How to get more quota for creating projects for Data API v3 in YouTube? - api

I was making my 24 or 25 Windows App and the next message appeared:
You have reached your account's quota limit for creating projects. To request more quota, submit this <a href="" target="_blank>request form</a>.
So I wonder submit this to where, to whom and by which way or tool?
Could you please help me?


Hello, I have a question about Google sheet API quota

First, I'd like to say truly thank you for all your services.
What I want to ask about Google sheet API quota is about "request per user".
Presently, I am managing a web app for educational calculation built with flutter framework and I successfully connected the app and google sheet with API service. Technically, the app is using one API key, however many other students are using the app same time in classroom. So, here is the point. Does the user in "request per user" mean API key? or each device? If it is the API key, quota is not enough. If it means each device, I guess the quota is sufficient for my case.
Your reply would be very appreciated, thank you in advance:)

how to increase the quota for Google Sheets API

we have an online service for integrating different services and applications with each other. We don't have enough limits. The requests are written optimally, we do not make unnecessary requests.
You can request for a quota increase through your GCP Console. Just follow the steps below:
1.) Login to your GCP Console admin account.
2.) On the navigation menu, click on IAM & Admin -> Quotas.
3.) Select the API service that you will request for an increase. Tick the checkbox on the right side of the console then click EDIT QUOTAS in the top part of the screen.
4.) Specify the new quota limit that you want and you are done with the request.
Quota increase requests usually take 2-3 days.
Increasing API Quota

How can I get all my instagram account feed?

I'm trying to get all my instagram account feeds/images. But I found that the api has restriction for 20 feeds only. I can only get my latest 20 posts. But I want all my posts/feeds. I guess there is some way to do that cause I found some examples that is displaying all the feeds.
Any suggestions can be helpful. Thank you in adcance.
If you just signed up for API, you will be in Sandbox mode which has limitations
The behavior of the API when you are in sandbox mode is the same as
when your app is live, but comes with the following restrictions:
Data is restricted to sandbox users and the 20 most recent media from each sandbox user
Reduced API rate limits
more info here:
Use have to submit request to instagram. Example for your case you can submit basic permission to read a user’s profile info and media. Step by step:
1. Create new client at
2. Make video screencast of your app to tell how you use the permission
3. Go to manage tab -> permission tab and submit to instagram approval

Broken Button on Instagram Permissions Review? Instagram API - Start A Submission yields "Oops, there was an error"

Trying to start a new submission to request more permissions for our app w/ the Instagram API. Start A Submission button takes you to page that simply says "oops, there was an error." Happening w/ App Live, in Sandbox, and on both desktop and mobile. App as already been reviewed and approved; am seeking additional review for more permissions.
Anyone else experiencing or have a tip? I've submitted report to Instagram Developer Support.
The Instagram API often just says "Oops an error occured !" and donot give you any more information.
I think their servers timeout limit down.
Add the parameter distance=500, or even less, and you won't get this error any more.
Basically, in a high density area , you need to specify a small distance number, otherwise Instagram's server just times out while serving your request.

LiqtoTwitter Authorization Automation

is it ever possible to authorize twitter app on the desktop without user input (of the seven digit number)?
I am trying to develop a realtime tweet fetching application between a list of friends/followers "suspects" communicating together. But the authorization code that needs to reset after 15 mins is an issue, so unless someone if manually present to handle re authorization after a couple of mins is a serious challenging. Is there a solution to my question.
Joe Mayo or any one, pls help here.
There are two different issues at work here: authorization and 15 minute rate limit windows. For authorization, you receive OAuthToken and AccessToken, accessible via IAuthorizer.Credentials after the user authorizes. These tokens never expire. So, you save them when the user first authorizes and then load them into IAuthorizer.Credentials and you won't need to perform authorization again. Here's a more detailed description:
linqtotwitter - grab the saved credentials
Since you mentioned something about "reset after 15 mins", I assume you're referring to Rate Limits, which are set in 15 minute windows. Here's a recent discussion:
How to handle LinqtoTwitter Rate(v2.1) limit exceeded Error
It would be helpful to review the Twitter docs on Rate Limiting.