objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch - love2d

So I use a spritebatch for my tiles. I have a ground layer, object layer, and foreground layer. The ground layer and foreground layer use 1 (and the same) spritebatch that uses 1 tilesheet of scenery tiles. The object layer is for actors and obviously use a different tilesheet. The drawing order is ground, object, foreground. So if I have 1 spritebatch for the scenery and 1 for the actors I don't see how can I get this draw order seeing as I would draw the 1 spritebatch for ground and foreground together with no way to put the object spritebatch between it since it's drawn with 1 command:

For layers to work you will need two separate sprite batches.
i.e you need separate groundlayer and foregroundlayer spritebatchs.
function love.draw()


meshlab- how to transfer uvs from source .objs onto poisson reconstruction model

I've been struggling for some time to find a way in Meshlab to include or transfer UV’s onto a poisson model from source meshes. I will try to explain more of what I’m trying to accomplish below.
My source meshes have uv’s along with texture data. I need to build a fused model and include the texture data. It is for facial expression scan data reconstruction for a production pipeline which ultimately builds a facial rig for animation. Our source scan data includes marker information which we use to register, build a fused scan model which is used to generate a retopologized mesh for blendshapes.
Previously, we were using David3D. http://www.david-3d.com/en/support/downloads
David 3D used poisson surface reconstruction to create a fused model. The fused model it created brought along the uvs and optimized the source textures into 1 uv tile. I'll post a picture of the result below that I'm looking to recreate in MeshLab.
My need to find this solution in meshlab is to build tools to help automate this process. David3D version 5 does not have an development kit to program around.
Is it possible in Meshlab to apply the uvs from the regions used from the source mesh onto the poison model? Could I use a filter to transfer them? Reproject them?
Or is there another reconstruction method/ process from within Meshlab that will keep the uv’s?
Here is an image of what the resulting uv parameter looks like from David. The uvs are white on the left half of the image.
Thank You,David3D UV Layout Result
No, in MeshLab there is no direct way to transfer UV mapping between two layers.
This is because UV transfer is not, in the general case, a trivial task. It is not simply a matter of assigning to the new surface the "closest" UV of the original mesh: this would not work on UV discontinuities, which are present in the example you linked. Additionally, the two meshes should be almost coincident, otherwise you would also have problems also in defining the "closest" UV.
There are a couple ways to do it, but require manual work and a re-sampling of the texture:
create a UV mapping of the re-meshed model using whatever tool you may have, then resample the existing texture on the new parametrization using "transfer: vertex attributes to Texture (1 or 2 meshes)", using texture color as source
load the original mesh, and using the screenshot function, create "virtual" photos of the model (turn off illumination and do NOT use ortho views), adding them as raster layers, until the model surface has been fully covered. Load the new model, that should be in the same space, and texture-map it using the "parametrization + texturing " using those registered images
In MeshLab it is also possible to create a new texture from the original images, if you have a way to import the registered cameras...
TL;DR: UV coords to color channels → Vertex Attribute Transfer → Color channels back to UV coords
I have had very good results kludging it through the color channels, like this (say you are transfering from layer A to layer B):
Make sure A and B are roughly aligned with eachother (you can use the ICP filter if needed).
Select layer A, then:
Texture → Convert Per Wedge UV to Per Vertex UV (if you've got wedge coords)
Color Creation → Per Vertex Color Function, and transfer the tex coords to the color channels (assuming UV range 0-1, you'll want to tweak these if your range is larger):
func r = 255.0 * vtu
func g = 255.0 * vtv
func b = 0
Sampling → Vertex Attribute Transfer, and use this to transfer the vertex colors (which now hold texture coordinates) from layer A to layer B.
source mesh = layer A
target mesh = layer B
check Transfer Color
set distance large enough to not miss any spots
Now select layer B, which contains the mapped vertex colors, and do the opposite that you did for A:
Texture → Per Vertex Texture Function
func u = r / 255.0
func v = g / 255.0
Texture → Convert Per Vertex UV to Per Wedge UV
And that's it.
The results aren't going to be perfect, but in practice I often find them sufficient. In particular:
If the texture is not continuously mapped to layer A (e.g. maybe you've got patches of image mapped to certain areas, etc.), it's very possible for the attribute transfer to B (especially when upsampling) to have some vertices be interpolated across patch boundaries, which will probably lead to visual artifacts along patch boundaries.
UV coords may be quantized by conversion to a color channel and back. (You could maybe eliminate this by stretching U out over all three color channels, then transferring U, then repeating for V -- never tried it though.)
That said, there's a lot of cases it works in.
I may or may not add images / video to this post another day.
PS Meshlab is pretty straightforward to build from source; it might be possible to add a UV coordinate option to the Vertex Attribute Transfer filter. But, to make it more useful, you'd want to make sure that you didn't interpolate across boundary edges in the mapped UV projection. Definitely a project I'd like to work on some day... in theory. If that ever happens I'll post a link here.

