new to mongoose. Can I findOne off of a subdocument model?
I have a subdoc called deliverables which is a child of projects
What I'd like to do is FIND on my deliverables model so I don't have to find on the project as
Is that possible or do I have to start from the project model each time? Below is a sample setup I'm using along with my example findOne.
'use strict';
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var deliverablesSchema = new Schema({
var ProjectSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
deliverables: [deliverablesSchema],
mongoose.model('Deliverable', deliverablesSchema);
mongoose.model('Project', ProjectSchema);
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Project = mongoose.model('Project'),
Deliverable = mongoose.model('Deliverable'),
_ = require('lodash');
exports.findDeliverable = function(req, res) {
Deliverable.findOne({'_id': req.params.deliverableId}).exec(function(err, deliverable) {

You can find subdocuments within a document only if you have declared their schema
Here is an example taken from here:
'_id': myid
}).exec(function (err, p) {
if (p) {
var deriv = p.deliverables.filter(function (oneP) {
return oneP._id === 'myderivableid';
If your subdocuments are just nested objects in an array you may use Lodash to retrieve that data using _ .where or _.find

Kept digging and found this:
You still have to pull the master document first but it's easy to drill down to the particular object you're looking for and make a quick update, then just update the whole master document in one shot.
Dead simple. Works like a charm.


vuex + vuexfire - store objects would not update upon adding data

in the folowing code, after i update field collection it would not
update "this.fields" (which is bound to tha collection in store.js by
vuexfire rules) - only when i refresh page. please help. thanks
var newField = {
name: this.fieldName,
area: this.fieldArea,
farmId: this.farmId
var docRef = fb.field.doc()
var id =
.then(ref => {
How, and where, are you getting the this.fields?
Is it a computed property?
it should be somthing arround the lines of this in order to keep the data updated (vuex documentation)
computed: {
fields() {

Async data fetching not updating reactive data property

Ok, guys, I´m having a little issue today, all day long, trying to solve, the deal goes like this...
I´m fetching some data from firebase to render on the html template with asynchronous functions
I have a fetchList Method that is like this:
async mounted() {
let ret = await this.fetchJobRequireList()
console.log('fetchjoblist' , ret)
async fetchJobRequireList() {
// debugger
let services = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('required_services'))
services != null ? this.required_services = services : null
let docs_ = []
let result = []
if (!services) {
// this.required_services = []
// get required services per user id
let collections = this.$options.firebase.functions().httpsCallable('getRequiredServices')
let docs = await this.$options.firebase.firestore().collection('required_services').get()
// console.log('required services docs', docs)
let _ = this
for (let doc of {
result[] =
await collections({doc_id:}).then( async r => {
// debugger
let collections_ =
docs_ = []
_.required_services[] = []
for (let collection of collections_) {
let path = collection._referencePath.segments
// let documents =
let __ = _
await this.$options.firebase.firestore().collection(path[0])
.then(async documents => {
// console.log('__documents__', documents)
for (let doc_ of {
doc_ = await[0].ref.get()
doc_ = {
path: doc_.ref.path,
// debugger
console.log("this?", this.required_services[], '__??', __.required_services)
console.log('__docs__', docs_)
return docs_
}).catch(err => console.error(err))
// console.log('this.required_services', this.required_services)
// console.log('object entries', Object.entries(result))
// console.log('__this.required_services__', Object.entries(this.required_services))
// sessionStorage.setItem('required_services', JSON.stringify(this.required_services))
return result
The expected result would be for the data function properties to be update after the firebase response came, but no update is happening.
If anyone, have any clues, of what could be happening... some people told me that asynchrounous functions could cause problems... but there is no alternative for them, I guess...
This line
_.required_services[] = []
is not reactive. See the first point in the docs
So as pointed by #StephenThomas, there is some limitations in array change detection capabilities in reactive property usage.
So after loading the content from firebase, try to push it like this.joblist.push(doc) vue property will not react properly and make some confusion in the head of someone that doesn´t know about this limitation in detecting this kind of array mutation (
By using this line, now is possible to see the changes in property inside the Vue dev tools
_.joblist.splice(0,0, local_doc)
Thanks #SthephenThomas, for pointing this out!!

