How to invoke method with sql request in separate class from Groovy script in SOAP UI? - testing

Friends, hello.
I'am trying to use elements of object oriented approach in SOAP UI groovy scripting.
I read manual about "How to write a reusable script" here
and I am trying to write a separate class with method which get data from database and set up address properties (Address).
My problem is that i receive the error message
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: sql1 for class
Utils error at line: 138
when run "main" Groovy script.
"Main" Groovy Script looks like:
// get a reference to the library TestSuite
library = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["Library"]
// find the module within the library
module = library.testCases["module-name"].testSteps["Utils"]
// initialise the library; which places an instance of Example in the context, context)
// get the instance of example from the context.
def utils = context.utils
// run the method, with parameter "utils.setAddress() = " + utils.setAddress("LivingPlace");
setAddress method is determined in class Utils which is looked like:
import groovy.sql.Sql;
class Utils
def log
def context
def testRunner
// Class constructor with same case as Class name
def Utils(logIn, contextIn, testRunnerIn)
this.log = logIn
this.context = contextIn
this.testRunner = testRunnerIn
def setAddress (addressType)
{ testRunner; context; "Call the DB" ;"");
sql1 = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://SRV1:1433; databaseName=DB;", "user", "123", "");
sql1.eachRow('select top 1 '+
'Country '+
'from Address')
{ row ->
testRunner.testCase.testSteps['Address'].setPropertyValue("'country", "$row.Country");
return addressType //just for test
context.setProperty ("utils", new Utils(log, context, testRunner) ) "Library Context:"+context;
If i delete everything related with sql it works fine. How to invoke the setAddress method without error described earlier and set Adress properties?


While running Karate(1.0.1) tests from Spock, System property that was set in mock ends up undefined in['message']

