Cannot create nested documents in Moqui for Elasticsearch - moqui

I am not able to explicitly map a particular filed according to my specific requirements.
For example if I take the WorkEffort data model used in HiveMind, then while creating the schema to Index tasks, I cannot specify which type mapping I want to do regarding a specific field.
If I want to nest the details of the Milestones and People associated with a particular task and then query them according to the above values, then I am not able to achieve that.
For example if I want to fetch the results based on the Assignee or the Milestone, I will not be able to achieve that.
So is there any way where I can specify the type of mapping respective to that field, while creating the Document Data for defining a schema according to my choice?
This will allow me to specify which fields are nested and query them accordingly.


User Defined columns for a database table

Our project has got a particular requirement. I understand it but I don't think it can be easy to implement.
Description: There is a table in database with 500 columns.
Now, the end users (power users or admins) may want to define derived columns. A derived column is a column based on other columns. The derived column can technically be a actual physical column or just a logical column which we generate at runtime by dynamic SQL query.
Example: say there is a column called 'WageOnDay' and there is another called 'WageDate'. Now end user may want to define a derived column called 'WageForPastMonth' or 'WageForPastYear' or just simply a derived column with 'WageDate'+2000. The user may want to define any number of such additional derived fields and would want to define them via a UI. The user would also want to specify a custom display name for these derived columns. Example: user may want to call the derived column for 'WageDate'+2000 as 'WageWithBonus' or 'WageAfterAdjustment'. The user may change the display name of the derived column and its definition (current definition 'WageDate'+2000 to 'WageDate'+4000) from time to time..
The derived column definition could also be an aggregation like sum over the wages for a date range etc.
Now - we thought over this from technical aspect. And there does not seem to be a way to implement this.
The user may define an aggregation for derived column or a simple expression etc.. we could go on about actually modifying the table definition and adding these additional fields as per the users definition for derived columns..
Other approach would be to store these derived column definitions in another configuration table and use those to to generate a dynamic SQL which will have to generate the derived columns according to the definition.
Currently, we think implementing this would require a huge effort. We would need to also create a semantic language which will store the derived column definition and would have to implement a parser which generates part of the SQL based on the user definition.
I know there are reporting tools like QlikView, CrystalReports and JasperReport which have the functionality I described.
But, can we implement it in our project ? If not, then is integrating with any of the other tools an option.
Please share your thoughts and suggestions.
Let us know if such a requirement has been addressed and a high level technical approach.
You could add an XML column to the table for custom fields, then just manipulate it at the application layer.

Retrieving Documents from Documentum based on the folders name

I am buildng a system that integrates the entities from different data stores on to a unified interface. The eventual target is to build a system that has a capability of querying objects located in multiple datastores on the basis of a unique keys. One of the our datastores is Documentum in which we are keeping all of our documents foldered by their unique names (Keys). The multiple data stores are having a same unique name for a particular entity. The only show stopper here is to get a list of the documents associated with the unique name of certain entity and retrieve the document from documentation. I am searching for a way (a query, or a procedure) to get this task to be done.
You can retrieve all the documents under a folder using the folder predicate in a DQL query:
select * from dm_document where folder('/mycabinet/myfolders/uniquefolder', DESCEND);
Another way to accomplish this is to add a new Documentum Type with a custom attribute to store your unique key. Then you can query directly on that attribute. If you would like to try this route, you should create a new Type that inherits from dm_document.
Then, your query could be like this:
select * from my_new_type where my_custom_attribute = <unique_key>
Folders can be a good solution if it helps you to organize and navigate the data, but they can also create some unique performance challenges. I would suggest against them if your dataset is very large and you don't need to navigate the folder structure.

Mapping a property to another table using NHibernate

I have a users table that is updated by other systems. I have mapped the table to my users objects and that work great. As user data is owned by another system I don't want to change the structure of that table.
I want to add metadata to the user objects, but without changing the structure of the users table. I want to add a flag that tells me whether the user is an administrator or not. I think this flag could be stored in a table that only has one column which is the id of the user. whether a matching row is present would be represented as a boolean property on the user.
Is it possible to map this in NHibernate? I would like it so that I can update this directly through NHibernate.
You should investigate the <join> mapping, usage is described in this article.

NHibernate: Dynamic Table Mapping

I have a scenario where I want to persist document info record to a table specific to the typo of document, rather than a generic table for all records.
For example, records for Invoices will be stored in dbo.Doc_1000 and records for Receipts will be stored in dbo.Doc_2000 where 1000 and 2000 are id autogenerate and store in well-known table (dbo.TypeOfDoc.
Furthermore each table have a group of system column (always the same) and could have a group of dynamic column (metadata).
Tables and eventually dynamic column are clearly created at runtime.
If this is possible with NHibernate???
hope that I got your point. I am currently looking for a solution for a problem that looks similar. I want to integrate a feature in my application where the admin user can design an entity at runtime.
As far as I know, once the SessionFactory is configured and ready to use, there is no way to modify the mapping used by nhibernate. If you want to use a customized table structure that is configured, created and modified at runtime, you should have a place where a corresponding mapping lives, e.g. as a nhibernate mapping xml file and you have to set up a new SessionFactory each time you change the database model to reflect these changes.

