sql to linq in vb.net - sql

I have to convert it to Linq in vb.net. I am new to sql to linq. Guidance welcomed
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.StartDt,112) datenew,
COUNT(distinct(b.EmployerAccountOid)) companymoved,
COUNT(distinct(c.EmployerAccountOid)) companyfailed,
COUNT(distinct(d.ProductAccountOid)) planmoved,
COUNT(distinct(e.ProductAccountOid)) planfailed
from ebp.MgnCOREDCDataGroupMigrationRun a
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun b
on a.MigrationRunID = b.MigrationRunID
And TypeCd = 1 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 4
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun c
on a.MigrationRunID = c.MigrationRunID
and TypeCd = 1 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 5
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun d
on a.MigrationRunID = d.MigrationRunID
and TypeCd = 2 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 4
left join ebp.MgnCOREDCMigrationRun e
on a.MigrationRunID = e.MigrationRunID
and TypeCd = 2 and a.MigrationStatusCd = 5
group by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.StartDt,112)
I tried to convert it to Linq with fail.
Dim query1= (From migrationgroup In UnitOfWork.DbContext.Set( Of MgnCOREDCDataGroupMigrationRun)()
Group Join migration In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migrationgroup.MigrationRunID Equals migration.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 1 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=4 _
Into migrationErrorGrp = Group
From mgeg In migrationErrorGrp.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join migration1 In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migration1.MigrationRunID Equals migrationgroup.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 1 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=4 _
Into migrationErrorGrp1 = Group
From mgeg1 In migrationErrorGrp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join migration2 In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migration2.MigrationRunID Equals migrationgroup.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 2 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=5 _
Into migrationErrorGrp2 = Group
From mgeg2 In migrationErrorGrp2.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join migration3 In UnitOfWork.Set(of MgnCOREDCMigrationRun)() On migration3.MigrationRunID Equals migrationgroup.MigrationRunID And migrationgroup.TypeCode = 2 And migrationgroup.MigrationStatusCode=5 _
Into migrationErrorGrp3 = Group
From mgeg3 In migrationErrorGrp3.DefaultIfEmpty()
Group By CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),migrationgroup.StartDt,112) into g
select New With{CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),migrationgroup.StartDt,112),
Count(distinct(migration.EmployerAccountOid)) ,
If IsNothing(query1) Then
Return Nothing
End If
coredcmigrationhistory =
From coredcmigrationrow In query1()
My query is non-queryable. Can anybody guide me where I m goin wrong


Bring a row that is not in one of the 2 tables

I have this query in sql
SI_Articulo = COALESCE(t.SI_Articulo, c.SI_Num_Articulo),
SI_Ubicacion = COALESCE(t.SI_Ubicacion, c.SI_Ubicacion),
SI_Ubicacion_Fisica = COALESCE(c.SI_Ubicacion_Fisica,''),
SI_Existencia = COALESCE(t.SI_Existencia, 0),
SI_Cantidad = COALESCE(c.SI_Cantidad, 0),
SI_Cantidad2 = (SELECT COALESCE(c2.SI_Cantidad,0)
FROM SI_Conteo c2
WHERE c2.SI_Num_Conteo = 2 /*AND c2.SI_Num_Articulo = 200002*/
AND t.SI_Ubicacion = c2.SI_Ubicacion),
SI_Dif = COALESCE(c.SI_Cantidad, 0) - COALESCE(t.SI_Existencia, 0),
SI_Dif_Dinero = (COALESCE(c.SI_Cantidad,0) - COALESCE(t.SI_Existencia,0)) * COALESCE(m.SI_Costo_Promedio,0)
FROM SI_Inventario_Teorico_QAD t
ON (t.SI_Articulo = c.SI_Num_Articulo
AND c.SI_Num_Conteo = 1
AND t.SI_Ubicacion = c.SI_Ubicacion)
ON (t.SI_Articulo = m.SI_Num_Articulo
OR c.SI_Num_Articulo = m.SI_Num_Articulo)
WHERE c.SI_Num_Articulo = 200002
OR t.SI_Articulo = 200002
Which brings me the next result
My problem is that in the SI_Conteo table I have the same reference added, but it does not exist in the SI_SI_Inventario_Teorico_QAD table so it does not show it to me.
This is the one that does not bring me
According to your problem that the reference in the table "SI_Conteo" and not in the table "SI_Inventario_Teorico_QAD",
you may need to use right join like:
SI_Conteo right join SI_Inventario_Teorico_QAD
or use left like:
SI_Inventario_Teorico_QAD left join SI_Conteo

