Routing not working in phalcon framework - phalcon

I have many modules and depending upon modules routes are generated dynamically. For explaining purpose I m adding route for just one module. Following are the routes for the users module.
'module' =>'users',
'action' => 'index'
'module' => 'users',
'action' => 'index',
'module' => 'users',
'module' => 'users',
Lets say the url for the user module is
This url matches the very first route and its working as expected. But when we navigate to next page, my url looks like
now the problem is it should match 2nd route, but it matches 4th route. If I move 2nd route all the way down, the above url work, but the url will not work
Can anybody help me make it work?

:params is tricky because it will match anything. So /users/:params/ matches both /users/:action and /users/:action/:params, which itself has :params in it - making it a routing mind blow.
As a general rule avoid the mind blow scenario. For example you can put :params at the end of the longest possible match (/users/:action/:params) and then rewrite the shorter routes without any :params in them.


a route doesnt work (yii)

Hy stackoverflow !
I'm trying to make a form into an external page with Yii 1.1.14 (this is an old site).
I've made a directory into my views call signinPartners and into this one, a php file call signin.
I have also created a controller :
class SigninPartnerController extends Controller
public function actionSignin(){
He renders the route /signin defined in my config by :
return array(
'' => 'index',
'signin' => 'signinPartners/signin',
but when I try the URL http://mylocalserver/signin the site send back Error 404 Unable to resolve the request « signin-partners/signin »..
This is really disturbing because there are other URL's on my website and they work the same way without throwing an error 404. I don't know what I missed... Can somebody help ?
my urlManager :
'showScriptName' => false, // do not display index.php in the url
'urlSuffix' => '/',
'rules' => $routesRules, //this variable contains the array defined above
I have also check my runtime :
2018/01/17 11:12:16 [error] [exception.CHttpException.404] exception 'CHttpException' with message 'Impossible de résoudre la requête « signinPartners/signin ».' in D:\Windows\Windows\CommonFiles\wamp64\www\MoovTime-Conso\library\Yii\web\CWebApplication.php:286
Stack trace:
#0 D:\Windows\Windows\CommonFiles\wamp64\www\MoovTime-Conso\library\Yii\web\CWebApplication.php(141): CWebApplication->runController('signinPartners...')
#1 D:\Windows\Windows\CommonFiles\wamp64\www\MoovTime-Conso\library\Yii\base\CApplication.php(183): CWebApplication->processRequest()
#2 D:\Windows\Windows\CommonFiles\wamp64\www\MoovTime-Conso\public\frontend\index.php(36): CApplication->run()
#3 {main}
(the exception message is in french and means Unable to resolve the request « signin-partners/signin »)
Ok, big update, i've tried to play with routes.php and I realized that the name of my controller doesn't match with signinPartners. So, I update the routes rules with :
return array(
'' => 'index',
'signin' => 'signinPartner/signin',
And now, we have a new error : Controller can't find the view « /signin »..
There is the post Controller can't find the view in Yii which can anwser this question !
try adding a - in signinPartners.
The problem in my case was the action, the directory name in my view that contains the page and the route rule.
first, I update the route rule from :
return array(
'' => 'index',
'signin' => 'signinPartners/signin',
to :
return array(
'' => 'index',
'signin' => 'signinPartner/signin', // controlerName/actionName
The controller name was wrong.
In a second time, to match with the name of the controller, I simply renamed the directory in views calls signinPartners to signinPartner (only for readability).
Finally I update the action actionSignin that was :
public function actionSignin(){
For :
public function actionSignin(){
Where I change the path with the new directory name.

YII2 UrlManager wrong route

On my site I have this urlManager rule:
'city/<id:\d+>-<alias:\S*>' => 'city/view',
On page of module "user", for example this, there is a link for rule
Url::to(['city/view', 'id' => $this->id, 'alias' => $this->alias], $absolute)
But link becomes this
What I am doing wrong?
You need to add module ID in the route as well. In the simplest case it's
'user/city/<id:\d+>-<alias:\S*>' => 'user/city/view'
If there are more than one module using similar route you can use wildcard
'<module>/city/<id:\d+>-<alias:\S*>' => '<module>/city/view'
You should simply try :
Url::to(['/city/view', 'id' => $this->id, 'alias' => $this->alias], $absolute)
Read more about creating urls.

Beautifying URLs in Yii

I have following file structure
As default the url created for accessing the module content is for example
and for other controller it comes out to be
The problem is I want to write a rule in my urlManager so that both controllers remain accessible AND i do not see default word in url as in first example.
However if i write following rules I am able to eliminate the default word but now other controllers in same module wont work. any help in this regard is appreciated
'<module:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:(.*?)>' => '<module>/default/<action>/<id>',
'<module:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<module>/default/<action>',
My current Url Manager is as follow
'urlManager' => array(
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => array(
'/' => 'site/index',
'login' => 'site/login',
'user' => 'user/default/',
'<view:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+>/' => 'site/page',
Follow this Link for config settings
Refer this Link
//inside protected/modules/admin/AdminModule.php
class AdminModule extends CWebModule
//goes to TaskController instead of DefaultController
public $defaultController = 'Task';
Now your Yii application will routes to the “TaskController” if you request
//same as requesting

Rails 3: mixing "generic" controller routes with standard resource routes

I've got a set of routes that looks like this:
resources :placements do
match '/foo' => "placements#foo"
match '/bar' => "placements#bar"
This produces routes that behave like you would expect:
However, I also need "generic" routes for a few methods that do not need an individual placement. So, I build a routes block that looks like this:
resources :placements do
match '/foo' => "placements#foo"
match '/bar' => "placements#bar"
match '/placements/baz' => "placements#baz"
If I rake routes, I get a route that looks good:
Note the lack of an id. However, if I try to visit that route, Rails tries to call the show method on the controller instead, as if "baz" was an ID, instead of a method name. How can I build a routing structure that gives me what I am after, without having to change the first segment of my route (placements), to something else?
Move the second route over the resources block ie,
match '/placements/baz' => "placements#baz"
resources :placements, :id => /\d+/ do
match '/foo' => "placements#foo"
match '/bar' => "placements#bar"
or add a regex for the id in resources, ie something like:
resources :placements, :id => /\d+/ do
match '/foo' => "placements#foo"
match '/bar' => "placements#bar"
match '/placements/baz' => "placements#baz"

Zend Framework - how to rewrite url to seo friendly url

I got website on Zend Framework (im total noob in Zend). For example I would like to make one URL "" to look like this "". How do i achieve this in Zend ? Im newbie in Zend and Apache server. Where i do rewrites in Zend ? I want static URL rewrite to
And last question: where do i usually create rewrites ? its depends of sever/technology ?
In your bootstrap, you'll need to configure some "routes". So, if your bootstrap ends something like this:
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
you can just add in some route definitions like this:
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$router = $frontController->getRouter();
$router->addRoute( 'mylovelyroute',
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static( 'for-fun-link',
array( 'controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'about' )
$router->addRoute( 'myotherroute',
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static( 'about-product',
array( 'controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'about' )
$router->addRoute( 'justonemore',
new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static( 'another/longer/path',
array( 'controller' => 'mycontroller',
'action' => 'myaction',
'someparameter' => 'foo'
The first parameter of addRoute() is just a unique name. Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static takes the path you'd like to capture, and then an array of parameters, including a controller and action (and module if it applies).
If you wanted to add complexity, you could load the routes out of a database, or start using more dynamic routes. The docs here are a useful next step: