Postgresql : Check if the last number is the highest - sql

I have large database and one field should be an incremental number, but it sometimes resets and I must detect them (the bold rows)
Table 1:
Shop #Sell DATE
EC1 56 1/10/2015
EC1 57 2/10/2015
**EC1 11 3/10/2015
EC1 12 4/10/2015**
AS2 20 1/10/2015
AS2 21 2/10/2015
AS2 22 3/10/2015
AS2 23 4/10/2015
To solve this problem I thought to find the highest number of each SHOP and check if it is the number with the highest DATE. Do you know another easier way to do it?
My concern is that it can be a problem to do the way I am thinking since I have a large database.
Do you know how I can do the query I am thinking of or do you have any others ideas?

The query you have in mind will give you all Shop values having a discontinuity in Sell number.
If you want to get the offending record you can use the following query:
SELECT Shop, Sell, DATE,
FROM Shops ) t
WHERE Sell < prevSell
The above query will return the first discontinuity found within each Shop partition.
Shop Sell DATE
EC1 11 2015-03-10
Demo here
In case you cannot use windowed function and you only want the id of the shop having the discontinuity, then you can use the following query:
FROM Shops AS s
FROM Shops
GROUP BY Shop ) t
ON s.Shop = t.Shop AND s.DATE = t.DATE
WHERE t.Sell <> s.Sell
The above will work provided that you have unique DATE values per Shop.

I think the following is the type of query you want:
select s.*
from (select shop, max(sell) as maxsell,
first_value(sell) over (partition by shop order by date desc) as lastsell
from shops s
group by shop
) s
where maxsell <> lastsell;


SQL interview question: select, join, grouping

At the interview got question:
What products clients bought before first order of brand "Brand 1". Select top 5 by orders.
5555613;Brand 1
2315946;Brand 2
9132648;Brand 3
3125847;Brand 1
3126548;Brand 5
My decision:
WITH first_order AS (
SELECT ClientID, MIN(FactMoment) as o_date
FROM orders
JOIN items
WHERE BrandName = 'Brand 1'
SELECT RezonItemID, COUNT(*) AS n_orders
FROM orders
JOIN items
JOIN first_order
WHERE FactMoment < o_date
ORDER BY n_orders DESC
Is it possible to solve this by window functions? Maybe there is better decision?
Given the following tables
1 RezonItemID;BrandName
2 5555613;Brand 1
3 2315946;Brand 2
4 9132648;Brand 3
5 3125847;Brand 1
6 3126548;Brand 5
8 ClientID;ClientOrderID;RezonItemID;FactMoment
9 00611847;4562145;5555613;2021-01-09
10 00798451;7987465;1321321;2021-08-10
11 00914751;3154844;9132648;2021-07-01
12 00975418;9797451;1312125;2021-09-09
13 00978461;9413235;9754512;2021-10-29
It seems that if the question is "Which products did the clients buy before the first order for an item of Brand 1," a sql query may not be necessary. Assuming that FactMoment is a timestamp for the order, we can see that the first order has the earliest date (01/09/21) and has a "RezonItemID" 5555613. That item has the brand "Brand 1".
So the answer would be that no items were purchased before the first purchase of an item with BrandName = 'Brand 1'.
This is a puzzling question, the sample test data is not particularly useful since it yields no testable results so is pretty much useless.
If you want to use window functions then that's certainly possible.
The following successfully yields no rows and should work, but without proper test data it's hard to actually be sure!
Note using() is not supported by some databases, ansi join syntax is preferred.
select top(5) BrandName from (
select o.ClientID, i.BrandName, o.FactMoment,
Min(case when i.BrandName='Brand 1' then FactMoment end) over() earliest,
Count(*) over(partition by ClientID) qty
from Orders o left join Items i on i.RezonItemID=o.RezonItemID
where FactMoment<earliest
order by qty desc

SQL counting query

Sorry if this is a basic question.
Basically, I have a table that is as follows, below is a basic sample
13p I10x 5
13p I20x 7
13p I30x 8
14a K38z 23
17a K38z 23
my data set has nearly 100,000 records.
What I'm trying to do is, for every store find the top 10 prodCode.
I am unsure of how to do this but what I tried was:
select s_code as store, prod_code,count (prod_code)
from top10_secondary
where prod_code is not null
group by store,prod_code
order by count(prod_code) desc limit 10
this is giving me something completely different and i'm unsure on how I go about achieving my final result.
All help is appreciated.
The expected output should be: for every store(s_code) display the top 10 prodcode
1a abc 5
1a abd 4
2a dgf 1
2a ldk 6
.(10 times until next store code)
You can use the table twice in the FROM clause, once for the data, and once to get a count of how many records have fewer results for that store.
SELECT a.s_code, a.prod_code, count(*)
FROM top10_secondary a
LEFT OUTER JOIN top10_secondary b
ON a.s_code = b.s_code
AND b.result < a.result
GROUP BY a.s_code, a.prod_code
HAVING count(*) < 10
With this technique though, you may get more than 10 records per store if the 10th result value exists multiple times. Because the limit rule is simply "include record as long as there are less than 10 records with result values than mine"
It looks like in your case, "result" is a ranking, so they would not be duplicated per store.
This is a good case for Window functions.
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY s_code ORDER BY prod_Count DESC) as prod_rank
(SELECT s_code as store, prod_code, count(prod_Code) prod_count FROM table GROUP BY s_code, prod_code) t1
) t2
WHERE prod_rank <= 10
The inner most query gets the count of each product at the store. The second inner more query determines the rank for those products for each store based on that count. Then the outer most query limits the results based on that rank.

