SAP Background RFC (bgRFC) destination is not operational - abap

I've been trying to set bgRFC mode in my SAPGUI 7.40rev1 but when I verify the configurations with transaction SRT_ADMIN_CHECK, I get stuck with the error bgRFC destination is not operational.
While reviewing SAP's documentation I found that most of the configuration is done using client 000 (for which I don't have access at the moment).
Can someone tell me if this is the error cause? Or there might be some other configuration missing?


SO_KEEPALIVE issue in Mulesoft

we had a Mulesoft app that basically picks message from queue (ActiveMQ), then posts to target app via HTTP request to target's API.
Runtime: 4.3.0
HTTP Connector version: v1.3.2
Server: Windows, On-premise standalone
However, sometimes the message doesn't get sent successfully after picking from queue , and below message can be found in the log -
WARN 2021-07-10 01:24:46,080 [[masked-app].http.requester.requestConfig.02 SelectorRunner] [event: ] org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.transport.TCPNIOTransport: GRIZZLY0005: Can not set SO_KEEPALIVE to false Invalid argument: no further information
at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_281]
The flow completed silently without any error after above message, hence no error handling happens.
I found this mentioning it is a known bug on Windows server and won’t affect the well behavior of the application, but the document is failing to set SO_KEEPALIVE to true rather than false.
Looks the message didn't get posted successfully as the target system team can't find corresponding incoming request in their log.
It is not acceptable as the message is critical and no one knows unless the target system realizes something is wrong... Not sure if the SO_KEEPALIVE is failing to be set to false is the root cause, could you please share some thoughts? Thanks a lot in advance.
The is probably unrelated to the warning you mentioned but there doesn't seem to be enough information to identify the actual root cause.
Having said that the version of the HTTP connector is old and it's missing almost 3 years of fixes. Updating the version to the last one should improve the reliability of the application.

How do I configure NServiceBus (v6.2) using AzureServiceBusTransport to not create topology

Does anyone know how to configure NServiceBus (v6.2) using the AzureServiceBusTransport to not attempt to create namespaces?
I'd like to configure NServiceBus the use a connection string which only has permissions to send (the queue's should already be there and if not an error is more appropriate than creation) but whenever I configure it this way I get the following error:
Pre start-up check failed: Configured to create topology, but have no manage rights for the following namespace(s): xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This error message suggests the functionality is configurable but having looked through the code and the documentation for the mechanism I can't find it.
Many thanks
Looks like I answered my own question - a bug was raised against the AzureServiceBusTransport and subsequently fixed a little while ago:
As the bug says upgrading to version 7.1.8 or 7.2.3 and not enabling installers fixes the issue.

QvSAPConnector.dll error - Mismatch between SAP Transport and connector versions

I am using Qlikview version 11.20.12758.0 SR10 64-bit and SAP v6.0.
After installing QV SAP connector v6.0, i am trying to connect to SAP by passing relevant details - IP, Client Id, System number, User, Pass. Facing below error message:
Mismatch between SAP Transport and connector versions. Please import the correct SAP transport. Unable to retrieve transport version from system. Invalid parameter 'RFC_FUNCTION_HANDLE' was passed to the API call
Referred following links, however, issue persists:
Consulted SAP guy to know if there is issue with Access rights, however, access is also available on the User.
I learnt that after QvSAPconnector, it should show Transports folder under path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\QlikTech\Custom Data\QvSAPConnector\
However, Transports folder is missing.
Please guide me to resolve this error. Thank you!
In order to be able to use the SAP Connectors (whether you are connecting to ERP or SAP BW), you will need to import transports provided by Qlik into your system(s) as these are needed for Qlik's connectors to function. These transports contain various "helper" programs (such as the version check as shown in your error message screenshot) as well as authorisation objects that are needed.
Depending on the connector that you are using, in the case of the "SAP" connector, you will need to import the relevant transports, and this also depends on the version of the system that you are going to be importing the transports into.
More information on which transports you should use are given here:
As mentioned in the above link:
Data extraction and user profile transports are installed in the SAP
system. These are available in the following folder on the computer,
copied there during the installation of the Qlik SAP Connector:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\QlikTech\Custom Data\QvSAPConnector\Transports
I noticed that you uploaded an image of a different folder which just contains the SAP Connector logs. The transports are always installed in the above location.
Once the transports are imported, you should then be able to use the connectors to connect and extract data.

re-configuring a worklight application with analytics

After redeploying a worklight application, some configuration for analytics got lost and I'm trying to configure worklight with analytics again.
The dashboard shows "No data available" for time after the deployment although there are old records displayed for the time before the deployment of the application. So the db was not affected.
I set the property to "true" in;
also I set the of the db to be something like:
The dashboard is on
That is the URL for the analytics server.
Although if I put the db URL in a browser I get something like:
Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /data
Checked SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log (WAS logs) and I did not see errors there.
Does anybody know which is the XML I need to check in order to validate the configuration is OK for analytics? How could I troubleshoot this problem? Are there other logs I could check?
In the list of environment variables you gave I do not see any for username and password. Try to set:
It would be useful to see a wireshark trace, maybe you are not getting 403s. The Analytics data uploader generally has a small bit of protections and you have the option to keep or remove it.
#patbarron is correct about the multiple WAR files though. You need to send your analytics data to the /analytics-service context. The WAR analytics-service is the WAR that handles all the data processing, querying, etc. The other WAR analytics just handles the console UI.
When testing it might be beneficial to lower the and, those values are for collecting data on the MobileFirst runtime server. Data is collected at the runtime server then sent to the analytics server. The larger these values are generally, the longer it will take to send. There are good to set for production

Can't get cache when security protection level is set to unsafe

I'm testing the AppFabric cache feature in my website deployed from MVC 4. In the web.config of my website, if I set the security level to anything except no security (None/None), like this
<securityProperties mode="Transport" protectionLevel="EncryptAndSign" />
then, getting cache from the method below will throw exception,
Also, in the PowerShell Cache Management, I've already set the protection level to the same level (Transport/EncryptAndSign).
But getting cache still failed.
Exception message is as following,
ErrorCode(ERRCA0017):SubStatus(ES0006):There is a temporary failure. Please retry later. (One or more specified cache servers are unavailable... )
The situation only happens in my deployed website. But if I run my website in Visual Studio debug mode, cache would response successfully no matter what the security level is set to.
OK! I finally solved the tricky issue. This tough thing nearly made me contribute my 50 bounties (almost half) !
After some survey, I found the first clue,
Security Error in APPFabric when changed the security mode from None to Transport?
(Note, I can't easily google it out from some keywords, but the result I want was easily dug out from Msdn AppFabric Cache forum. I thought google search can help me to find any answer.)
I got the same exception message as the first link. But Rahul's answer didn't work. However, Rahul's link revealed a second clue, that is, use Tracelog.exe to track the connection problem.
From the track log in Event Viewer, I found there are some error events saying my server's authority isn't accessible, so I searched in the third clue, Cache Administration PowerShell commands for setting permission in PowerShell.
In the third clue, thank the author, mark_og who really saved me ! You taught us how to set the permission in IIS like this,
Grant-CacheAllowedClientAccount "IIS APPPOOL\[AppPoolName]"
it's the key answer which solves my problem !