PL/SQL: Using a variable in UPDATEXML function - sql

I need to update an XML node that contains a specific number. My query works if I hard code in the number (see figure 1), but I would like to make this dynamic by passing through a variable that contains a string (variableToBeReplaced). I currently wrote this (see figure 2) but it isn't reading the variable correctly so no changes are being made to the xml. Does anyone know how I can include a variable in an updatexml() function?
Figure 1
select updateXML(xmltype(xmlbod),'/LpnList/Lpn/LicensePlateNumber[text() = "12345"]','67890').getClobVal() doc
from myTable
where id = '1'
Figure 2
select updateXML(xmltype(xmlbod), '/LpnList/Lpn/LicensePlateNumber[text()= '|| variableToBeReplaced || ']','67890').getClobVal() doc
from myTable
where id = '1'

I was just missing "" around the variable.
select updateXML(xmltype(xmlbod), '/LpnList/Lpn/LicensePlateNumber[text()= "'|| variableToBeReplaced || '"]','67890').getClobVal() doc
from myTable
where id = '1'


What do parameters like the following one in a SELECT query do?

I've a query like this:
SELECT personas.IDDNI iddni,
VACACIONES(personas.IDDNI, to_char(add_months(sysdate, 0), 'YYYY')) VACACIONES
FROM personas personas,
trieniosobservaciones t
WHERE personas.iddni = t.iddni
AND ( personas.iddni = '47656567' )
I'd like to know what VACACIONES(personas.IDDNI,to_char(add_months(sysdate,0),'YYYY')) VACACIONES does in the query, as depending on the personas.iddni value it can return one row or give the following error:
The number specified in exact fetch is less than the rows returned.
VACACIONES is a user-defined function that takes two arguments, an IDDNI value for a person and a year. Beyond that, we cannot tell you what it does because it is a user-defined function and we do not have access to your database or the source code of the function.
You can find the source-code of the function using:
FROM all_source
ORDER BY owner, line;
and then you can work out what it does.

How can I count all NULL values, without column names, using SQL?

I'm reading and executing sql queries from file and I need to inspect the result sets to count all the null values across all columns. Because the SQL is read from file, I don't know the column names and thus can't call the columns by name when trying to find the null values.
I think using CTE is the best way to do this, but how can I call the columns when I don't know what the column names are?
WITH query_results AS
select count_if(<column_name> is not null) FROM query_results
If you are using Python to read the file of SQL statements, you can do something like this which uses pglast to parse the SQL query to get the columns for you:
import pglast
sql_read_from_file_here = "SELECT 1 foo, 1 bar"
ast = pglast.parse_sql(sql_read_from_file_here)
cols = ast[0]['RawStmt']['stmt']['SelectStmt']['targetList']
sum_stmt = "sum(iff({col} is null,1,0))"
sums = [sum_sql.format(col = col['ResTarget']['name']) for col in cols]
print(f"select {' + '.join(sums)} total_null_count from query_results")
# outputs: select sum(iff(foo is null,1,0)) + sum(iff(bar is null,1,0)) total_null_count from query_results

Enter Unspecified Number of Variables into Postgres Psycopg2 SQL query

I'm trying to retrieve some data from a postgresql database using psycogp2, and either exclude a variable number of rows or exclude none.
The code I have so far is:
def db_query(variables):
cursor.execute('SELECT * '
'FROM database.table '
'WHERE id NOT IN (%s)', (variables,))
This does partially work. E.g. If I call:
It works. The same for any other single value. However, I cannot seem to get it to work when I enter more than one variable, eg:
db_query('593, 595')
I get the error:
psycopg2.DataError: invalid input syntax for integer: "593, 595"
I'm not sure how to enter the query correctly or amend the SQL query. Any help appreciated.
Pass a tuple as it is adapted to a record:
query = """
select *
from database.table
where id not in %s
var1 = 593
argument = (var1,)
print(cursor.mogrify(query, (argument,)).decode('utf8'))
#cursor.execute(query, (argument,))
select *
from database.table
where id not in (593)

Sql query not working on matlab properly

So i'm working on a laravel project where i pass some data to matlab and then matlab will edit them..everything works fine except the function of matlab that i wrote..
function show(a)
curs=exec(con,'SELECT name FROM dataset_choices WHERE id = a');
curs = fetch(curs);
i want this function to display the name of the dataset the user choose..the problem is that it doesnt work writing just where id = a... but if i write for example where id=1 it works..
i tried to display just the a with disp(a) to see what is the value of the a and it is store the right id that user had how can i use it in my query??
a = num2str(a); % or make sure the user inputs a string instead
curs=exec(con,['SELECT name FROM dataset_choices WHERE id = ',a]);
If a = '1', then the brackets would print:
'SELECT name FROM dataset_choices WHERE id = 1'

MySQL IN Operator
When i write "IN(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)" inside of the procedure, i get correct result but when i add the id variable in the "IN", the results are incorrect. I made a function on mysql but its still not working, what can i do?
Strings (broadly, variable values) don't interpolate in statements. vKatID IN (id) checks whether vKatID is equal to any of the values listed, which is only one: the value of id. You can create dynamic queries using PREPARE and EXECUTE to interpolate values:
set #query = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) AS toplam
FROM videolar
WHERE vTarih = CURDATE() AND vKatID IN (', id, ') AND vDurum = 1;')
PREPARE bugun FROM #query;
EXECUTE bugun;
You could use FIND_IN_SET( ) rather than IN, for example:
FROM videolar
AND FIND_IN_SET( vKatID, id ) > 0
AND vDurum = 1
Sets have limitations - they can't have more than 64 members for example.
Your id variables is a string (varchar) not an array (tuple in SQL) ie you are doing the this in (in java)
String id = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
you want
int[] ids = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
So in your code
set id = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
I cannot help you with the syntax for declaring id as I don't know. I would suggest to ensure the code is easily updated create a Table with just ids and then change your stored procedure to say
FROM videolar
WHERE vTarih = CURDATE() AND vKatID IN (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM idtable) AND vDurum = 1;
Hope this helps.