we have a situation where the compiling of a package takes for ever!
if we compile the package with a new name then it works!
what I understood, Compiling hangs because of locks on the package!
something like this might help identify the problem!
SELECT s.sid,
FROM dba_lock_internal l,
v$session s
WHERE s.sid = l.session_id
AND l.lock_type = 'Body Definition Lock';
also this
v$session x, v$sqltext y
x.sql_address = y.address
y.sql_text like '%PROCEDURE_NAME%';
is it only 'body Definition Lock' that prevent the compiling?
is there any other lock types that prevent the compiling?
how to avoid the locks and do the compiling? by killing the sessions only? is there something else?
You might want to look into Edition-based Redefinition which will let you create a new revision, compile new versions without being blocked by other sessions currently using the packages and enable the new revision later on.
Basically, if someone or something else (any other scheduled job) is executing the package, then you won’t be able to perform the recompile. To get around this, you need to identify the locking session and kill it. Killing session is that option we have, dbms_lock is only useful on locks created by dbms_lock You cannot just "unlock" some object - the lock is there for an extremely relevant reason.
Other lock you may come across is Dependency Lock: Consider
Procedure-1 from Package A contains a call to Procedure-2 from Package B.
procedure-1 from Package A is running.
Then you may get lock while compiling Package-B
I have a script in LINQPad that looks like this:
var serverMode = EnvironmentType.EWPROD;
var jobToSchedule = JobType.ABC;
var hangfireCs = GetConnectionString(serverMode);
JobStorage.Current = new SqlServerStorage(hangfireCs);
Action<string, string, XElement> createOrReplaceJob =
(jobName, cronExpression, inputPackage) =>
() => new BTR.Evolution.Hangfire.Schedulers.JobInvoker().Invoke(
cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
// psuedo code to prepare inputPackage for client ABC...
createOrReplaceJob("ABC.CustomReport.SurveyResults", "0 2 * * *", inputPackage);
JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().Where( j => j.Id.StartsWith( jobToSchedule.ToString() ) ).Dump( "Scheduled Jobs" );
I have to schedule in both QA and PROD. To do that, I toggle the serverMode variable and run it once for EWPROD and once for EWQA. This all worked fine until recently, and I don't know exactly when it changed unfortunately because I don't always have to run in both environments.
I did purchase/install LINQPad 7 two days ago to look at some C# 10 features and I'm not sure if that affected it.
But here is the problem/flow:
Run it for EWQA and everything works.
Run it for EWPROD and the script (Hangfire components) seem to run in a mix of QA and PROD.
When I'm running it the 'second time' in EWPROD I've confirmed:
The hangfireCs (connection string) is right (pointing to PROD) and it is assigned to JobStorage.Current
The query at the end of the script, JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs() uses the right connection.
The RecurringJob.* methods inside the createOrReplaceJob Action use the connection from the previous run (i.e. EWQA). If I monitor my QA Hangfire db, I see the job removed and added.
Temporary workaround:
Run it for EWQA and everything works.
Restart LINQPad or use 'Cancel and Reset All Queries' method
Run it for EWPROD and now everything works.
So I'm at a loss of where the issue might lie. I feel like my upgrade/install of LINQPad7 might be causing problems, but I'm not sure if there is a different way to make the RecurringJob.* static methods use the 'updated' connection string.
Any ideas on why the restart or reset is now needed?
LINQPad - 5.44.02
Hangfire.Core - 1.7.17
Hangfire.SqlServer - 1.7.17
This is caused by your script (or a library that you call) caching something statically, and not cleaning up between executions.
Either clear/dispose objects when you're done (e.g., JobStorage.Current?) or tell LINQPad not to re-use the process between executions, by adding Util.NewProcess=true; to your script.
I am trying to run the example "optaplanner-mixedvrp-experiment" developed by Geoffrey De Smet and when I run it it throws me the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The entity (MY) has a
variable (previousStandstill) with value (MUNO) which has a
sourceVariableName variable (nextVisit) with a value (WERBOMONT) which
is not null. Verify the consistency of your input problem for that
sourceVariableName variable.
I have not made any change, I have only cloned and executed it, I import and solve it and it throws me this error.
Do you know what could be happening?
I am applying it in the development of a variant of VRP with multiple deliveries and collections, but it throws me the same error. I have activated the FULL_ASSERT mode and nextVisit, previousStandstill, visitIndex are always null
It's been a long time since I looked at that code, so it's using an old version of optaplanner. Our goal is still to clean it up and offer an out of the box example for VRPPD (and probably remove some boilerplate along the way, using the upcoming #CollectionPlanningVariabe etc). That being said, we have multiple users&customers who used that optaplanner-mixedvrp-experiment to successfully build VRPPD implementations.
