Not able to add worker after successful installation of Website Controller, Management server,Front end server,Publication server and File server - azure-pack

After successful installation of Windows azure pack I am trying to install Windows Azure Pack: Web Sites v2 U6.
I am able to install most of the servers to the Website controller. All below servers are in ready state so there is no issue of installation error.
Management server
Front end server
Publication server
File server.
but while adding Worker server, it's added perfectly and start the installation process. At stage when it reach at the installation it seems like it is not getting some connection string. The information is below.
Start service: rsfilter.
Service rsfilter is running.
Configure Idle Pageout feature.
Completed configuration of Idle Pageout feature.
Take ownership for file C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\http.sys.
Configure DWAS Files location to path 'C:\DWASFiles'
File caching is turned off
Execute command 'powershell.exe Import-Module NetQoS; $policy = Get-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'udplimit' }; if (!$policy) { New-NetQosPolicy -name 'udplimit' -ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond 65536 -IpProtocol UDP -PolicyStore ActiveStore -ea Stop }'
Setup database connection string for server WAPSQL .
Setup data service credentials.
Stop service: WAS.
Service 'WAS' is stopped.
Set IPv4 dynamic port range, with starting port 30000, and number of ports 35536.
Execute command 'netsh.exe int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=30000 num=35536'
Start service: dwassvc.
Service dwassvc is running.
WorkerManagementService started. Ready to receive ConnectionString and DataServiceCredentials.
Waiting for worker connection string. Attempt number is 12.
Waiting for worker connection string. Attempt number is 24.
Waiting for worker connection string. Attempt number is 36.
Waiting for worker connection string. Attempt number is 48.
I also tried to repair Frontend server as mention in on Microsoft forum but it will not help.
Here's Microsoft forum link
Any trick or guideline will be appreciated

I have found that my Front end server is not accessible from management server and web site controller. It is DNS server that not resolving named correctly (Accessed by IP address but not accessed by server name). Also by using klist tickets I have fount that front end server doesn't have Kerberos ticket available on the list.
For the solution what I have done is, I removed front end server from Web site controller and after that I remove it from Domain controller. Then I rejoin it again to domain. After that I tried it to access it by using it's name from management server and website controller. For example,\FRONTEND\C$. Then I first added FrontEnd server and then Web Worker Server and now it get's connection string properly and added with "Ready" status.
Hope this will help someone.
Thanks you very much for point out. It is hectic from more then a week.


How to setup ISV Local cache using local host & ISV Client Agent

I was going through the MS Doc
where it talks about setting up Express installation through WSUS Server. I'm able to setup 'ISV file cache using HTTP Server' and No idea about the second method.i.e. 'ISV Local cache using local host & ISV Client Agent' Can some one help me in setting up the second scenario. Or redirect me to some documents where I can get helps.
I had to run a local server in agent machine, This can be of any web server which serves http requests. with python we can have a up and running http server with one line of code.

RedisDesktopManager not connecting to remote redis server

I had a perfectly running remote redis-server on my LAN (# x.x.x.x:p). I was able to use the RedisDesktopManager to view the server contents. However, there were a lot of dangling connections to my server from different clients (subscribed to channels) which I wanted to close so I used the SHUTDOWN command from the console of the desktop manager. Since them, I am unable to connect to the remote server. The desktop manager is running and lets me add a new redis-server connection but I am not able to connect to the previous server connection. Whenever I try to connect to the server # x.x.x.x:p, the desktop manager terminates. I have not made any configuration changes to the previously running server so I am sure that I am not making any mistake with port bindings. Any help on what I am missing will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
The problem was with the configuration binding. The bind line in the configuration file was originally
bind I changed it to bind x.x.131.129. The server connection was restored.

