How can I get an Ultron UN-1 wireless numeric keypad to work with Psychopy? - psychopy

I am keying in a 5 digit number on an Ultron UN-1 wireless numeric keypad. Only some of the numbers are coming through e.g. for 45465 I might get the input below
I am on PsychoPy v1.82.01. I am using an Asus TP300L with Windows 8.1, 64b. The code is below. Thanks for any help.
if returnPressed == False:
while loopTest == True:
response = event.waitKeys(keyList = None)
userInput = userInput + response[0]
print ('response ', response)
if response[0] == 'return' or response[0] =='escape':
loopTest = False
returnPressed = True
JR, #jrgray, thanks for the help. I tried your suggestions. It still seems to miss digits. Below are the results I get when I key in the digits 54645 and 45465. It's not just cutting out the last digits.
('user input ', 'num_5num_4num_6return')
('user input ', 'num_4num_5num_6return')
while loopTest == True:
response = event.getKeys(keyList=['num_0', 'num_1', 'num_2', 'num_3', 'num_4', 'num_5', 'num_6', 'num_7', 'num_8', 'num_9', 'return', 'backspace', 'escape'])
if len(response) > 0:
userInput = userInput + response[0]
if response[0] == 'return' or response[0] =='escape':
loopTest = False
returnPressed = True
print ('user input ', userInput)

Just a guess as what is going on for you.
It looks like that the keypad sends two codes for every keypress: numlock followed by num_x. So as your code is written, event.waitKeys() will need to be called twice to pick them both up. But if your while loop is slow (e.g., because the print statement in there), the num_x code might sometimes be delivered before event.waitKeys() is called the second time. I think event.waitKeys() will implicitly call clearEvents(), throwing away any keys that have piled up in the meantime (i.e., your num_x code).
Things to try:
remove the print statement to speed up the loop
use event.getKeys() instead of waitKeys() (see online API)
tell event.getKeys() to ignore the numlock codes, and only pay attention to the numbers you care about: keyList=['num_1', 'num_2', 'num_3'] (see API)

I decided to eliminate the wireless element from the problem by connecting a standard keyboard with a USB cable to another USB port on my laptop. All the digits keyed on the numeric pad worked correctly. I retested the wireless and lo and behold it started to work perfectly. I assume that something in Windows plug and play algorithm reconfigured a driver when the standard keyboard was plugged in. Thanks all for the help.


BLE kotlin .discoverServices() doesn't find any service

I implemented two different solution to discover service on my BLE device. One use a handler then return what .discoverService have found, the other one is really similar but give the size of the service discovered list that is always 0. I tried it with my realme buds 2 as test and some other device publically visible. The result is always 0. What can the problem be?
Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post {
var temp = bluetoothGatt?.discoverServices()
addGlog("discordservice() returned ${temp.toString()}")
addGlog("handler discover service reached an end")
val gattServices: List<BluetoothGattService> = gatt.getServices()
addGlog("Services count: " + gattServices.size)
for (gattService in gattServices) {
val serviceUUID = gattService.uuid.toString()
addGlog("Service uuid $serviceUUID")
edit: AddGlog is a simple log function to print results
answer: The code is not wrong but it take some time to discover those services so i put this code in a button. In this way there is 3-4 second of time between connecting with the device and make a discoveryservice operation. So a button make the conneting operations and another one the service discovery operations. I am sorry if my answer is pretty lame but I am still a noob on this topic

PedSelectOutPut routing pedestrians inconsistently

I am simulating the passenger changeover process in metros using the Anylogic Pedestrian Library.
When passengers enter the vehicle, a seat is assigned to them from the seats available near the door (within a given distance) they entered the vehicle through, using a function called lookForSeat. If there is no more free seat available, their boolean parameter wantToSit is set to false and they will stay standing.
The parameter wantToSit is predefined for the Passenger Agent, with default value randomtrue(0.8). But even if I set it to default value = 1, I get the same error.
Then, passengers are separated using a PedSelectOutput block:
Condition 1: if ped.WantToSit = true --> they are sent to their
assigned seat coordinates (PointNode 'seatPoint', null by default)
Condition 2: true (thus, ped.WantToSit = false) --> they stay in the
standing area in the vehicle, no assigned seatPoint necessary in this case.
Now, it works pretty well, but when the majority of the seats is already occupied, suddenly the PedSelectOutput block directs a passenger with ped.wantToSit to its seating point, which gives null and I get the NullPointerException error.
Attached you find the function, the settings of PedSelectOutput and the log from the command.
As it can be seen, the PedSelectOutput sends the passenger through exit 1 (which gives the error due to calling the coordinates of a "null"), despite ped.wantToSit = false.
Any ideas, what is going wrong? For me it really looks like the function is working properly - I have been changing it the whole day until I realized that something in the PedSelectOutput block goes wrong.
Thank you in advance!
Pic 1: pedSelectOutput block and the command with the log
Pic 2: the function lookForSeat assigning the seats from the seat Collection
The problem here is a subtle one, which has caused me many hours of debugging as well. What you need to understand is that the on exit code is only executed once the agent already has a path to which it is going to exit. i.e. the selectOutput and subsequent blocks are already evaluated and only once it is determined that the agent can move to the next block then the on exit code is called. But the agent will continue on its chosen path that has been determined before the on exit code has been executed.
See the small example below:
I have a pedestrian with a variable that is true by default and a select output that checks this value
If I ran the model all pedestrians exit at the top option, as expected
If I change the variable to false on the On Exit code I might expect that all pedestrians will now exit at the second option
But they don't there is no change....
If I add the code to the on enter code then it does..