In karate version 0.9.5 I was able to use System.setProperty('message', message) during a mock invocation. Then that property was available inside a feature using['message']. I have upgraded to version 1.0.1 and now result of['message'] results in undefined
Spock Test code
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class ApiTestRunnerSpec extends Specification {
private int port
MessageLogger messageLogger = Mock()
def "setup"() {
System.out.println("Running on port: " + port)
System.setProperty("server.port", "" + port)
def "Run Mock ApiTest"() {
System.setProperty('foo', 'bar')
Results results = Runner.path("classpath:").tags("~#ignore").parallel(5)
results != null
1 * messageLogger.logMessage(_ as String) >> { String message ->
assert message != null
System.setProperty("message", message)
public class MessageController {
#Autowired private MessageLogger messageLogger;
public String message() {
String message = "Important Message";
return message;
public class MessageLogger {
public void logMessage(String message) {
function fn() {
karate.configure('connectTimeout', 10000);
karate.configure('readTimeout', 10000);
karate.configure('ssl', true);
var config = {
localUrl: 'http://localhost:' + java.lang.System.getProperty('server.port'),
print('localUrl::::::::::', config.localUrl);
return config;
Feature: Test Message
* url localUrl
Scenario: GET
Given path '/message'
When method get
Then status 200
* print 'foo value ' +['foo']
* print 'message value ' +['message']
2021-04-28 15:07:51.819 (...) [print] **foo value bar**
2021-04-28 15:07:51.826 (...) [print] **message value Important Message**
2021-04-28 14:36:58.566 (...) [print] **foo value bar**
2021-04-28 14:36:58.580 (...) [print] **message value undefined**
Link to project on github
I cloned your project and noticed a few outdated things (Groovy, Spock and GMaven+ versions). Upgrading them did not change the outcome, I can still reproduce your problem.
A also noticed that in your two branches the POM differs in more than just the Karate version number, also the dependencies differ. If I use the ones from the 1.0.1 branch, tests do not work under 0.9.5 anymore. So I forked your project and sent you two pull requests for each branch with a dependency setup working identically for both Karate versions. Now the branches really just differ in the Karate version number:
BTW, for some reason I had to compile your code running JDK 11, JDK 16 did not work. GMaven+ complained about Java 16 groovy class files (bytecode version 60.0), even though GMaven+ should have used target level 11. No idea what this is about. Anyway, on Java 11 I can reproduce your problem. As the Spock version is identical for both branches, I guess the problem is within Karate itself. I recommend to open an issue there, linking to your GitHub project (after you have accepted my PRs). Spock definitely sets the system property, I have added more log output into the stubbing closure order to verify that. Maybe this is an issue concerning how and when Karate communicates with Spock.
Update: Peter Thomas suggested in his answer to store the value to be transferred to the feature in a Java object and access that one from the feature after the Spock test has set it. I guess, he means something like this:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class ApiTestRunnerSpec extends Specification {
private int port
MessageLogger messageLogger = Mock() {
1 * logMessage(_ as String) >> { String message ->
assert message != null
MessageHolder.INSTANCE.message = message
def "setup"() {
System.out.println("Running on port: " + port)
System.setProperty("server.port", "" + port)
def "Run Mock ApiTest"() {
Results results = Runner
.systemProperty("foo", "bar")
static class MessageHolder {
public static final MessageHolder INSTANCE = new MessageHolder()
private String message
private MessageHolder() {}
String getMessage() {
return message
void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message
Feature: Test Message
* url localUrl
Scenario: GET
Given path '/message'
When method get
Then status 200
* print 'foo value ' +['foo']
* def getMessage =
function() {
var MessageHolder = Java.type('com.example.spock.karate.ApiTestRunnerSpec.MessageHolder');
return MessageHolder.INSTANCE.getMessage();
* def message = call getMessage {}
* print 'message value ' + message
Update 2: This is the implementation of Peter's second idea to simply access Java system properties via JS. So I simplified the working, but unnecessarily complicated version with the message holder singleton, eliminating it again:
Now it simply looks like this (similar to the original Spock specification, only refactored to be a bit less verbose):
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class ApiTestRunnerSpec extends Specification {
private int port
MessageLogger messageLogger = Mock() {
1 * logMessage(_ as String) >> { String message ->
assert message != null
System.setProperty('message', message)
def "setup"() {
System.out.println("Running on port: " + port)
System.setProperty("server.port", "" + port)
def "Run Mock ApiTest"() {
Runner.path("classpath:").systemProperty("foo", "bar").tags("~#ignore").parallel(5)
The only important change is in the Karate feature:
Feature: Test Message
* url localUrl
Scenario: GET
Given path '/message'
When method get
Then status 200
* print 'foo value ' +['foo']
* def getMessage = function() { return Java.type('java.lang.System').getProperty('message'); }
* print 'message value ' + getMessage()
The Runner "builder" has a .systemProperty() method which is recommended.
Please refer:
So this should work. Else as I said in the comments, please submit a way to replicate.
Results results = Runner.path("classpath:")
.systemProperty("foo", "bar")
EDIT: so I can confirm that is made immutable at the time the test-suite starts.
So here are the 3 options:
change your test strategy so that all dynamic params are resolved before you start
instead of[] do the old-school java.lang.System.getProperty('foo') call in Karate / JS, I'm pretty sure that will work
use a Java singleton to hold shared state for your test-runner and karate-feature

