Service Reference Windows 8 - windows-8

I am trying to recreate at WPF application as a Windows 8 Application. The Application uses a service reference to an service provided by a third-party developer. In the WPF application I have a service.Search method that takes three parameters. When I add the service reference in my Windows 8 Project I get a service.SearchAsync method. The problem is that the new SearchAsync method only takes two parameters.
Where does this code generation happen? How can I change this behavior?

I didn't realize that this was by design in Window 8 Apps.


Task based asynchronous operation disabled in PCL Service Reference setting

I'm currently building a Xamarin based mobile application. For that project, I have created a PCL project with framework 4.5. I'm using VS 2013 as the development IDE. Now I want add a WCF service reference to this PCL. While adding service reference to this PCL project, I noticed that generation of asynchronous operation is disabled. Please check the image for more detail.
I added the BCL.Async package via Nuget to the project. But still I can't access the Task based operation from the radiobutton list (its disabled).
So is there any way to generate task based asynchronous operation in service client?
Hate to break it to you but you cannot generate Task based WCF client in Xamarin. The reason is Xamarin or Mono implements the Silverlight set which is a limited WCF implementation. As such you need to use SLSVCUTIL.exe instead(Adding a service reference in Xamarin would use this tool). The silverlight WCF client generated by SLSVCUTIL will be async based only.
All is not lost! You can easily wrap the silverlight async client into a task based client using the Task.FromAsync method.
A sample taken from the Xamarin website:
public async Task<List<TodoItem>> RefreshDataAsync ()
var todoItems = await Task.Factory.FromAsync <ObservableCollection<TodoWCFService.TodoItem>> (
foreach (var item in todoItems) {
Items.Add (FromWCFServiceTodoItem (item));
Now if someone can figure out how to catch an Fault Exception when wrapping in Tasks that would be awesome!
I've not used Xamarin before, but I'll assume APM and maybe Tasks are actually supported in it and this is just a Visual Studio limitation. Try using wsdl.exe manually to generate code. This is the tool Visual Studio calls when you add a service reference.
You'll need to pass either newAsync (Tasks) or oldAsync (APM) through the /parameters switch.

COM in a Windows form EXE using Visual Basic/Visual Studio 12

I don't usually program in the .NET framework however I've needed to use it to create a simple exe application that logs data from some measurement equipment. I want this application to have an automation interface with a couple of methods. I've done this before using Delphi/Pascal and it was very straightforward, and I can create a Class Library in Visual Studio that registers itself and the methods and can easily be interfaced with but adding a ComClass to the windows form application doesn't work, can anyone point me in the right direction?
This started as a comment but just kept growing, hopefully i am not off track ...
You can only register a dll. So the short answer would be to add a class library to your project and put the com class in there. This would allow you to share the functionality of the class, but not the same instance of that class.
I think your problem is that you are trying to establish Interprocess Communications. My immediate suggestion is not to do that, at least at first.
For a start you could have your com app interface with a .net class library which would log data. You could then have another project with a .net executable that displays the log, and updates periodically. Now you have .net code on both sides of the fence and can start investigating ways to get them to talk to each other.
The hard part is invoking methods and returning values. If you really need a responsive system you can investigate named pipes inter-process communication, or using a WCF service with callbacks between the two systems. The problem is that in either case you are hamstrung by the class library not being hosted by .net so you have limited functionality (no config file etc). If you can put up with a time lag I would suggest simply starting with writing messages to a local datastore and then polling from each client, every 30 seconds or so. For example the app would create a message saying "give me measurement A" and then start polling every second. The DLL would have a timer and within 30 seconds would read that message and write its own message with the measurement, which the EXE would read and then display. Once you get that system up and running you can decide whether you need to tackle inter-process communication, which is really just a different interface.