Select multiple rows from a table where field is the max date

I have a table called Product. I need to select all product records that have the MAX ManufatureDate.
Here is a sample of the table data:
Id ProductName ManufactureDate
1 Car 01-01-2015
2 Truck 05-01-2015
3 Computer 05-01-2015
4 Phone 02-01-2015
5 Chair 03-01-2015
This is what the result should be since the max date of all the records is 05-01-2015 and these 2 records have this max date:
Id ProductName ManufactureDate
2 Truck 05-01-2015
3 Computer 05-01-2015
The only way I can think of doing this is by first doing a query on the entire table to find out what the max date is and then store it in a variable #MaxManufatureDate. Then do a second query where ManufactureDate=#MaxManufactureDate. Something tells me there is a better way.
There are 1 million+ records in this table:
Here is the way I am currently doing it:
#MaxManufactureDate = select max(ManufactureDate) from Product
select * from Product where ManufactureDate = #MaxManufactureDate
If figure this is a lot better then doing a subselect in a where clause. Or is this the same exact thing as doing a subselect in a where clause? I am not sure if the query gets ran for each row regardless or if sqlserver stored the variable value in memory.
select * from product
where manufactureDate = (select max(manufactureDate) from product)
The inner select-statements selects the maximum date, the outer all products which have the date.
You can use a subQuery
FROM Product
WHERE ManufactureDate = (
SELECT ManufactureDate
FROM Product
ORDER BY ManufactureDate
You may need to use ASC or DESC to collect the right order
Try this pattern:
SELECT Id, ProductName, ManufactureDate
SELECT Id, ProductName, ManufactureDate, MAX(ManufactureDate)OVER() AS MaxManufactureDate
FROM Product P
) P
WHERE P.MaxManufactureDate = P.ManufactureDate
Essentially, use a window function to get the data you're looking for in the inline view, then use the where clause in the outer query to match them.

Sql query to calculate first occurrence of a sales order not fulfilled by stock

I have two tables:
Sales Orders (SO ) with fields:Part, Due_Date, Qty
Part with fields Part and Stock.
I an trying to write a query that will produce the first occurrence ( by date - SO.Due_Date) that a sales order (SO.Qty) cannot be fulfilled by the stock.
This is easy if there is no stock i.e. Part.Stock=0 or if there is only one sales order for the part (SO.Qty > Part.Stock)
If there are multiple sales orders I only want the first one shown e.g.
Part.Part = Box , Part.Stock = 250
SO.Part | SO.Due_Date | SO.Qty
Box | 26/10/2014 | 100
Box | 27/10/2014 | 100
Box | 28/10/2014 | 100 * Return this row
Box | 29/10/2014 | 100
I think I need a sub query or need to use CTE but I can't work it out unless I use a loop. The tables have thousands of parts and sales orders and I am trying to run this query as quickly as possible.
Many thanks for your help
I assume this is a learning exercise, as no real business would work this way.
Anyway, here is a query to do what you want:
select *
from sales_order as so1
where due_date =
(select min(due_date)
from sales_order as so2
inner join part as p on p.part = so2.part
where so1.part = so2.part
and stock < (
select sum(quantity)
from sales_order as so3
where so3.due_date <= so2.due_date
and so3.part = so2.part
Which I have put into a working fiddle here:!2/bd8ab5/1
There are some assumptions such as one order per date, but I believe it answers the question.
A query that uses a self join to calculate the running quantity total for each row and selects the row with the smallest due date having a running total greater than p.stock
select so.part, so.due_date, so.quantity
from sales_order so
join part p on p.part = so.part
join sales_order so2 on so2.part = so.part
and so2.due_date <= so.due_date
where p.part = 'Box'
group by so.part, so.due_date, so.quantity
having sum(so2.quantity) > max(p.stock)
order by so.due_date limit 1

How can I SELECT the max row in a table SQL?

I have a little problem.
My table is:
Bill Product ID Units Sold
1 | 10 | 25
1 | 20 | 30
2 | 30 | 11
3 | 40 | 40
3 | 20 | 20
I want to SELECT the product which has sold the most units; in this sample case, it should be the product with ID 20, showing 50 units.
I have tried this:
SUM(pv."Units sold")
"Products" pv
pv.Product ID;
But this shows all the products, how can I select only the product with the most units sold?
Leaving aside for the moment the possibility of having multiple products with the same number of units sold, you can always sort your results by the sum, highest first, and take the first row:
SELECT pv."Product ID", SUM(pv."Units sold")
FROM "Products" pv
GROUP BY pv."Product ID"
ORDER BY SUM(pv."Units sold") DESC
I'm not quite sure whether the double-quote syntax for column and table names will work - exact syntax will depend on your specific RDBMS.
Now, if you do want to get multiple rows when more than one product has the same sum, then the SQL will become a bit more complicated:
SELECT pv.`Product ID`, SUM(pv.`Units sold`)
FROM `Products` pv
GROUP BY pv.`Product ID`
HAVING SUM(pv.`Units sold`) = (
select max(sums)
from (
SELECT SUM(pv2.`Units sold`) as "sums"
FROM `Products` pv2
GROUP BY pv2.`Product ID`
) as subq
Here's the sqlfiddle
SELECT SUM(pv."Units sold") as `sum`
FROM "Products" pv
group by pv.Product ID
limit 1 + order by
The Best and effective way to this is Max function
Here's The General Syntax of Max function
FROM Products;
and in your Case
SELECT MAX(Units Sold) from products
Here is the Complete Reference to MIN and MAX functions in Query
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