UNION clause in embedded SQL - sql

I'm using ingres 10S SQL, and I'm trying to write the following SQL statement in an embedded SQL C program. It works fine as a standalone SQL script, but compiling the eSQL program gets the error
%% Error in file localtask.sc, Line 498:
E_EQ0244 Syntax error on 'union'.
INSERT INTO nr301_tab2 (authority_id)
SELECT a.authority_id
FROM nrremdets a, nrstatus_hierarchy z
WHERE a.authority_id = z.authority_id
SELECT a.authority_id
FROM nrsumsamts a, nrsumsdets b
WHERE a.authority_id = b.authority_id;
(line 498 is the UNION line) What's wrong with that UNION clause?

Just a slight tweak of the query and it should work. Try this:
INSERT INTO nr301_tab2 (authority_id)
SELECT authority_id
(SELECT a.authority_id
FROM nrremdets a, nrstatus_hierarchy z
WHERE a.authority_id = z.authority_id
SELECT a.authority_id
FROM nrsumsamts a, nrsumsdets b
WHERE a.authority_id = b.authority_id) Result
The idea is to union the result sets, which will create a new result set to be inserted once in the table. By adding the parenthesis we make sure that this happens.


Merge 3 columns into 1 with multiple nested select

I have some data that i need to display on a path layer on deckgl inside super set, the format of the data has to be very specific or else it throws errors, the format is as such
[[],[],[]] anything else will throw errors. My data is in long and lat format which i was able to transform in to proper form, except that some lines are multistring which has this format [[[],[]],[[]]]. i am able to get it into proper format separately in 3 different columns, how do i merge these 3 into 1? tried union distinct by basing my self on this example, with an error "Expected keyword JOIN but got "," at [3:98]" how do i solve this?
select * from(
(select replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[[") as ngeo union
(select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]]]", "]]")) union DISTINCT select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]],[[" ,"], [")), from(
select replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[[") as ngeo, (select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]]]", "]]"))as xgeo, (select replace (substring(geo,1),"]],[[" ,"],
["))as zgeo,from(
select geo from (
routeID , json_extract(st_asgeojson(st_makeline( array_agg(st_geogpoint(locs.lon,
locs.lat) order by locs.date))),'$.coordinates') as geo,
cross join UNNEST(locations) as locs
where locs.date between {{start_date}} and {{end_date}}
group by routeID
order by routeID
limit 7
)where length(geo)-length(replace(geo,"]","")) > 1+4
here is a the result from the query without union, am also limited to select only.
[-76.83268,39.2096466666667]]] [[[-76.832895,39.20946],
[-76.83268,39.2096466666667]] [[[-76.832895,39.20946],
ok found the answer, will put it here in case some one else has the same issue.
the trick is to do nested replace instead separate ones. just change this line
select * from(
(select replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[[") as ngeo union
(select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]]]", "]]")) union DISTINCT select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]],[[" ,"], ["))
select replace(replace(replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[["),"]]]",
"]]"),"]],[[" ,"],[" ) as ngeo

What is the syntax problem here using this subquery inside where clause

SELECT p.pnum, p.pname
FROM professor p, class c
WHERE p.pnum = c.pnum AND c.cnum = CS245 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT MAX(m.grade), MAX(m.grade) - MIN(m.grade) AS diff
FROM mark m WHERE m.cnum = c.cnum AND m.term = c.term AND m.section = c.section AND diff <= 20)) = 3
Incorrect syntax near ')'. Expecting AS, FOR_PATH, ID, or QUOTED_ID.
Consider the following example:
-- (
-- )
) > 50;
The query above works as is. But the problem is, that if you uncomment the commented out lines, you get the following error message: "T.TABNAME" is an undefined name. and least in Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows.
You can't push external to the sub-select column references too deeply.
So, your query is incorrect.
It's hard to correct it, until you provide the task description with data sample and the result expected.
I can see a potential syntax errors: It seems that CS245 refers to a value c.cnum may take and not a column name. If that is the case, it should be enclosed in single quotes.