Photoshop layer blending - null out background

Is it possible using layer blending and maybe masking to null out the background(transparent) using a picture with the product in place and one without the product as a background reference picture.
Like a layer mask that only reveals where images are different. (Product and shadow)
Thanks in advance.
Totally possbile but i'm not sure you'll get the desired effect. If you want to subtract absolutely just the areas where there are color differences that means shadow edges will be pixelated. Nonetheless, here's how you do it
Set up your layers like so:
Layer 1 (background + product baked in on top)
Layer 2 (background only)
Set Layer 1 blending mode to "Difference" --All the pixels with the same color information will turn black.
Flatten this and we'll call it "Layer 3 (Difference)"
Go into Layer 3's FX Styles. Under Blending Options, all the way at the bottom you'll find "Blend if:"
Set this to Gray and slide the "This layer:" markers until it says 0 0.
Voila. You have the mask to put on your original Layer 1 that eliminates all pixels with the same information.

Detect if a quad is actually visible 2D in OpenGL

I currently have 16 tiles, with individual images that make up 1 big map. I pan by transforming right at the beginning before any actual drawing with this:
GL.Translate(G_.Pan(0), G_.Pan(1), 0)
Then I zoom by doing this:
GL.Ortho(-G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, -G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, -1, 1)
G_.Size is a constant that only varies on startup depending on parameters, zoom factor ranges from -1 to -13
What I want to be able to do is check if 1 of the 16 tiles is within the visible area, so then I stop them drawing when they are not on screen. I had found some quite complex methods for doing it, but it was 3D and seemed like a lot of work for something that should be simple. I would of thought it would of been something like just checking if a point is within the bounds of visible area, but I have no idea on how to get the visible area.
Andon M Coleman already suggested you to implement projection volume culling (a generalized form of frustum culling). This is however outside the scope of OpenGL. You must understand that OpenGL is not a "magical" scene graph that does scene management and the likes. It's mere drawing API; what it does is putting shaded, textured points, lines or triangles on the screen and that's it. The rest is up to you, or the libraries you choose to implement it.
In the case of projection volume culling you're testing if a given piece of geometry intersects with the volume defined by the planes that form the borders of the volume. Your projection matrix defines such planes, specifically it transform the view space vertex position volume into the range [-1;1]×[-1;1]×[0;1] of perspective divided clip space. So by inverting the projection matrix and unprojection the corners of the [-1;1]×[-1;1]×[0;1] cube through that you determine the limiting planes of the projection volume in view space.
You then use that information to intersect your quads with the volume to see if they cross it, i.e. are in any way visible.

OpenGL ES OBJ Loading Transparency Issues

Hi I am working on an OBJ loader for use in iOS programming, I have managed to load the vertices and the faces but I have an issue with the transparency of the faces.
For the colours of the vertices I have just made them for now, vary from 0 - 1. So each vertex will gradually change from black to white. The problem is that the white vertices and faces seem to appear over the black ones. The darker the vertices the more they appeared covered.
For an illustration of this see the video I posted here < http://youtu.be/86Sq_NP5jrI >
The model here consists of two cubes, one large cube with a smaller one attached to a corner.
How do you assign a color to vertex? I assume, that you have RGBA render target. So you need to setup color like this:
struct color
u8 r, g, b, a;
color newColor;
newColor.a = 255;//opaque vertex, 0 - transparent
//other colors setup