Error configuring using Windows Service Bus (1.1) Configuration Wizard

I am trying to configure Windows Service Bus (1.1) using Service Bus Configuration Wizard. I am getting below error when I try to configure it. Can anybody tell me what is the problem.
[Error] [5/9/2014 9:32:40 AM]: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Starting service Service Bus Gateway on machine USHP2-10-056A failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.Exceptions.OperationFailedException: Starting service Service Bus Gateway on machine USHP2-10-056A failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
Please see below for Configuration Information of Service Bus
Management Database SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1
Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False
Authentication Windows Authentication
Management Database Name SbManagementDB
Gateway Database SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1
Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False
Authentication Windows Authentication
Gateway Database Name SbGatewayDatabase
Message Container SQL Instance USHP2-10-056A\SQLSERVER2012SP1
Enable SSL connection with SQL Server instance False
Authentication Windows Authentication
Message Container Database Name SBMessageContainer01
RunAs Account gopalac-c#HERBALIFECORP
RunAs Password *******
Certificate Generation Key ******* (Gopala123)
Farm Certificate Auto-generated
Encryption Certificate Auto-generated
HTTPS Port 9355
TCP Port 9354
Message Broker Port 9356
Resource Provider HTTPS Port 9359
Amqp Port 5672
Amqps Port 5671
Internal Communication Port Range 9000 - 9004
Enable firewall rules on this computer True
Administrators Group BUILTIN\Administrators
Registering container databases SBMessageContainer01 SBMessageContainer02
Creating Namespace ServiceBusDefaultNamespace
Management Portal Admin User adminUser
Management Portal Tenant User tenantUser
Look in \Windows\System32\drivers\etc and edit the hosts file - In my case I noticed that I had localhost defined more than once. Even though they were all set to it still seems to have confused the Service Bus config.
I removed the duplicates and then it worked.
I lost 2 days on this.
My issue.
I had previously (months before) installed and was running RabbitMQ.
This guy gave me the hint:
Make sure you uninstall all previous versions of the Windows App Fabric on your development machine. Additionally, disable any
windows service that utilizes the AMQP protocol (RabbitMQ). If you do
not disable RabbitMQ then the Service Bus will not be able to start
up. Finally, make sure you have SQL Server Express 2012 installed.
In regards to SQL Server, make sure to enable TCP/IP protocol; this
can be done using the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool.
Once I stopped all RabbitMQ service, I was able to complete the installation.
Sidenote : I used a domain-account. I was connected to my domain-network while doing the install. I did not try with a local-account after I got my issue resolved.
Other links I found along the way (besides this one).
Things you’ll need to be aware of for local Service Bus installation:
If you are in a workgroup you must use local users, if you are in a domain you must use domain users. If you are on Windows 10 with an
AAD user your machine is probably in a workgroup. reference
If you have VS 2015, you need to install a fake Microsoft.Cloud.Common.AzureStorage assembly.
You must use Nuget package WindowsAzure.ServiceBus or older.
You must address your Service Bus connections using your full machine name not a short name or something like localhost
Hopefully this saves someone hours of frustration
I got it working with the following procedure:
before install
Open configuration Wizard and select "Leave Farm"
Delete all the Service Bus related databases in SQL server
Uninstall Service Bus 1.0 and Windows Fabric
Remove the folder 'C:\ProgramData\Windows Fabric' if it exists
Remove the folders 'C:\Program Files\Service Bus' and 'C:\Program Files\Windows Fabric' if it exists
Reinstall the product:
Run "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConfigWizard.exe" as admin (right-click 'run as admin')
Choose 'with custom settings'
Set the 'Internal communication port range' to any unused port (not the default 9000, which is often used)

One of the nodes is not showing its health status

In the weblogic console, one of the nodes are not showing their health status while admin server and other nodes are showing there health status as "OK".
Is there any issue regarding communication between admin server and managed server or some other reason for this node not showing a health status?
What should be done?
I am able to get the status of managed server by restarting the managed server only.
it seems it is the problem due to unstability of the environment.there was problem with the start argument of the managed server.
Yes, that looks like a communication issue between Admin and Managed server. What you can usually do is:
Restart all. Then start Admin first and wait till its on. Then start the Managed server. Does the problem still persist?
Check that the Managed server is started properly. See that there are no errors in the log file.
Check the logs of the managed server. See if the managed server complains about not being able to connect to Admin, otherwise there should be a log message saying that the connection with the Admin was established.
You can also start Managed server without starting the Admin server, see if the Managed server is trying to contact the Admin server or not.
Check the config.xml file of the Admin and Managed server. Check the node and servers definitions, check their IP addresses, ports, etc.

How to ensure that a machine name is valid and running?

I have a wcf service deployed on mulitple machines on the intranet. User can access the machine through internet by connecting its machine through SSL (secured connection of the client network).
User has a client application to consume web service deployed on mulitple machine on client network.
I get the machine name from the client and dynamically create the url to create the client of the web service in client application as below:
What will be the best approach to check if the machine on which client is trying to connect is valid and running(up)?
There could be mulitple condting when timeout is expired like network delay in among one of the cause..
you can try and open a telnet on the port you're calling.
if it timed out - there is a problem.
if you want to do it in more stages
1. run nslookup (to see if the ip-name is defind right)
2. run ping (to see if the machine is alive - if there is no firewall that blocks it)
3. run telnet to the listening port.
What I do - I always publish a test method on the WCF service - that doesn't do anything but returns true - so I can check the service fast.
I would recommend using these three commands:
# check we can resolve the host name
host machine_name
# net cat, to check if the port is open
nc -vz machine_name 443
# curl to see if the service is responding at the given URL
curl -I https://machine_name//test/testservice.svc
The above commands can be run from within a Cygwin/Unix shell. To do the same within a .NET project, you can download libcurl-net. The curl command/library call will do a complete check, and if it fails it should be able to tell you approximately where the problem is.