Contact Google+ friends on behalf of user - google-plus

I'm trying to send a message, on behalf of a user, to a subset of their google+ friends.
Right now, I can get a list of google+ friends
Separately I can get a list of their contacts' email addresses.
Is there a way to match up the two? Or is there a better way of sending this message to their contacts?


getting gmail contacts using oAuth

I have an application that allows Google+ sign-in for users. I would like to get the user's gmail contacts. Can I use the same access token to get gmail contacts as well?
My confusion is around gmail contacts vs Google+ contacts. Are these two different things?
Yes they are different. Contacts are people who have sent emails to or added to contacts in Gmail and can be accessed through this API. Google+ contacts are people/pages you follow/friend on Google+ and can be access using this API. There will generally be some overlap between the two though.

Is it possible to send website invitee to google plus users

Is it possible to send website invitee to google plus users.
I have a website with option to login using google account. I want to send an message to all friends of logged in google users on logged in users request.
I think interactive posts would be a good solution for this.
This allows users to choose themselves who and if they want to invite.
You can define an invite text that will be prefilled in the share box (even though users can adjust that text).
If you want you can also use the people.list method to fetch some of the more relevant friends and prefill the share box with them.
See and for details.

Services that get facebook emails

I've noticed that my android phone, the iphone,, and yahoo mail all can import my friends' email addresses (and sometimes phone numbers) from facebook. However, I don't see anywhere in the documentation of the API to suggest that you can get email.
Do these services have special agreements with Facebook or am I just not finding the specific api for "contact" importing? I've not had any luck using "email" field with friends api.
Any ideas?
These services have some special agreements with Facebook and thus are able to retrieve the Email Ids of the Friends of the User. Most of them don't allow further exporting of data obtained from there directly.
And as per Email Permissions documentation here it clearly states that for App Developers
Note: There is no way for apps to obtain email addresses for a user's friends.
As per the phone number, there is no access to it no matter what permission. You may though ask the user to fill those for you.

Is there any way I can retrieve twitter user's email Id (Objective-c)?
If twitter doesn't provide any API, then how does foursquare retrieve them?
Foursquare has provision to list out the user's foursquare-friends who have registered with twitter.
It also provides API which shows friends of users who commonly appear in 'foursquare friend's list' as well as 'twitter followers list' of the user.
In both the above cases comparison can be made only through email.
Please help.
There's no way for you to get an e-mail from Twitter. Except, of course, by asking the person to give it.
What FourSquare does need no access to the e-mail. Matching is based on the Twitter name, not on the e-mail.
In the comments you say
My friend has registered in both Twitter and Foursquare. The only field common in her profile is the email id. No other fields match. She comes in the 2nd list which i have mentioned above.
but then you admit
After she has registered with FourSquare, went to her profile, clicked on friends -> Add Friends -> opted Twitter. She was asked to login to Twitter and thus she did it
This means that now FourSquare have access to her Twitter as well as your. Foursquare knows her Twitter id and your twitter id and can access Twitter (using Twitter API) to see who is following is following who. In other words when you say
The only field common in her profile is the email id. No other fields match.
You are wrong. Once she connected her FourSquare profile with her Twitter, all data that is accessible via Twitter API is in fact (at least potentially) part of her Foursquare profile.
But she needed to explicitly connect the two profiles (which she did when she opted to add friends to her Foursquare profile using Twitter).

Question about twitter api

I want to create a simple Twitter application, but I have a problem. I want to show the user information about his followers, but this requires one API request to get a list of all user IDs following him, and then many additional API requests to get the user information corresponding to the user IDs that were just fetched. Is it possible to get user info for many followers in one request?
Use the Followers method: (Twitter API Documenation)
It returns detailed information about each follower.