Convert to linq sql query error

I have a query according to the :
tblDefinition.TopsisType, tblTemplate.tType, tblEvaluationFormCategory.Title AS EvaluationCategory,
ELSE N'1' END ProcessType,
tblDefinition.Description, tblDefinition.TemplateID, 1 Destinition
tblEvaluationFormCategory ON tblTemplate.CategoryID = tblEvaluationFormCategory.ID INNER JOIN
tblEFQMAlternative INNER JOIN
tblDefinition ON ([tblEFQMAlternative].[TopsisID] = [tblDefinition].[TopsisID] AND [tblEFQMAlternative].[CustomerID] = [tblDefinition].[CustomerID]) INNER JOIN
tblGroupMembers ON ([tblDefinition].[TopsisID] = [tblGroupMembers].[TopsisID]
AND tblDefinition.CustomerID =
tblGroupMembers.CustomerID) ON tblTemplate.TemplateID = tblDefinition.TemplateID
tblTerm ON tblDefinition.TermGrant = tblTerm.Title
WHERE (tblTerm.ID = 20) AND (tblGroupMembers.UserID = 558)
GROUP BY tblDefinition.TopsisType, tblTemplate.tType, tblEvaluationFormCategory.Title,
tblDefinition.Description, tblDefinition.TemplateID
when i convert to linq, then error to :
Field [([tblDefinition].[TopsisID] = [tblGroupMembers]].[[TopsisID] AND tblDefinition.CustomerID = tblGroupMembers.CustomerID) ON tblTemplate.TemplateID] not found in the current Data Context.
What should I do?