Define Generic Data Model for Custom Product Types

I want to create a product catalog that allows for intricate details on each of the product types in the catalog. The product types have vastly different data associated with them; some with only generic data, some with a few extra fields of data, some with many fields that are specific to that product type. I need to easily add new product types to the system and respect their configuration, and I'd love tips on how to design the data model for these products as well as how to handle persistence and retrieval.
Some products will be very generic and I plan to use a common UI for editing those products. The products that have extensible configuration associated with them will get new views (and controllers) created for their editing. I expect all custom products to have their own model defined but to share a common base class. The base class would represent the generic product that has no custom fields.
Example products that need to be handled:
Generic product
Light Bulb
Type (with an enum of florescent, incandescent, halogen, led)
Style (enum of flood, spot, etc.)
Style (with an enum in the domain model)
Water Filter information
Part number
I expect to use MEF for discovering what product types are available in the system. I plan to create assemblies that contain product type models, views, and controllers, drop those assemblies into the bin, and have the application discover the new product types, and show them in the navigation.
Using SQL Server 2008, what would be the best way to store products of these various types, allowing for new types to be added without having to grow the database schema?
When retrieving data from the database, what's the best way to translate these polymorphic entities into their correct domain models?
Updates and Clarifications
To avoid the Inner Platform Effect, if there is a database table for every product type (to store the products of that type), then I still need a way to retrieve all products that spans product types. How would that be achieved?
I talked with Nikhilk in more detail about his SharePoint reference. Specifically, he was talking about this: It actually seems pretty attractive. No need to parse XML; and there is some indexing that could be done allowing for simple and fast queries over the data. For instance, I could say "find all 75-watt light bulbs" by knowing that the first int column in the row is the wattage when the row represents a light bulb. Something (NHibernate?) in the app tier would define the mapping from the product type to the userdata schema.
Voted down the schema that has the Property Table because this could lead to lots of rows per product. This could lead to index difficulties, plus all queries would have to essentially pivot the data.
Use a Sharepoint-style UserData table, that has a set of string columns, a set of int columns, etc. and a Type column.
Then you have a list of types table that specifies the schema for each type - its properties, and the specific columns they map to in the UserData table.
With things like Azure and other utility computing storage you don't even need to define a table. Every store object is basically a dictionary.
I think you need to go with a data model like --
Product Table
ProductId (PK)
Property Table
PropertyId (PK)
ProductId (FK)
ParentPropertyId (FK - Self referenced to categorize properties)
Property Value Lookup Table
PropertyValueLookupId (PK)
PropertyId (FK)
And then have a dynamic view based on this. You could use the PropertyValueTypeId coloumn to identify the type, using a convention, like (0- string, 1-integer, 2-float, 3-image etc) - But ultimately you can store everything untyped only. You could also use this column to select the control template to render the corresponding property to the user.
You can use the Value lookup table to keep lookups for a specific property (so that user can choose it from a list)
Summarizing lets look at the options under consideration for storing product information:
1) some xml format in the database
2) similar to the post above about having x number of type defined columns (sharepoint approach)
3) via generic table with name and type definitions stored in lookup table and values in secondary table with columns id, propertyid, value (similar to #2 however this approach would provide unlimited property information
4) some hybrid of the above option where product table would have x common columns (for storage of properties common with all products) with y user defined columns (this could be m of integer type and n of varchar types). This may be taking the best of #2 and a normalzied structure as if you knew all the properties of all products. You would be getting the best sql performance for the properties that you use the most (probably those that are common across all products) while still allowing custom columns for specific properties with each product.
Are there other options? In my opinion I would consider 4 above as the best hybrid of the combinations.
Put as much of the shared anticipated structure in traditional normalized 3NF model, then augment with XML columns as appropriate.
I don't see MEF (or any other ORM) being able to do all this transparently.
I think you should avoid the Inner Platform Effect and actually build tables for your specialized entities. You'll be writing specific code to manage them so why not have proper backing tables too?
It will make your deployment slightly harder - drop in an assembly and run a script - but it will probably save you a lot of pain in the long run.
we currently use a XML field in the Products table to handle all product-specific data. So our Products table has a few common fields that all products share, an XML which contains whatever a particular product needs additionally, and a few computed fields that grab into the XML and surface some of the frequently queried fields as "virtual" fields on the Products table (e.g. "Style" would be set to whatever the current product defines, or NULL, if the product doesn't have a Style property).
So far, we've been quite flexible with that approach - if you create some decent XSD schemas for your XML, you can even create C# proxy classes for these fields.
Works nicely for us - joining the best of both the relational and XML worlds.