Query database for records with non-accented letters - sql

I have a field in my database containing text like "Lobo de río" (note the accent on the letter "í". I need to search this column for records like '%rio%', where there is no accent on the "í". I have tried several things but have been unsuccessful.

You could look for all values that only have non-extended ascii characters (the first 128).
select *
from yourTable
where yourColumn REGEXP '[\x00-\x7F]*';


SQL Server - Regex pattern match only alphanumeric characters

I have an nvarchar(50) column myCol with values like these 16-digit, alphanumeric values, starting with '0':
0b00d60b8d6cfb19, 0b00d60b8d6cfb05, 0b00d60b8d57a2b9
I am trying to delete rows with myCol values that don't match those 3 criteria.
By following this article, I was able to select the records starting with '0'. However, despite the [a-z0-9] part of the regex, it also keeps selecting myCol values containing special characters like 00-d#!b8-d6/f&#b. Below is my select query:
SELECT * from Table
WHERE myCol LIKE '[0][a-z0-9]%' AND LEN(myCol) = 16
How should the expression be changed to select only rows with myCol values that don't contain special characters?
If the value must only contain a-z and digits, and must start with a 0 you could use the following:
FROM (VALUES(N'0b00d60b8d6cfb19'),
WHERE V.myCol LIKE '0%' --Checks starts with a 0
AND V.myCol NOT LIKE '%[^0-9A-z]%' --Checks only contains alphanumerical characters
AND LEN(V.myCol) = 16;
The second clause works as the LIKE will match any character that isn't an alphanumerical character. The NOT then (obviously) reverses that, meaning that the expression only resolves to TRUE when the value only contains alphanumerical characters.
Pattern matching in SQL Server is not awesome, and there is currently no real regex support.
The % in your pattern is what is including the special characters you show in your example. The [a-z0-9] is only matching a single character. If your character lengths are 16 and you're only interested in letters and numbers then you can include a pattern for each one:
FROM Table
WHERE myCol LIKE '[0][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]';
Note: you don't need the AND LEN(myCol) = 16 with this.

Getting the Column containing the non-english language in ORACLE

I have above entries in my database, my requirement is to extract the fields containing the non-english language characters ( including if the data containing the combination of english and non-english characters like HotelName field for the ID 45).
I tried by regexp_like function by looking for the alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric, but i have some data with combination of both the condition fails there.
Thanks in Advance
Does this do what you want?
where regexp_like(hotelname, '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]')
That is, where the hotel name contains any character that is not a "letter" or digit. You may need to take additional characters into account as well, such as commas, periods, and hyphens.

SQL Text Function for special characters

I have a field with text reviews in it and I want to spot where people have used special characters to get offensive words etc past the filters, so instead of typing badword they type b.a.d.w.o.r.d or b*a*d*w*o*r*d,
Is there a way to look for say 3 or more special characters in word in a text review, maybe some sort of count function for special characters?
If you have a table with a field containing words you dont want to allow you could add it in your WHERE clause like so using REGEX_REPLACE.
SELECT yourfield
FROM yourtable
WHERE REGEXP_REPLACE(yourfield,'[^a-zA-Z'']','') NOT IN (SELECT badwords
FROM badwordstable)

SQL find all rows that do not have certain characters

I want to find all rows for which values in string column does not possess certain characters (to be specific [a-Z0-9 \t\n]) how can I do it in sql ?
I tried to do it with like operator
where column like '%[^ a-Z0-9 \t\n]%'
however, it does not work and I get rows that possess characters and numbers.
To fetch all records that contain any characters other than alphabets, numbers, spaces, tabs and new-line delimiters:
WHERE column like '%[^A-Za-z0-9 \t\n]%'
Note that [^A-Za-z0-9 \t\n] represents anything other than alphanumeric characters, spaces, tabs, and new line delimitters.
Your logic is inverted. I think you want:
where column not like '%[^ a-Z0-9 \t\n]%'
I don't think that SQL Server interprets \t and \n as special characters. You may need to insert the actual values for the characters. (See here.)
WHERE column like '%[^A-Za-z0-9 \t\n]%'

MySQL match existence of a term amongst comma seperated values using REGEXP

I have a MySQL select statement dilemma that has thrown me off course a little. In a certain column I have a category term. This term could look something like 'category' or it could contain multiple CSV's like this: 'category, bank special'.
I need to retrieve all rows containing the term 'bank special' in the comma separated value. Currently I am using the following SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM tblnecklaces WHERE nsubcat REGEXP 'bank special';
Now this works OK, but if I had the category as follows: 'diamond special' for example then the row is still retrieved because the term 'special' in my column seems to be matching up to the term 'bank special' in my REGEXP statement.
How would I go abut checking for the existence of the whole phrase 'bank special' only and not partially matching the words?
Many thanks for your time and help
The simplest solution is to use the LIKE clause (% is wildcard):
SELECT * FROM tblnecklaces WHERE nsubcat LIKE '%bank special%';
Note that LIKE is also a lot faster than REGEXP.
You can prefix the column with comma's, and compare it to the bank special:
FROM tblnecklaces
WHERE ',' + replace(nsubcat,', ','') + ',' LIKE ',bank special,'
I put in a replace to remove optional space after a comma, because your example has one.
Not tested but this RegExp should work (LIKE works too but will match items that starts or ends with the same phrase):
SELECT * FROM tblnecklaces WHERE nsubcat REGEXP '(^|, )bank special($|,)';