Grails integration tests failing due to i18n message fetched during Bootstrap

I added a service method call to Boostrap.groovy in my Grails 4.0.1 application:
class BootStrap {
GrailsApplication grailsApplication
SelfAssessmentRatingService selfAssessmentRatingService
def init = { servletContext ->
SelfAssessmentRating rating = SelfAssessmentRating.first()
if (!rating) {
def destroy = {
In the service method, an i18n message is fetched for each object I have specified in setup.selfAssessmentRatings in the application config.
class SelfAssessmentRatingService implements GrailsConfigurationAware {
MessageSource messageSource
List<Map> setupAssessmentRatings
void setConfiguration(Config co) {
List selfAssessmentRatings = co.getProperty('setup.selfAssessmentRatings', List, null)
setupAssessmentRatings = selfAssessmentRatings as List<Map>
* Saves a SelfAssessmentRating record for each one specified in the application config.
* This method gets called if there are no SelfAssessmentRating records saved.
def createRatingsFromConfig() {
if (setupAssessmentRatings == null || setupAssessmentRatings.empty) {"Skipping creating SelfAssessmentRatings because none were specified " +
"in the config: 'setup.selfAssessmentRatings'")
}"Saving ${setupAssessmentRatings.size()} new SelfAssessmentRating records")
for (Map map in setupAssessmentRatings) {
// SelfAssessmentRating is a domain class
SelfAssessmentRating newRating = new SelfAssessmentRating()
newRating.rating = map.rating as Integer
newRating.englishText = map.englishText
newRating.translationKey = map.translationKey true)
// Verify we have that translation. This will throw an exception if the translation is not present.
messageSource.getMessage(newRating.translationKey, [].toArray(), Locale.default)
Here is the default config value for setup.selfAssessmentRatings; this is in the root of application.yml so it applies to all Grails environments:
- {rating: 1, translationKey: "example.selfAssessment.noExperience", englishText: "No Experience or Knowledge"}
- {rating: 2, translationKey: "example.selfAssessment.someExperience", englishText: "Some Experience or Knowledge"}
- {rating: 3, translationKey: "example.selfAssessment.functionIndependently", englishText: "Able to function independently in this area"}
And I have those three messages defined in grails-app/i18n/
example.selfAssessment.noExperience=No Experience or Knowledge
example.selfAssessment.someExperience=Some Experience or Knowledge
example.selfAssessment.functionIndependently=Able to function independently in this area
My integration tests all pass in CircleCI (./gradlew -Dgrails.env=circleci integrationTest), but on my local machine I get the following error for each integration test:
org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code 'example.selfAssessment.noExperience' for locale 'en_US'.
at com.hclabs.ojt.step.SelfAssessmentRatingService.$tt__createRatingsFromConfig(SelfAssessmentRatingService.groovy:46)
Does anyone know how I can get my integration tests to pass again locally ?
Is there an argument I could add or an environment variable to set when calling ./gradlew integrationTest on my local machine so that Grails can find the messages in grails-app/i18n/

Script binding does not work before calling

I've the following test code to figure out how variable binding works. So this is what I want to import/include;
# importee.groovy
import groovy.transform.Field
#Field top = 60
number = 44 // binding variable
int ratio = 4.5
return this
which I call it from;
# importer.groovy (version1)
import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader
def gcl = new GroovyClassLoader()
def clazz = gcl.parseClass(new File("importee.groovy")) )
assert == 'importee'
def script = clazz.newInstance()
println("binding variable:
So, if I don't run the script, my test code throws "MissingPropertyException" on the last print statement. This is not happenning if I call def script = evaluate(new File("importee.groovy")) instead of using GroovyClassLoader like this;
# importer.groovy (version2)
def script = evaluate(new File("importee.groovy"))
println("binding/global variable: ${script.number}")
Since both methods return a Script instance, I got a little bit confused on why I have to call the run() method in the first case. Can someone explain where I fail to understand please?
run groovyconsole (distributed with groovy)
type a simple script:
return this
select menu Script -> Inspect Ast
and in the new window Groovy AST Browser select phase = Conversion
you will see your groovy script but converted to a Script class like this:
public class script1548245785832 extends groovy.lang.Script {
public script1548245785832() {
public java.lang.Object run() {
number = 44
return this
this is the actual code generated for your script.
as you can see the constructor is empty, so no information about number property after you call newInstance()
but after you call run() you actually run your script.
your script could be a class like this:
class Importee {
int number=44
public Object run(){
println number
in this case it will be enough to create instance of class without calling run() method and get the value of number variable...
def clazz = gcl.parseClass( new File("Importee.groovy")) )
def script = clazz.newInstance()
println("the variable: ${script.number}")