Odoo UI widget - how to get settings from database?

I'm writing an Odoo v9 widget, which renders a URL, based on concatenation of a setting in the database, and the actual form fields.
The setting in the database I figure should live in ir_config_parameter. I'm inserting a default value with my module.
What's the best way to get this value when rendering the widget? Doing an async ajax call using
new Model("ir.config_parameter")
seems a little heavy handed. Is there a better way to be doing this?
Widget code:
var UrlWidget2 = form_common.FormWidget.extend({
start: function() {
this.field_manager.on("field_changed:ref", this, this.display_result);
display_result: function() {
var ref = this.field_manager.get_field_value("ref");
if (!ref) return;
var baseUrl = ''; //this is the value I want to get from the setting in the database.
var url = baseUrl + '/foo/' + ref;
this.$el.html('View Externally<br /><br/>');
You can use RPC for this. This is example which work for me:
var Model = require('web.DataModel');
var UrlWidget2 = form_common.FormWidget.extend({
// just example how to get parameter from backend
display_result: function() {
var parameter = new Model('ir.config_parameter');
// get fields value, key
parameter.query(['value', 'key'])
// criteria of search - record with id = 1
.filter([['id', '=', 1]])
// only one record
.then(function (parameter) {
// here data from server
// ...
Hope this helps you.

using promises with getCollection

I'm trying to figure out how to apply the promises infrastructure in the case where I'm looping through a list of portfolio items to extract data for highcharts use and need to retrieve data from the related user stories. The goal is to create a way to not attempt to instantiate the chart object until all async callbacks are completed. Here's a code snippet illustrating what I'm trying to do - in this example, the getCollection() method's callback function is not being executed until all of the outer loop features have been retrieved.
_.each(records, function(feature) {
var rname = (feature.get('Release')) ? feature.get('Release')._refObjectName: "None";
//various other feature record extraction steps
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'InProgressDate','AcceptedDate'],
callback: function(stories, operation, success){
Ext.Array.each(stories, function(story) {
var storyname = story.get('FormattedID') + ': ' + story.get('Name');
// other chart data extraction steps
I'd check out the guide in the docs on working with promises, especially the section on retrieving hierarchical data:!/guide/promises-section-retrieving-hierarchical-data
The basic idea is to keep an array of all the promises representing the child collection store loads and then to use a Deft.Promise.all to wait for them all to finish before continuing.
So something like this, based on your code above:
var childStoryPromises = [];
_.each(records, function(feature) {
var rname = (feature.get('Release')) ? feature.get('Release')._refObjectName: "None";
// various other feature record extraction steps
var userStoriesStore = feature.getCollection('UserStories');
var promise = userStoriesStore.load({
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'InProgressDate','AcceptedDate']
feature.userStoriesStore = userStoriesStore; //save reference for later
//wait for all stores to load
success: function() {
_.each(records, function(feature) {
var userStories = feature.userStoriesStore.getRange();
//extract user story data here
scope: this

Passing config to ExtJS prototypes

I'm trying to figure out how ExtJS4 passes around config objects.
I want to do the equivalent of...
store = function(config){
if ( typeof !== 'unndefined' ){
config.url = "server.php?c=" + || config.url;
I am probably missing something obvious here, but having dug around in the sandbox file, the closest I have come is....
Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
// what i would like to pass.
constructor: function(config) {
return this;
which doesn't seem to work if you do something like...
var awesome = Ext.create('My.awesome.Class',{
name="Super awesome"
alert(awesome.getName()); // 'awesome.getName is not a function'
Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
// The default config
config: {
name: 'Awesome',
isAwesome: true
constructor: function(config) {
return this;
var awesome = Ext.create('My.awesome.Class',{
name="Super awesome"
alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'
This is biting me in the rear end when trying to do complex store extensions.
Anyone have any idea how I pass a bunch of random params to the prototype?
You should not be using new operator to create new instance on your class. In ExtJS4, you should use Ext.create() method.
Try doing:
var awesome = Ext.create('My.awesome.Class');
And if you want to pass some param when creating an instance, you can do the following
var awesome = Ext.create('My.awesome.Class',{name:'New Awesome'});