How to send data from slack to another service? [closed] - api

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for how to send data from a Slack Channel with a message like :
#Slackbot :create ticket: "Check apache configuration settings"
to my redmine API instance ??
It is possible ?
I know that is possible with the webhooks to send into Slack chan, but to the reverse ??

You could use a Slash Command but may need a server that can forward the request to redmine or use an Outgoing Webhook. You're question is pretty generic so may need to be more specific to avoid getting a downvote.


Kotlin set Gmail as standard when sending email + file [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I manage to find the solution how to send email with a file attached.
But I would like to set Gmail as standard email client and not let the user choose.
Let's the user choose client, which I would like to skip
How can I do that or where can I find that information?
Seems hard to find it..
It is ridiculous how no one says nothing but instead rates this question down

Can we automate APIs usiing testCafe? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Caw we automate APIs using testCafe? I have a requirement to automate both Web & APIs together, I mean after doing some actions on the UI, I need to test relevant APIs.
I'm not sure if I understand well your needs but if you want to check the result of an api request I guess you'll need the RequestLogger : a hook you can add to your test on some specific api's urls and then in your test you will be able to check what the request contains.
Documentation here:

How to get Telegram channels updates (posts) with api? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 2 months ago and left it closed:
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I want to get Telegram channels updates (posts) with api by php! (I am not channels admin)
I am not sure can I do this with bot or not?
if it is not possible how can do that with telegram api ?
Yes, If your bot is an administrator of the channel you can listen for channel_post updates.
If it is not an administrator, you will have to use the Telegram Core API. See this library.

Do commercial firewalls have API / Remote CLI? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I mean firewalls like Checkpoint, Fortigate, sonicWALL etc.
Do they have have API or Remote CLI ?
can i, for example, send them a remote call to filter in\out a certain port?
I Just want to know if that's possible, if you have examples that's awesome, but evena simple "yes, Checkpoint and soincwall does that" are great!
I only have some experience with Fortigate-firewalls. They usually have SSH.
This means you could use a command like this:
ssh <hostname_or_IP> -t "echo 'hello world'"
to sumbit your new rules to your firewall.

Is it possible to use MailChimp API to send weekly personal report email to my customers' application? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Maybe a silly question, I just hope not...
I have a SaaS application and the next feature is to send every week (if the client ticks the box) a report.
Actually, I do that with my mail server. I retrieve the data from the DB and for each client, I generate an email and I send the email. The emails are different for each client.
I just want to know if it's possible to do that with MailChimp API.
I answer my questions after an answer of the MailChimp's team.
So using MailChimp is not the way to do what I want. But they propose the Mandrill service which is exactly for this kind of stuff, transactionnal email.
There are a lot of specific services for that like sendgrid or mailjet too.