SQL UPDATE using two joined subqueries

I wrote a query that does an inner join of two subqueries. The first subquery has an alias of "SRC" and the other has an alias of "DEST". What I want to do is update some fields in the table NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail (part of DEST subquery) with values from the table Nominee_Committee_Vote (part of SRC subquery). It souds easy but I just cannot figure out how to do it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the query I wrote:
select *
from (
select ncv.*,
from ongoing..Nominee_Committee_Vote ncv
inner join azleg..NomineeAction na on
ncv.session_id = na.x_session_id and
ncv.committee_id = na.x_committee_id and
ncv.agency_id = na.x_agency_id and
ncv.position_id = na.x_position_id and
ncv.nominee_id = na.x_nominee_id and
ncv.received_date = na.x_received_date
inner join status..session s on
ncv.session_id = s.session_id
inner join azleg..Legislator l on
ncv.member_id = l.x_member_id and
s.legislature = l.LegislatureId
inner join (
select votedetail.*
from azleg..NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail votedetail
inner join azleg..NomineeAction nom_action on
votedetail.NomineeActionId = nom_action.NomineeActionId
) DEST on
SRC.agency_id = DEST.x_agency_id and
SRC.position_id = DEST.x_position_id and
SRC.nominee_id = DEST.x_nominee_id and
SRC.received_date = DEST.x_received_date and
SRC.session_id = DEST.x_session_id and
SRC.committee_id = DEST.x_committee_id and
SRC.member_id = DEST.x_member_id
where SRC.NomineeActionId <> DEST.NomineeActionId
OR SRC.LegislatorId <> DEST.LegislatorId
OR SRC.Vote <> DEST.Vote
Can you insert the update in front of the sub queries
UPDATE NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail
SET NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail.COLUMNNAME = src.VALUE
(select ncv.*, na.NomineeActionId, l.LegislatorId from ongoing..Nominee_Committee_Vote ncv
inner join azleg..NomineeAction na on
ncv.session_id = na.x_session_id and
ncv.committee_id = na.x_committee_id and
ncv.agency_id = na.x_agency_id and
ncv.position_id = na.x_position_id and
ncv.nominee_id = na.x_nominee_id and
ncv.received_date = na.x_received_date
inner join status..session s on
ncv.session_id = s.session_id
inner join azleg..Legislator l on
ncv.member_id = l.x_member_id and
s.legislature = l.LegislatureId) SRC
inner join
(select votedetail.* from azleg..NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail votedetail
inner join azleg..NomineeAction nom_action on
votedetail.NomineeActionId = nom_action.NomineeActionId) DEST on
SRC.agency_id = DEST.x_agency_id and
SRC.position_id = DEST.x_position_id and
SRC.nominee_id = DEST.x_nominee_id and
SRC.received_date = DEST.x_received_date and
SRC.session_id = DEST.x_session_id and
SRC.committee_id = DEST.x_committee_id and
SRC.member_id = DEST.x_member_id
where SRC.NomineeActionId <> DEST.NomineeActionId
OR SRC.LegislatorId <> DEST.LegislatorId
OR SRC.Vote <> DEST.Vote
It looks like the update is on a table in the sub query so it could be re factored to have one subquery
I've adjusted the lay-out of your query a bit to disclose better where subqueries start and end. In your DEST subquery, you join NomineeAction but you don't select any columns from it, so it only filters rows from NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail for which no NomineeAction exists. So really you wanna be updating and joining on columns from NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail exclusively. Based on that, I would write the update query like so:
update votedetail set
votedetail.SomeColumn = SomeValue,
votedetail.SomeOtherColumn = SomeOtherValue
from azleg..NomineeActionLegislatorVoteDetail votedetail
join azleg..NomineeAction nom_action on
votedetail.NomineeActionId = nom_action.NomineeActionId
join (
select ncv.*,
from ongoing..Nominee_Committee_Vote ncv
inner join azleg..NomineeAction na on
ncv.session_id = na.x_session_id and
ncv.committee_id = na.x_committee_id and
ncv.agency_id = na.x_agency_id and
ncv.position_id = na.x_position_id and
ncv.nominee_id = na.x_nominee_id and
ncv.received_date = na.x_received_date
inner join status..session s on
ncv.session_id = s.session_id
inner join azleg..Legislator l on
ncv.member_id = l.x_member_id and
s.legislature = l.LegislatureId
) SRC on
SRC.agency_id = votedetail.x_agency_id and
SRC.position_id = votedetail.x_position_id and
SRC.nominee_id = votedetail.x_nominee_id and
SRC.received_date = votedetail.x_received_date and
SRC.session_id = votedetail.x_session_id and
SRC.committee_id = votedetail.x_committee_id and
SRC.member_id = votedetail.x_member_id
where SRC.NomineeActionId <> votedetail.NomineeActionId
OR SRC.LegislatorId <> votedetail.LegislatorId
OR SRC.Vote <> votedetail.Vote