Drawing an angle/angular/"Conical"/"Arcing" gradient in Objective-C (IOS) using Core Graphics

I'm trying to draw a "conical"/"arcing" gradient (I don't know what would be the correct term for this) (Photoshop calls it an "angle" gradient —your friendly neighborhood stackoverflow editor) using Objective-C (IOS), pretty much exactly like the image shown in the following thread.
After days of googling and searching the internet to no avail, I've decided to ask for help here.
A little background on what I'm trying to do. My objective is to create a custom UIView, which is circular progress bar, a ring basicly, somewhat similar to the activity indicator as seen in the TweetBot iPhone app (displays when you drag to refresh, which can be seen in action here, around 17-18 seconds into the video, on top of the iphone screen). I want the progress indicator (the fill of the ring) to be a simple two color gradient, which can be set programmatically, and the view to be resizable.
Filling the ring shape with a gradient that "follows" the arc of the ring is where I'm stuck. The answers that I get from googling, reading Apple's Core Graphics documentation on gradients and searching on SO are either about radial gradients or linear/axial gradients, which is not what I'm trying to achieve.
The thread linked above suggests using pre-made images, but this isn't an option because the colors of the gradient should be settable, the view should be resizable and the fill of the progress bar isn't always 100% full obviously (which would be the state of the gradient as shown in the picture in the thread above).
The only solution that I've come up with is to draw the gradient "manually", so without using a CGGradientRef, clipping small slices of the gradient with single solid color fills within a circular path. I don't know exactly how well this will perform when the bar is being animated though, it shouldn't be that bad, but it might be a problem.
So my first question:
Is there an easier/different solution to draw a conical/arcing gradient in Objective-C (IOS) than the solution I've come up with?
Second question:
If I have to draw the gradient manually in my view using the solution I came up with, how can I determine or calculate (if this is even possible) the value (HEX or RGBA) of each color "slice" of the gradient that I'm trying to draw, as illustrated in the image below.
(Can't link image) gradient slice illustration
Looks to me like a job for a pixel shader. I remember seeing a Quartz Composer example that simulated a radar sweep, and that used a pixel shader to produce an effect like you're describing.
Found it. This shader was written by Peter Graffignino:
kernel vec4 radarSweep(sampler image, __color color1,__color color2, float angle, vec4 rect)
vec4 val = sample(image, samplerCoord(image));
vec2 locCart = destCoord();
float theta, r, frac, angleDist;
locCart.x = (locCart.x - rect.z/2.0) / (rect.z/2.0);
locCart.y = (locCart.y - rect.w/2.0) / (rect.w/2.0);
// locCart is now normalized
theta = degrees(atan(locCart.y, locCart.x));
theta = (theta < 0.0) ? theta + 360.0 : theta;
r = length(locCart);
angleDist = theta - angle;
angleDist = (angleDist < 0.0) ? angleDist + 360.0 : angleDist;
frac = 1.0 - angleDist/360.0;
// sum up 3 decaying phosphors with different time constants
val = val*exp2(-frac/.005) + (val+.1)*exp2(-frac/.25)*color1 + val*exp2(-frac/.021)*color2;
val = r > 1.0 ? vec4(0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0) : val; // constrain to circle
return val;
The thread linked above suggests using pre-made images, but this isn't an option because the colors of the gradient should be settable, the view should be resizable and the fill of the progress bar isn't always 100% full obviously (which would be the state of the gradient as shown in the picture in the thread above).
Not a problem!
Use the very black-to-white image from the other question (or a bigger version if you need one), in the following fashion:
Clip to whatever shape you want to draw the gradient in.
Fill with the color at the end of the gradient.
Use the black-to-white gradient image as a mask.
Fill with the color at the start of the gradient.
You can rotate the gradient by rotating the mask image.
This only supports the simplest case of a gradient with a color at each extreme end; it doesn't scale to three or more colors and doesn't support unusual gradient stop positioning.
FYI: here's also a good tutorial for creating a circular progress bar using Quartz drawing.