Which dataset did you try?
FWIW, that IllegalStateException says that when A.previous = B, the B.next is not A. So either the dataset importer didn't import it correctly - before calling solve() - especially if it fails before the first CH step in FULL_ASSERT. Or one of the custom moves corrupted the model.
In order to try and understand git revert, I made a series of 4 simple commits -- A, B, C, D -- to a text file, foo.txt, with the intention of undoing only commit B later and leaving commits A, C, D intact.
So, in each commit, I added a new line each to the file, emulating either a feature added or a bug introduced.
After commit A, contents of foo.txt:
Feature A
After commit B, contents of foo.txt: (Here, I introduce a bug that I'll later try to undo/revert.)
Feature A
After commit C, contents of foo.txt:
Feature A
Feature C
After commit D, contents of foo.txt:
Feature A
Feature C
Feature D
Now, to undo the effects of Commit B (which introduced the bug), I did:
git revert master^^
What I expected to happen was, a new Commit E that removed the Bug line from the file, leaving the file contents as:
Feature A
Feature C
Feature D
However, I got the error:
error: could not revert bb58ed3... Bug introduced
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
with the contents of the file following the unsuccessful git revert being:
Feature A
<<<<<<< HEAD
Feature C
Feature D
>>>>>>> parent of bb58ed3... Bug introduced
( bb58ed3 is the hash of Commit B, and 'Bug introduced' this commit's comment.)
What is going on here?
If even such a simple, one-line commit cannot be reverted/undone automatically, and must require manual resolution from me, then how could I revert a much more complex commit whose original developer may even be someone else!
Is there a special set of cases where git revert would be better applicable?
git sees each commit as a changelist (I simplify things here) and tries to "unapply" that when you call git revert. Each changelist also includes some context to ensure that the change makes sense. For example, if the change we want to make is "add return after line 10", it's more likely to break things than "add return after line 10, if lines 7-9 contain X, Y, and Z". So, we can describe your second commit as (again, simplifying this a little here):
Assuming that the first line of the file is Feature A.
Assuming that there is no second line.
Make the second line contain Bug.
After you've added few more lines, context of the Bug changed significantly, so git revert is not sure whether it can simply remove the line. Maybe the newly added lines actually fixed the bug. So it asks you to explicitly resolve the conflict of contexts.
As for your questions 2-3: yes, git revert is usable in cases when you're reverting a piece of file which was not changed since then. For example, the bug was introduced in a foo function, but only bar function (which is located ten lines below) was modified since then. In that case, git revert is likely to automatically revert the change, because it sees that the context is unchanged.
UPD: here is an example of why context matters even if you're trying to revert your own code:
Commit A (mind the mistype):
int some_vlue = 0;
some_vlue = some_vlue++;
Commit B (bug introduced):
int some_vlue = 0;
some_vlue = 123;
some_vlue = some_vlue++;
Commit C (name fixed):
int some_value = 0;
some_value = 123;
some_value = some_value++;
Now, in order to revert commit B, one have to have some context, as we cannot simply replace some_value = 123 with older line read_int_into(some_vlue) - it would be compilation error.
This is happening intermittently (usually at start up). I get the above error message when executing the following code.
var arr = ORMExecuteQuery( "FROM priority WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY sortOrder" );
var qry = entityToQuery( arr );
The first line executes fine, but the second line blows up. The solution is to run ormreload();
The problem keeps coming up in an unpredictable way though. Even when no changes have been made to the beans or gateways that are using ORM. Completely unpredictable and impossible to replicate on purpose. Is there something else that can mess with the hibernate mappings that could cause this type of problem.
Other info that may be pertinent:
This is a MURA plugin based on a recent version of FW/1.
ormreload() is a persistent fix (until it fails again)
My current solution is to put ormreload() in the setupApplication() method of application.cfc
I just want to understand better what could be causing this problem.
In Visual Basic I create an Application Object and start it:
gApp = New CANoe.Application
gMeasurement = gApp.Measurement
gApp.Open(arrArgs(0), False, False)
Once the application finishes processing the data two possible scenarios may happen: (i) the data file was corrupt and (in normal circumstances) an allert window is raised and (ii) the data file was ok. In (ii) case I can quite the Application with gApp.Quit(). However in case (i) gApp.Quit() does not work, since the program expects input from the user (although often I do not see the window at all).
Question 1: how can I quite the process corresponding to gApp? Currently I am quiting this in this way:
For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If p.ProcessName = "CANoe32" Then
End If
In general this is a bad solution since more instances of CANoe32 may run (although in this particular case only one process of this binary may run on the system).
Question 2 what would be a more elegant solution to quit the gApp in case it has child windows?
Any comments are very helpful
A possible solution to the problem would to use something similar to this ticket: