QvSAPConnector.dll error - Mismatch between SAP Transport and connector versions - sap

I am using Qlikview version 11.20.12758.0 SR10 64-bit and SAP v6.0.
After installing QV SAP connector v6.0, i am trying to connect to SAP by passing relevant details - IP, Client Id, System number, User, Pass. Facing below error message:
Mismatch between SAP Transport and connector versions. Please import the correct SAP transport. Unable to retrieve transport version from system. Invalid parameter 'RFC_FUNCTION_HANDLE' was passed to the API call
Referred following links, however, issue persists:
Consulted SAP guy to know if there is issue with Access rights, however, access is also available on the User.
I learnt that after QvSAPconnector, it should show Transports folder under path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\QlikTech\Custom Data\QvSAPConnector\
However, Transports folder is missing.
Please guide me to resolve this error. Thank you!

In order to be able to use the SAP Connectors (whether you are connecting to ERP or SAP BW), you will need to import transports provided by Qlik into your system(s) as these are needed for Qlik's connectors to function. These transports contain various "helper" programs (such as the version check as shown in your error message screenshot) as well as authorisation objects that are needed.
Depending on the connector that you are using, in the case of the "SAP" connector, you will need to import the relevant transports, and this also depends on the version of the system that you are going to be importing the transports into.
More information on which transports you should use are given here:
As mentioned in the above link:
Data extraction and user profile transports are installed in the SAP
system. These are available in the following folder on the computer,
copied there during the installation of the Qlik SAP Connector:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\QlikTech\Custom Data\QvSAPConnector\Transports
I noticed that you uploaded an image of a different folder which just contains the SAP Connector logs. The transports are always installed in the above location.
Once the transports are imported, you should then be able to use the connectors to connect and extract data.


Changing the configuration of TF6250-Modbus-TCP when used in TwinCAT/BSD

I have a device running TwinCAT/BSD.
Following section 5 the manual for TwinCAT/BSD I have successfully managed to install the TF6250 package. After updating the firewall rules I have confirmed that I am able connect and issue modbus tcp requests successfully using the Default Configuration from section 4.3 of the TF6250 manual.
My project requires mapping that is different from the default (i.e to the %Q registers rather than %M). Normally (when not not using TwinCAT/BSD) I would be able to edit my mapping via the Modbus TCP Configurator, but there does not appear to be an equivalent tool contained in the package for TwinCAT/BSD.
I have tried copying the mapping files that I would have created in the configurator into the Server directory with no luck. Are you able to tell me how my mapping can be updated in the TwinCAT/BSD environment?
If relevant:
TwinCAT Build: 3.1.4024.19
pkg repo: https://tcbsd.beckhoff.com/TCBSD/12/stable/packages
I spoke with Beckhoff support who told that TF6250 expects the xml file with the configuration here: /usr/local/etc/TwinCAT/Functions/TF6250-Modbus-TCP/TcModbusSrv.xml
I tested this and it appears to work so all you need to do;
Create the mapping file as per normal (e.g using the windows tool) and copy the file there.
Reboot the device to load the configuration from the file.

Backend is not available in the list of defined system mappings in Cloud connector

While creating destination to my hana system. I face the error 'Backend is not available in the list of defined system mappings in Cloud connector' in the connection test.
The connection in cloud connector is reachable. I read through blogs, the virtual and internal address doesn't mismatch. the url doesn't have any '_', but still I face the error. Any leads to this kind of issue?
Issue is resolved by deleting the location id in the destination settings

Saving VisualVM information as data

Using VisaulVM, I'd like to obtain this as data, without image processing algorithms being applied... How can I do that? I think this won't come out of a snapshot.
I am not sure how VisualVM and jVisualVM vary, the naming is sure confusing, but I'm running the Oracle supplied one (Version 1.7.0_80 (Build 150109))
You can use Tracer plugin with various probes. Tracer can export data in CSV, HTML or XML.
All this information is available through JMX. That's how VisualVM gets the information and you can use the same technology to get it too. First install the VisualVM-MBeans plugin from the Tools menu. This will add another tab titled MBeans where you can see all the available data for your application. You will find the graphed data under java.lang.Memory and java.lang.OperationSystem.
If you're trying to check information for your own process, it's as simple as calling ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean().getSystemLoadAverage() and ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(). There are more, but these should get you started.
To get precise CPU usage see: Using OperatingSystemMXBean to get CPU usage
If you want to get information on another process, you'd need some more code. There is a complete answer on Accessing a remote MBean server but basically:
// replace host and port
// not tested, might not work
JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<addr>:<port>");
JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url);
MBeanServerConnection connection = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
OperatingSystemMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(connection, OperatingSystemMXBean.class);
You will also have to start your Java process with exposed JMX as explained on How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole? but basically:
There is also a way to enumerate Java processes running on the local machine and even connect to processes that don't have JMX enabled (though you get less data). If that's what you're looking for, VisualVM Source Code will be a good place to start.
To answer your other question about naming:
VisualVM is opensource project hosted at visualvm.java.net and Java VisualVM is stable version of VisualVM with Oracle branding and other small changes. Java VisualVM is distributed in JDK. There is a table where you can find which VisualVM release is the basis for Java VisualVM in respective JDK update.

SAP Background RFC (bgRFC) destination is not operational

I've been trying to set bgRFC mode in my SAPGUI 7.40rev1 but when I verify the configurations with transaction SRT_ADMIN_CHECK, I get stuck with the error bgRFC destination is not operational.
While reviewing SAP's documentation I found that most of the configuration is done using client 000 (for which I don't have access at the moment).
Can someone tell me if this is the error cause? Or there might be some other configuration missing?

How to configure Mondrian embedded sample for XMLA communication

I downloaded and installed the the Mondrian 3.4.1 stable community release with the embedded derby database instance. I have many of the examples up and running on a local tomcat instance, but I cannot get the XMLA examples to work, and I am unable to communicate with the XMLA endpoint using xmla4js (http://code.google.com/p/xmla4js/ the discover-schema-rowsets example allows you to specify a url to hit, which for my local instance is localhost:8080/mondrian/xmla).
I have edited the 'datasources.xml' file as found here: http://pentahodave.mywebcommunity.org/#Apache7
The xmlaTest.jsp produces the same error as the one found at the bottom of the page, but the .class link no longer works, and I am not configured to build the source locally yet.
So my question is two-fold: Is there a way to get the xmlaTest.jsp to work without a local build and what else can I do to get xmla4js to talk to Mondrian?
The JPivot project is very old and not up to date with the current Mondrian codeline. Actually, we will be removing JPivot from our distribution as of Mondrian 4.0. In the meanwhile, if you wish to test your XMLA service, I suggest you use Warehouse Explorer.