How to mock the 'new' operator

I'm testing some groovy code that uses a java library and I want to mock out the library calls because they use the network. So the code under test looks something like:
def verifyInformation(String information) {
def request = new OusideLibraryRequest().compose(information)
new OutsideLibraryClient().verify(request)
I tried using MockFor and StubFor but I get errors such as:
No signature of method: com.myproject.OutsideLibraryTests.MockFor() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Class) values: [class com.otherCompany.OusideLibraryRequest]
I'm using Grails 2.0.3.
I've just found that we can always overwrite a constructor via MetaClass, as Grails 2 will be reset MetaClass modification at the end of each test.
This trick is better than Groovy's MockFor. AFAIK, Groovy's MockFor does not allow us to mock JDK's classes,, for example. However in the below example, you cannot use File file = new File("aaa") as the real object type is a Map, not a File. The example is a Spock specification.
def "test mock"() {
def fileControl = mockFor(File)
File.metaClass.constructor = { String name -> [name: name] }
def file = new File("aaaa")
expect: == "aaaa"
The second, optional parameter to MockFor's constructor is interceptConstruction. If you set this to true, you can mock the constructor. Example:
import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor
class SomeClass {
def prop
SomeClass() {
prop = "real"
def mock = new MockFor(SomeClass, true)
mock.demand.with {
SomeClass() { new Expando([prop: "fake"]) }
mock.use {
def mockedSomeClass = new SomeClass()
assert mockedSomeClass.prop == "fake"
Note, however, you can only mock out groovy objects like this. If you're stuck with a Java library, you can pull the construction of the Java object into a factory method and mock that.

Seems Like Groovy acts Differently on these two scenarios?

I have two domain classes like this, first namely Manager :
package com.mnm
class Manager {
String name;
static hasMany = [ project : Project, tasks : Tasks ]
static constraints = {
And second one namely, Project:
package com.mnm
class Project {
String projectTitle
String projectDescription
String description
static belongsTo = [ managers: Manager ]
static hasMany = [ tasks : Tasks ]
static constraints = {
And I wrote Integration test like this (to find the name of the projects via using Manager) :
void testCountProject() {
def manager = new Manager(name:'Anto').save()
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Grails'))
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Griffon'))
def noOfProjects = Manager.get(
def found = noOfProjects.project.collect { it.projectTitle }
assertEquals(['Grails','Griffon'], found.sort())
Well there is no error in it and the test passes! But when I add more stuffs into to the same test like (now I'm trying the reverse, finding the Manager name via using Project) :
void testCountProject() {
def manager = new Manager(name:'Anto').save()
def project1 = new Project(projectTitle:'Grails').save()
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Griffon'))
def noOfProjects = Manager.get(
def found = noOfProjects.project.collect { it.projectTitle }
assertEquals(['Grails','Griffon'], found.sort())
def noOfManager = Project.get(
def foundManager = noOfManager.managers.collect { }
Now I get the error like this :
No signature of method: com.mnm.Manager.addToProject() is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null] Possible solutions: addToProject(java.lang.Object), getProject()
Where I went wrong?
Thanks in advance.
You have the same problem in both cases, but the first isn't a proper test so it seems to work. The issue is that all properties are not-null by default, so your Project instances fail validation when you only set projectTitle.
In the first test you don't re-load the manager instance, you're still using the one in-memory because get() uses the Hibernate session as a 1st-level cache. If you flush and clear the session to force it to go to the database it will fail:
class MyTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def sessionFactory
void testCountProject() {
def manager = new Manager(name:'Anto')
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Grails'))
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Griffon')) true)
def noOfProjects = Manager.get(
def found = noOfProjects.project.collect { it.projectTitle }
assertEquals(['Grails','Griffon'], found.sort())
The second one fails because you call save() on the Project instance and it returns null when validation fails. You don't need to save Project instances because they will be transitively saved when the containing Manager gets saved - the more standard pattern is the one you use in the first test.
You have a few options. One is to fix the validation errors :) Another is to check for validation errors. This requires a separate save() call so you have access to the not-null instance:
def project1 = new Project(projectTitle:'Grails')
if (project1.hasErrors()) {
// handle errors
else {
The third is failOnError which will throw an exception when validation fails:
def project1 = new Project(projectTitle:'Grails').save(failOnError: true)