Save on database boolean expressions - sql

I'm working on a web app about online questionnaires forms and i'm having a problem regarding saving on database question's visibility.
In our forms the visibility of some questions is conditioned by the answers of other questions, for example you can see question "B" only if you answered question "A".
For this simple case i have no problem to insert this information in the database, the problem is when i have visibility's condition like this: D = (A AND B) OR C.
I found this post on stackoverflow with a similar problem but the final solution was not posted: storing and parsing boolean expressions in database
I can serialize the formula and save the string on the DB but i don't like this solution cause i lose all the DB bond, i thought to save for each condition the next condition and specify the logical connective but this solution is not good for the parenthesis; the only good idea for now is to save the single condition on a table and the condition's relation on an other table; any suggestion please?


SQL column name with function

I want to create 3 new columns with their names reffering to some date varibales and this is not possible to write them like this. So the first column name should be YEAR2022, 2nd column YEAR2021 and 3rd column YEAR2020.
Can you please give me an idea how to write this?
select column1*2 as CONCAT('YEAR',YEAR(DATEADD(YY,0,GETDATE()))),
column1*4 as CONCAT('YEAR',YEAR(DATEADD(YY,-2,GETDATE()))) FROM table1
The error that I get is:
Incorrect syntax near 'YEAR'.
As I mentioned in my comment, an alias cannot be an expression, it has to be a literal. As such the expressions you have tried to use are not allowed and generate syntax errors.
Normally, this sort requirement is the sign of a design flaw, or that you're trying to do something that should be in the presentation in the SQL layer. I'm going to assume the latter here. As a result, instead you should use static names for the columns, and then in your presentation layer, control the name of the columns there, so that when they are presented to the end user they have the names you want (for today that would be YEAR2022, YEAR2021 and YEAR2020). Then your query would just look like this:
select column1*2 AS ThisYear,
column1*3 AS YearPrior,
column1*4 AS Year2Prior
FROM dbo.table1;
How you change the names of the columns in your presentation layer is a completely different question (we don't even know what language you are using to write your application). If you want to ask about that, I suggest asking a new question (only if after you've adequately researched the problem and failed to find a solution), so that we can help you there.
Note that Though you can achieve a solution via dynamic SQL, I would strongly suggest it is the wrong solution here, and thus why I haven't given an answer providing a demonstration.

What would be the best way to store checkboxes in SQL

Hello Community from a Newbie;
I haven't found anything like this here with the search function so I hope it's not a stupid question . ( And sorry for my bad english ) .
I've planned to do a checklist with checkboxes in it (over 30 I think). I'm now thinking about how to store the status ( check or not checked ) into my SQL Database and read it out .
Plan A :
For each Checkbox I'll put a Column in the database, which sounds like an easy way but I think there has to be a better way in sense of Performance
Plan B : like an binary code in a single Column - like 00100 - means that just the 3rd Checkbox is a checked Checkbox . Makes more sense to me but give me a little bit the feeling that it is hard to code especially in case of reading those checkbox list out from SQL again like
if (00100 == 00010) checkbox2.checked;
if (00100 == 00100) checkbox3.checked;
I hope you can help a C# Newbie and give me maybe some other Solutions Ideas.
Thank you All
Greetings from Austria
So, there is a lot to unpack here. Basically, you are asking how to structure a database table.
IMHO Plan B is not a road you would like to go down. It will be quite confusing to anyone trying to make sense of it in the future. With respect to the table, it depends on your checklist.
Plan A is too static. Will that list change(grow or shrink)? When you talk about storing checks, you are storing responses. This begs the question how will you be storing the actual questions?
I would probably create two seperate tables, one for questions, and the other for responses.
This may seem a little overboard at first from your perspective but it allows you change your checklist over time.
Modeling-wise my question table might look like this:
table: questions
columns: content, order
table: responses
columns: question_id, user_id, checked:boolean

Dynamic where clause and operand SQL Server

Having read almost all topics related to dynamic where clauses, I still can't find a way through.
Here is my source table:
Source Table
And the result I want is:
In fact I want to return all values satisfying the Test value condition but don't know how to implement it dynamicly (I have a table with 700K lines).
Thanks a lot for your help.
Following your answers, I will detailed a bit more the approach.
Unfortunately, as I'm a new user, I'm not allowed to post pictures directly in the post.
I'm basicly performing segregation of duties controls over the SAP system.
Basicly, I want to test if some of the access of a customer are conflictual based on SAP extractions against a knowledge template stating potential conflicts.
Here is an simplified example of the SAP extract:
And here is a simplified example of the Potential conflict template:
This is a faxe example of the raw data of the customer:
I thought a way of doing this is to use dynamic where clause.
Thanks a lot for your help

DataBase design for store anketing data

my English is not well, so sorry for it.
I want to write the web-app for anketing. I mean, that it must be a site, where user may give answers on different questions. For example, it can be question with text type of answer, or checkbox, or lookup (comboBox).
And my problem is in data base architecture. I read a lot about Entity Attribute Value db pattern, One True Lookup Table I also read. But these patterns has problem (with ms sql) when building a sql-query for data selecting (report).
I hope somebody give me a good suggestion, and tell, what can I do with this proplem.
Almost everything can be represented as a string. Why not store a string in the database e.g. Text Type Answer or "true" "false" or ComboBox Value etc. Then simply convert the value from the database if necessary at runtime or in SQL if writing a query?
I feel Entity Attribute Value pattern is meant more for Entities which can have dynamic fields added etc, not so much for the problem you've posed here.
If necessary you could also add an additional column to the database table to specify the "type" of data being stored. You could then use that column to base your query convert statements on etc.

How to get multi row data of one column to one row of one Column

I need to get data in multiple row of one column.
For example data from that format
ID Interest
to that format
ID Interest
I wonder that we can do that in MS Access sql. If anybody knows that, please help me on that.
Take a look at Allen Browne's approach: Concatenate values from related records
As for the normalization argument, I'm not suggesting you store concatenated values. But if you want to join them together for display purposes (like a report or form), I don't think you're violating the rules of normalization.
This is called de-normalizing data. It may be acceptable for final reporting. Apparently some experts believe it's good for something, as seen here.
(Mind you, kevchadder's question is right on.)
Have you looked into the SQL Pivot operation?
Take a look at this link:
Just noticed you're using access. Take a look at this article:
This is nothing you should do in SQL and it's most likely not possible at all.
Merging the rows in your application code shouldn't be too hard.