ArcGIS / Esri Custom Theme not showing in appbuilder - arcgis

I've followed the instructions here:
Created the correct scaffold, placed in stemapp/themes but I just can't get it to show up. Also, when I edit the DemoTheme, my changes aren't displaying. I've cleared my cache, using incognito but it's just not working. I've also used the yo generator to scaffold the theme, but no dice.
What am I doing wrong?

Two possibilities:
If using Demo Theme, by default, it is disabled. To enable it, open the .repoignore file in client\stemapp\themes, remove DemoTheme from the file, and restart the node server.
During development, use "http://your host/webappbuilder/?id=stemapp" to access your theme directly.
If it doesn't appear here, you are not following the instructions correctly. Make sure all your theme names are well placed. There must be instances where you still have names from your copied theme(e.g DemoTheme), replace all of them with your theme's name. It should appear.

Restarting the ArcGISWebAppBuider service worked for me


How to make it visible in for a vue-cli project

I have created a vue-cli project.
After I run build it, it works in the http-server. I'd like to push it to my, and I build it as what I found on the Internet. However, at I can only see a blank page and it show like this,nothing in the div whose id is app.
enter image description here
It looks like you're building Github Pages from master. To make this work you'll either need to build into a directory called docs (instead of dist) and change the settings on your repo to point to docs, or move the built files up to the project root.
It's in the documentation:
deployment to github pages

Change blog theme (blogdown+netlify)

I have followed tutorial by Yihui and created a website using blowdown, github and netlify. Now, I want to change theme of my website. The issue is that I have several posts that produces many plots. As a result when I create a new website locally and add my posts, git push fails. I suspect it is because I have too many files.
I tried adding posts piece by piece as if I am writing a new post, which worked. But it will take too much time. I suspect others have the same problem. Is there a way to change theme of my website easier?
Two ways of changing themes in blogdown, which are documented here:
install the theme via blogdown::install_theme(), or just create a new site under another new directory and pass the GitHub repository name to the theme argument of new_site(). We recommend that you use the second approach, because Hugo themes could be very complicated and the usage of each theme can be very different and highly dependent on config.toml
In your use case, you can
1. blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic") to build a new site
2. Copy your *.Rmd|*.md|*.Rmarkdown files into content/post
3. blogdown::serve_site(), if local preview is ok
4. setup github repo, push your new site to it ,and connects to netlify
It's strange that git push failed, it would be of great help to share the error message.

how to change layout of Jitsi Meet

Maybe I'm wrong ... but as far as I know all Jitsi Meet element (home and room page) build using script that has been minified and also some of them connected to files inside jitsi server.
Is it possible to change the layout of Jitsi Meet html (home/room) base on my custom layout? how?
You will need to build the sources with your changes. Please see:
When you install jitsi-meet, indeed the files are in /usr/share/jitsi-meet. But these aren't really the source files and those cannot be easily changed.
In order to change that page, you need to check out the project source code from, make your change, run npm install && make as stated in the README and then make sure your web server uses your checkout folder instead of /usr/share/jitsi-meet.
You might be able to use lib-jitsi-meet to create a custom layout as described in this dev community post.
Jitsi uses React.js and Redux for the frontend and without modification of source code and rebuilding process, it is practically not possible to change the layout. for more detail, you can check how to modify the Jitsi app post
then you should change your build with the old one on the server at this location: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/libs (if you have not change the source location manually in Nginx config)

Getting Aurelia-Materialize-Bridge to work with Aurelia 1.0

I've installed a fresh skeleton-navigation with typescript and tried to follow the instructions here:
When checking the network tabs and console windows, there are no errors however the styles do not seem to apply to the controls.
Be sure that when you're setting up the skeleton, you follow either the Aurelia tutorial or the Materialize Bridge tutorial. They outline how to do manual bootstrapping in different ways which don't play well with one another.
In a nutshell, you either want to include the bootstrap script in your index.html file or you want to move that logic to your "main.js" file, not both. If you choose to go in the latter direction, you'll need to make sure that your HTML contains an import for "aurelia-bootstrappper" or the configure method of Main won't be run.

add/remove components in noflo-ui

I've cloned noflo-ui from github and am running locally but cannot figure out how to add/remove components from the noflo-search box. Ideally, I would like to remove all components from the search results and show only a the ones from my component libraries.
The readme states that libraries can be added by modifying preview/component.json, but removing libraries seems to have no effect. After reading through the docs on components and the spec for component.js I tried editing /component.json, and was also unable to change the results which show in the search box. Furthermore, I can't find any documentation on the .noflo property used in components.json.
Am I doing something wrong or is removing default components not an option?
I assume you are using the bundled noflo-browser runtime (iframe). Did you rebuild after editing preview/components.json?
An easier way to use custom component libraries is to do a custom runtime build, for instance based on noflo-app, host it locally, and switch the runtime URL to point there.
This also works with so no need to build & run noflo-ui locally.
In addition to editing preview/component.json, you also have to rebuild the iframe runtime components. To do that, run:
$ grunt build
Note that with newer noflo-ui/Flowhub there is actually no need to build the full UI locally. You can use the hosted Flowhub or even the Chrome app, and simply connect it to an iframe runtime you're running somewhere else:
The noflo-browser-app repo gives a nice base to build these from.