ObservableCollections are no longer returned when I update my service reference

I have a Silverlight 5 app. This app has been in development for 18 months. This app calls back to a WCF service. I just had a support request.
Before today, the service would return ObservableCollection<T> results. However, now all of the sudden, out-of-the-middle of nowhere, it starts returning T[] results after I updated the service reference in the Silverlight app.
My question is, what could have happened that would cause this change? This has caused approximately 70 errors due to type conflicts. Am I overlooking a basic setting?
Thank you!
If you're using a service reference to communicate with the service, make sure the Data Type hasn't been changed. Right click on the service in the Service References folder, select Configure Service Reference..., and look at the Data Type - Collection type:. If it's System.Array, then this may be your problem. Change it to ObservableCollection and see if that helps.

Simulating SideBySide for Out of Process ActiveX

We are adapting our client side relatively complicated application (ActiveX / .net / Delphi / C++ / COM ) to use SxS to achieve non admin deployment and isolation from older versions of our product.
We were able to achieve this goal for almost all our in proc components such as our .net ui, Delphi ui, and the COM servers we use in proc by composing a manifest file which described all the libraries used by our process, with no registration on the client of any of the components (almost).
And here comes the almost part:
At the moment, our application invokes (from it's c++ portion) an out of proc ActiveX server (Delphi ActiveX EXE), which in turn itself invokes another set of out of proc ActiveX servers (third party plugins, any thing goes here, Delphi, C++, any thing as long as it's out of proc ActiveX EXE and implements our interfaces).
As we know SxS does not support out of proc ActiveX servers. And we can't use these objects as in proc com servers in our main process because that would require a major rewrite of our application and even worst, a break of our public facing API which is used by third party tools and vendors, an api break which we can't allow.
We have stumbled on this article which describes how IHTMLDocument2 can be extracted from an Internet Explorer window running in a separate process. Which made us think of this approach:
We would create a secondary satellite application / process which will run the ActiveX as in process server.
Then we will use LresultFromObject and ObjectFromLresult to transfer a reference of the ActiveX object from the satellite application to the main application process. The satellite application will have it's own manifest file which will allow it to run in SxS mode.
Same approach will be taken to communicate between this Delphi ActiveX EXE and the third party AciveX EXE Plugins
There is an alternative solution, which for the moment we do not prefer over the proposed solution above which is to use .net remoting and .net com proxy classes to open the communication channel between the two processes, by translating the com request to .net remoting, and back to com on the second process.
So here comes the question:
What do you think about this approach ?
Do you see a better solution to the problem ?
It is possible to do. What is needed:
An application needs to start a server itself rather than relying on COM to do it. You don't need the extra indirection provided by the registry, just use CreateProcess().
A server should register its class factories in its main() method with CoRegisterClassObject().
Important: the CLSID it uses for each factory should be altered to be unique for each service instance. This ensures that the client connects to the correct server. I simply XOR the process ID with a class factory CLSID. The client knows the process ID as well so can make the same alteration.
The application should call CoCreateInstance() in a loop with a Sleep() call to wait for the object factory to appear. Don't declare failure until at least 60 seconds have passed (that bit me).
Both the application and the server need a manifest that contains a <file> element for each proxy/stub DLL and <comInterfaceExternProxyStub> elements for each interface that is remoted.
nobugz is right, you can access the Running Object Table to create an instance of a COM Object from a currently running process of your Delphi automation exe.
However I have found a big issue that I cant explain. I can only access the object via the variant dispatch method when working this way.
Basically if my Active X exe is not registered, I get an "Interface Not Supported" error if I try to instance the object through interfaces for example:
WebUpdate : IAutomation;
WebUpdate := CoAutomation.Create; <-- Wont Work Error
WebUpdate : Variant;
WebUpdate := CreateOleObject('WebUpdate.Automation'); <-- Works Fine
If I register the active x exe using regserver the problem goes away!!
Go Figure!

Initial Event in Windows Console

I'm creating a Windows Console application written in VB.NET and I have a few processes that need to be called only once during the lifetime of the application. If it was an ASP.NET application, I put these in the Appliction_Start method of the Global.asax.vb file. Since there isn't a Global.asax.vb for Console applications, is there an event I could handle that allows me to call my functions before Main is called?
Is there a problem with just calling them first in main?
Main is the first method where you can grab the needed information / inizialize global stuff.
Why would you need an earlier point? The only thing that is different to Application_Start is that no other method is called automatically (unlike in a web application where the site is opened and the code executed).