Do commercial firewalls have API / Remote CLI? [closed] - api

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I mean firewalls like Checkpoint, Fortigate, sonicWALL etc.
Do they have have API or Remote CLI ?
can i, for example, send them a remote call to filter in\out a certain port?
I Just want to know if that's possible, if you have examples that's awesome, but evena simple "yes, Checkpoint and soincwall does that" are great!

I only have some experience with Fortigate-firewalls. They usually have SSH.
This means you could use a command like this:
ssh <hostname_or_IP> -t "echo 'hello world'"
to sumbit your new rules to your firewall.


How to prove that SSH encrypts data and Telnet does not? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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SSH encrypts data, and Telnet sends data in plain text
can someone give an example of data transfer?
Setup 2 machines to communicate with each other through ssh and telnet and route them through wireshark to check the packets and determine if they are encripted

Reads a Txt file on a webserver on Raspbian (Linux) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've a txt file working like a Database, and want to store that information on a webserver (a few people wants to access this data), someone have suggest about it ? Btw I'm using linux.
What's the problem? You can install any web server like nginx.

How to send data from slack to another service? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for how to send data from a Slack Channel with a message like :
#Slackbot :create ticket: "Check apache configuration settings"
to my redmine API instance ??
It is possible ?
I know that is possible with the webhooks to send into Slack chan, but to the reverse ??
You could use a Slash Command but may need a server that can forward the request to redmine or use an Outgoing Webhook. You're question is pretty generic so may need to be more specific to avoid getting a downvote.

How to automate SHH commands using PuTTY [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am trying to automate connecting to UNIX using PuTTY and sending commands. My team use this to execute a series of processes that can get really repetitive.
I have already accomplished this using autoit v3, however I can only send commands to the putty window but not read anything from it, which doesn´t allow me to change the flow of the script based on command responses and to know exactly when a specific command executed (currently using Sleep())
Check out Plink on this page:
You can use Run, StdoutRead and StdinWrite to write input and read output.

Terminal/SSH : How can i track how many people are accessing my site at the moment live? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to connect to ssh and type in a command that will show me live updates such as their ip address as they enter my site. is that possible? simply see what page an ip address entered or just the ip of a person that connected to the site.
Live meaning i see the list updated as it happens.
tail -f /path/to/your/access.log
Usually reading the log is pretty useless though.