Pharo Smalltalk UITheme builder label - smalltalk

I am building a GUI app using Smalltalk Pharo version 4.0. I am using the following UITheme builder code to create labels since Morphic TextMorphs/LabelMorphs do not implement Observer pattern to update them dynamically on GUI when their value changes through program logic:
UITheme builder
newLabelFor: self
getLabel: #labelValue
getEnabled: nil
I need to change the fonts and text color for the above label. I tried using the following and other similar options but it does not work for me:
newLabelGroup: labelsAndControls font: aFont labelColor: aColor
Is there any way to achieve this?

You can send the messages #color: and #font: to the object returned by #newLabelFor:getLabel:getEnabled. For example the code below creates a big red text:
(UITheme builder
newLabelFor: 'Text'
getLabel: #asString
getEnabled: nil)
color: Color red;
font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 30);
Depending on your image and setup this will not work with all fonts.


How to change the font in the SpTextPresenter?

Pharo 9, Spec 2 -- I have a Spec 2 presenter with a text widget:
text := self newText.
super initializePresenters
As I understand its type is SpTextPresenter. How to change the font of this text? Font face, size of the all shown text in this widget... For example, to "Courier New", 9.
Also I tried:
text addStyle: { SpStyleSTONReader fromString:
Font {
#name: "Source Sans Pro",
#size: 12,
#bold: false,
#italic: true
}' }.
but it does not work, the error is: Improper store into indexable object.
Also I found this documentation. It seems that the scenario must be:
Read styles as STON
Set styles somwhere (where?) for the all application. They are described under its names in the STON so they can be referred under its names in the application.
Call addStyle: 'the-name' so the widget with a name the-name will refer own styles from the loaded STON.
The problem is in 2. - I have not application, just one presenter which I open with openWithSpec.
I didn't notice this 'till now.
Spec "styles" cannot be added directly to the component but they need to be part of a stylesheet.
Stylesheets are defined in your application (in particular in your application configuration).
You can take a look at StPharoApplication>>resetConfiguration, StPharoMorphicConfiguration>>styleSheet and StPharoMorphicConfiguration>>styleSheetCommon as examples (you will also see there than using STON to declare your styles is just a convenience way, not mandatory).
Here a simplified version of what you will find there:
StPharoApplication >> resetConfiguration
self useBackend: #Morphic with: StPharoMorphicConfiguration new
StPharoMorphicConfiguration >> styleSheet
^ SpStyle defaultStyleSheet, self styleSheetCommon
StPharoMorphicConfiguration >> styleSheetCommon
"Just an example on how to build styles programatically ;)"
^ SpStyleSTONReader fromString: '
.application [
.searchInputField [
Font { #size: 12 }
Then you can add the style to your component:
text addStyle: 'searchInputField'

LESS mixin to automatically add CSS custom property fallback for IE

We're introducing a dark theme for our site that can be turned on and off on the fly, so we're using CSS custom properties. The problem is that we still have to support IE 11. IE just isn't getting the dark theme, it'll stay on the light theme, that's fine, but it means we have to duplicate all of our color properties now:
.some-icon {
color: #some-font-color;
color: var(--some-font-color);
fill: #some-font-color;
fill: var(--some-font-color);
This is because IE 11 will ignore the CSS custom properties and still use the first one it finds. Is there a way to use a LESS mixin or something else to automatically generate those duplicate values for us? Just a minor thing but it would save us some annoyance.
(Side note: I know there are polyfills to make CSS variables work in IE 11, we chose not to use one. We barely support it as is, no need to add a polyfill for this.)
You can use a mixin to output multiple values as such:
#red: red --red;
.color(#val) {
#val1: extract(#val, 1);
#val2: extract(#val, 2);
color: #val1;
color: var(~'#{val2}');
p {
Output will be:
p {
color: red;
color: var(--red);

Is it possible to show QML controls boundaries?

When developing a QML application I think it can sometime be useful if I was able to set some setting to outline all visual elements boundaries. For instance a control in Qt Quick Controls 2.x might consist of several parts like background, contentItem, indicators etc. When tweaking on the size of these I would like to see the boundaries of each of these parts.
Is there any functionality like this in Qt/QML?
Three years later, and folks (specifically: me) are still doing web searches about this :)
Just like commenter #DuKes0mE suggested, I have "made do" by adding borders to things on-the-fly and then removing them from the final code.
Like the OP, I am now tired of doing that.
A tactic I arrived at recently is to add a DebugRectangle.qml custom element to my project:
import QtQuick 2.12
Rectangle {
property var toFill: parent // instantiation site "can" (optionally) override
property color customColor: 'yellow' // instantiation site "can" (optionally) override
property int customThickness: 1 // instantiation site "can" (optionally) override
anchors.fill: toFill
z: 200
color: 'transparent'
border.color: customColor
border.width: customThickness
Then I can add it to existing elements like so, to debug them:
Label {
text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
Label {
text: 'quis nostrud exercitation'
DebugRectangle {} // Adds "debug border" to this Label
And when I am finished, I can even leave the nested DebugRectangle in the code, but toggle its visibility like so:
Label {
text: 'quis nostrud exercitation'
DebugRectangle {
visible: false
Complete sample project shared on GitHub.
There's a tool called GammaRay which (amongst other things) allows investigating QtQuick 2 applications, see:
Setup instructions are here:
If you're running Linux, it is quite likely your distribution already ships a GammaRay package.

How to change color of comment marker for Atom editor?

I was able to change color of comment content with
atom-text-editor::shadow .comment {
color: #E4F4FD;
But the color of comment marker stayed unchanged:
How do I change the color of comment marker?
If you place your cursor immediately to the left of the character you want to style and then press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-P all of the scopes for that character will be displayed in an information box:
You can then incorporate this into your stylesheet as you have with the body of the comment:
atom-text-editor::shadow {
.comment {
color: #E4F4FD;
.punctuation.definition.comment {
color: #E4F4FD;
Because it is LESS, it is possible to nest classes which will make your style sheet much cleaner.
Using ATOM version 1.58.0 on Windows 10, I get a depreciation warning. The short version is:
Starting from Atom v1.13.0, the contents of atom-text-editor elements are no longer encapsulated within a shadow DOM boundary. This means you should stop using :host and ::shadow pseudo-selectors, and prepend all your syntax selectors with syntax--.
I had to use:
// Change the color of the comments
atom-text-editor .syntax--comment{ color:#9DA5B3; }
atom-text-editor .syntax--punctuation.syntax--definition.syntax--comment{ color:#9DA5B3; }

I want to use a custom font in a picker made by Appcelerator Titanium. Is there anyway to do that?

I'm developing a mobile app using Appcelerator Titanium. I've changed the textFields font but I couldn't do the same with pickers. Is there anyway to do that?
You can add views and therefore labels to picker rows, but that is iOS only. The font property applies to mobile web and Tizen only. The pickerRow is well documented, you can find examples and more here.
Assuming you have already implemented the custom font, it works like this:
var row = Ti.UI.createPickerRow();
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: 'Custom Row',
font: { fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold', fontFamily: 'myCustomFont' }
If you have not added your custom font yet, the Titanium custom font guide explains it all.