GtkTreeView stops updating unless I change the focus of the window

I have a GtkTreeView object that uses a GtkListStore model that is constantly being updated as follows:
Get new transaction
Feed data into numpy array
Convert numbers to formatted strings, store in pandas dataframe
Add updated token info to GtkListStore via GtkListStore.set(titer, liststore_cols, liststore_data), where liststore_data is the updated info, liststore_cols is the name of the columns (both are lists).
Here's the function that updates the ListStore:
# update ListStore
titer = ls_full.get_iter(row)
liststore_data = []
[liststore_data.append([row, col])
for col in my_vars['ls_full'][3:]]
# check for NaN value, add a (space) placeholder is necessary
for i in range(3, len(liststore_data)):
if liststore_data[i] != liststore_data[i]:
liststore_data[i] = " "
liststore_cols = []
[liststore_cols.append(my_vars['ls_full'].index(col) + 1)
for col in my_vars['ls_full'][3:]]
ls_full.set(titer, liststore_cols, liststore_data)
Class that gets the messages from the websocket:
class MyWebsocketClient(cbpro.WebsocketClient):
# class exceptions to WebsocketClient
def on_open(self):
# sets up ticker Symbol, subscriptions for socket feed
self.url = "wss://"
self.channels = ['ticker']
self.products = list(cbp_symbols.keys())
def on_message(self, msg):
# gets latest message from socket, sends off to be processed
if "best_ask" and "time" in msg:
# checks to see if token price has changed before updating
update_needed = parse_data(msg)
if update_needed:
print(f'Bad message: {msg}')
When the program first starts, the updates are consistent. Each time a new transaction comes in, the screen reflects it, updating the proper token. However, after a random amount of time - seen it anywhere from 5 minutes to over an hour - the screen will stop updating, unless I change the focus of the window (either activate or inactive). This does not last long, though (only enough to update the screen once). No other errors are being reported, memory usage is not spiking (constant at 140 MB).
How can I troubleshoot this? I'm not even sure where to begin. The data back-ends seem to be OK (data is never corrupted nor lags behind).
As you've said in the comments that it is running in a separate thread then i'd suggest wrapping your "update liststore" function with GLib.idle_add.
from gi.repository import GLib
I've had similar issues in the past and this fixed things. Sometimes updating liststore is fine, sometimes it will randomly spew errors.
Basically only one thread should update the GUI at a time. So by wrapping in GLib.idle_add() you make sure your background thread does not intefer with the main thread updating the GUI.

Juliaopt JuMP CbcSolver how to print progress

I coding in julia using JuMP of Juliopt.
I would like to know how to print the solve progress using CbcSolver?
I already used the log level parameter:
m = Model(solver = CbcSolver(log=1))
it works and you can choose between 0 to 3, higher more details.
but my problem is that the log level only prints after the solver finish, i already put the the time limit parameter "sec" but when it is set for higher values never stops and i don't know why!!
m = Model(solver = CbcSolver(sec=90,log=1))
I was going to try callbacks but Cbc does not support callback.
I am positive that there is a way to print because when i use the opensolver in excel a set Cbc to solve it shows the progress.I just dont know how to do this!!

Receive data from host computer using Circuit Python on Circuit Playground Express

I am using a Circuit Playground Express from Adafruit, and I'm programming it with Circuit Python.
I want to read data transmitted from the computer to which the Circuit Playground Express is connected via USB. Using input() works fine, but I would rather get the buffer of the serial instead, so that the loop would go on while there's no input. Something like
import serial does not work on Circuit Python, or maybe I must install something. Is there anything else I could do to read the serial buffer using Circuit Python?
Aiden's answer lead me in the right direction and I found a nice (and slightly different) example of how to use supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available from Adafruit here (specifically lines 89-95):
A minimum working example for that takes the input and formats a new string in the form "RX: string" is
import supervisor
while True:
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available:
value = input().strip()
# Sometimes Windows sends an extra (or missing) newline - ignore them
if value == "":
print("RX: {}".format(value))
Tested on: Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-02; Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 Express with samd21g18. Messages sent using the serial connection in mu-editor on macOS.
Sample output output:
RX: hello!
I got a simple example to work based on above posts, not sure how stable or useful it is, but still posting it here:
CircuitPython Code:
import supervisor
while True:
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available:
value = input().strip()
print(f"Received: {value}\r")
PC Code
import time
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('COM6', 115200) # open serial port
command = b'hello\n\r'
print(f"Sending Command: [{command}]")
ser.write(command) # write a string
ended = False
reply = b''
for _ in range(len(command)):
a = # Read the loopback chars and ignore
while True:
a =
if a== b'\r':
reply += a
print(f"Reply was: [{reply}]")
c:\circuitpythontest>python TEST1.PY
Sending Command: [b'hello\n\r']
Reply was: [b'Received: hello']
This is now somewhat possible!
In the January stable release of CircuitPython 3.1.2 the function serial_bytes_available was added to the supervisor module.
This allows you to poll the availability of serial bytes.
For example in the CircuitPython firmware (i.e. a serial echo example would be:
import supervisor
def serial_read():
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available():
value = input()
and ensure when you create the serial device object on the host side you set the timeout wait to be very small (i.e. 0.01).
i.e in python:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(
ser.write(b'HELLO from CircuitPython\n')
x = ser.readlines()
print("received: {}".format(x))