Query not updating the correct Rows

Trying to update the fact table with late coming dimension data. See Code below
UPDATE FactVehicleStock
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidDateTime] = B.Bid_Date_and_Time,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_AuctionDate] = B.Date_opened_for_tender,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalLoadDate] = B.Original_Load_date,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ServiceHistory] = B.Service_History,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ReservedPrice] = B.Reserve_price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidPrice] = B.Bid_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalReservedPrice] = B.Original_Reserve_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_NoOfTimesReloaded] = B.Number_of_times_reloaded
FROM BMR_DWH.dbo.FactVehicleStock as A
INNER JOIN BMR_STAGE.dbo.STG_Traders_Online as B
ON A.StockbookNumber = B.Stock_Number
INNER JOIN BMR_DWH.[dbo].[DimDealership] as C
FROM BMR_DWH.[dbo].[DimDealership]
INNER JOIN [BMR_STAGE].[dbo].[STG_Traders_Online] E
Try to use the right UPDATE SELECT Syntaxe.
If you look at the code I did, I had to change a bit your query to do the joins. See if it fits to you.
UPDATE BMR_DWH.dbo.FactVehicleStock as a
INNER JOIN BMR_STAGE.dbo.STG_Traders_Online as B
ON A.StockbookNumber = B.Stock_Number
FROM BMR_DWH.[dbo].[DimDealership] as C
INNER JOIN [BMR_STAGE].[dbo].[STG_Traders_Online] E
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidDateTime] = B.Bid_Date_and_Time,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_AuctionDate] = B.Date_opened_for_tender,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalLoadDate] = B.Original_Load_date,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ServiceHistory] = B.Service_History,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_ReservedPrice] = B.Reserve_price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_BidPrice] = B.Bid_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_OriginalReservedPrice] = B.Original_Reserve_Price,
FactVehicleStock.[TOL_NoOfTimesReloaded] = B.Number_of_times_reloaded

Left Join Linq to Entity's Vb.net

I can't figure out that linq to entity query syntax. My problem is that if the value of the Calls table is null then noting comes up, I want to make something like a left join to get 'all' rows from the Calls table.
I tried to group it but I can't figure out the correct way to write it.
Dim TicketQuery As ObjectQuery = From c In EnData.Customer _
Join t In EnData.Calls On t.CustomerID Equals c.CustomerID _
Join Status In EnData.Lists On t.Status Equals Status.ListValue _
Join Project In EnData.Lists On t.Project Equals Project.ListValue _
Join Priorty In EnData.Lists On t.Priority Equals Priorty.ListValue _
Where c.Status > -1 And t.Status > -1 And Status.ListType = 1 And Project.ListType = 3 And Priorty.ListType = 2 _
Select New With {c.CustName, t.CallID, t.CallDate, t.CallTime, t.Description, Key .Status = Status.ListText, Key .Project = Project.ListText, t.DateModified, Key .Priority = Priorty.ListText}
How can I fix that?
Similar question: Linq to Sql: Multiple left outer joins
Microsoft Documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb918093.aspx#Y916
LINQ Examples from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vbasic/bb737909
Left Outer Join
A so-called outer join can be expressed with a group join. A left outer joinis like a cross join, except that all the left hand side elements get included at least once, even if they don't match any right hand side elements. Note how Vegetables shows up in the output even though it has no matching products.
Public Sub Linq105()
Dim categories() = {"Beverages", "Condiments", "Vegetables", "Dairy Products", "Seafood"}
Dim productList = GetProductList()
Dim query = From c In categories _
Group Join p In productList On c Equals p.Category Into Group _
From p In Group.DefaultIfEmpty() _
Select Category = c, ProductName = If(p Is Nothing, "(No products)", p.ProductName)
For Each v In query
Console.WriteLine(v.ProductName + ": " + v.Category)
End Sub
For left join in VB.net we can use Let
Dim q =
(From item In _userProfileRepository.Table
Let Country = (From p In _countryRepository.Table Where p.CountryId = item.CurrentLocationCountry Select p.Name).FirstOrDefault
Let State = (From p In _stateRepository.Table Where p.CountryId = item.CurrentLocationCountry Select p.Name).FirstOrDefault
Let City = (From p In _stateRepository.Table Where p.CountryId = item.CurrentLocationCountry Select p.Name).FirstOrDefault
Where item.UserId = item.ProfileId.ToString)
After the left join we can use group by
Dim q2 =
(From p In q Group p By p.Country, p.State, p.City Into Group
Select New With
.Country = Country,
.State = State,
.City = City,
.Count = Group.Count