How do I add static data to an excel sql-query?

I have a running query in Excel which gets data from an sql-server. I need to add static data in order to correct old data. I have tried with Union but Excel returns "Incorrect syntax near '.'."
My thought was to use Union:
SELECT column1, column2 FROM table1
SELECT "Trying" as column1, "Testing" as coulmn2 FROM table1;
But the data "Trying" and "Testing" are not really coming from table1 since I add it myself. Maybe this can't be done?
SELECT ft.ArtNr, ft.FaktRadSumma, ft.ordtyp, ft.ForetagKod, ft.FtgNr,
ft.Period, ft.Redovisnar, fr.FtgNamn, ft.KundKategoriKod, kus.kundklass,
ft.Date, ft.FaktTB, ft.FaktTG, ar.ArtKod, ar.artprodkonto, xm.arttypbeskr,
x1kk.kundklassbeskr, ft.faktradkost
FROM IRISJEV01.dbo.ft ft
SELECT '51143' as ft.ArtNr, 0.001 as ft.FaktRadSumma, 1 as ft.ordtyp, 10 as
ft.ForetagKod, '100622-02' as ft.FtgNr, 11 as ft.Period, 2018 as
ft.Redovisnar, 'Stockholm' as fr.FtgNamn, 0 as ft.KundKategoriKod, 'SC' as
kus.kundklass, '2018-11-07 00:00:00' as ft.Date, 2,24E+06 as ft.FaktTB,
2,23 as ft.FaktTG, 22 as ar.ArtKod, STD as ar.artprodkonto, 'Klockor &
timers' as xm.arttypbeskr, 'Syncentral' as x1kk.kundklassbeskr, -2238058 as
FROM IRISJEV01.dbo.ft ft
I expect to get all lines from the part above Union and the one line from below Union with the data specified, e.g. 51143, 0.001, etc...
Excel returns "Incorrect syntax near '.'."

Trying relational division on oracle (right parenthesis missing?)

I'm trying to execute the following query in Oracle:
SELECT c.id_cliente, c.nombre_cliente, c.apellidos_cliente
FROM cliente c
WHERE not exists (SELECT f.id_finca
FROM finca f
WHERE f.habitaciones = 3
SELECT v.id_fincas
FROM visitas v
WHERE v.id_cliente = c.id_cliente)
But I am getting the error "missing right parenthesis".
The parenthesis are well-balanced, how can I solve this error?
Use MINUS instead of EXCEPT.
SELECT c.id_cliente,
FROM cliente c
FROM finca f
WHERE f.habitaciones = 3
SELECT v.id_fincas
FROM visitas v
WHERE v.id_cliente = c.id_cliente)
there is no operator EXCEPT in Oracle. Use MINUS instead of it.
Additionally, your query seems weird: better try to make it with two not exists, I think it can give some performance.

Problems with a Union Query with an image/varbinary field

I'm having some problems with the following Query:
SELECT v.idnum
,convert(varbinary(max),s.signature) as Sig
FROM AppDB.dbo.v_People1 AS v INNER JOIN
OtherDB.dbo.Signatures AS s ON v.idnum = s.idnum
SELECT v.idnum
, v.full_name
, convert(varbinary(max), s.signature) as Sig
FROM AppDB.dbo.v_People2 AS v INNER JOIN
AppDB.dbo.Signatures AS s ON v.idnum = s.idnum
When i run them each of the queries separately without the union they execute quickly (<5 seconds), but when i run it using the union it's taking forever to execute (infact all it says is executing. I haven't seen it run successfully)
In OtherDB.dbo.Signatures the signature field is a varbinary(max) and in AppDB.dbo.Signatures the field is an image which is why i am using the convert expression.
Does anyone know what the problem might be and how i can go about fixing it?
I wonder if it's because you are using a UNION instead of a UNION ALL. UNION by itself will remove duplicate rows between the data sets. This may be causing a delay on your blob field. See if there is a difference using UNION ALL.