Define Generic Data Model for Custom Product Types - sql

I want to create a product catalog that allows for intricate details on each of the product types in the catalog. The product types have vastly different data associated with them; some with only generic data, some with a few extra fields of data, some with many fields that are specific to that product type. I need to easily add new product types to the system and respect their configuration, and I'd love tips on how to design the data model for these products as well as how to handle persistence and retrieval.
Some products will be very generic and I plan to use a common UI for editing those products. The products that have extensible configuration associated with them will get new views (and controllers) created for their editing. I expect all custom products to have their own model defined but to share a common base class. The base class would represent the generic product that has no custom fields.
Example products that need to be handled:
Generic product
Light Bulb
Type (with an enum of florescent, incandescent, halogen, led)
Style (enum of flood, spot, etc.)
Style (with an enum in the domain model)
Water Filter information
Part number
I expect to use MEF for discovering what product types are available in the system. I plan to create assemblies that contain product type models, views, and controllers, drop those assemblies into the bin, and have the application discover the new product types, and show them in the navigation.
Using SQL Server 2008, what would be the best way to store products of these various types, allowing for new types to be added without having to grow the database schema?
When retrieving data from the database, what's the best way to translate these polymorphic entities into their correct domain models?
Updates and Clarifications
To avoid the Inner Platform Effect, if there is a database table for every product type (to store the products of that type), then I still need a way to retrieve all products that spans product types. How would that be achieved?
I talked with Nikhilk in more detail about his SharePoint reference. Specifically, he was talking about this: It actually seems pretty attractive. No need to parse XML; and there is some indexing that could be done allowing for simple and fast queries over the data. For instance, I could say "find all 75-watt light bulbs" by knowing that the first int column in the row is the wattage when the row represents a light bulb. Something (NHibernate?) in the app tier would define the mapping from the product type to the userdata schema.
Voted down the schema that has the Property Table because this could lead to lots of rows per product. This could lead to index difficulties, plus all queries would have to essentially pivot the data.

Use a Sharepoint-style UserData table, that has a set of string columns, a set of int columns, etc. and a Type column.
Then you have a list of types table that specifies the schema for each type - its properties, and the specific columns they map to in the UserData table.
With things like Azure and other utility computing storage you don't even need to define a table. Every store object is basically a dictionary.

I think you need to go with a data model like --
Product Table
ProductId (PK)
Property Table
PropertyId (PK)
ProductId (FK)
ParentPropertyId (FK - Self referenced to categorize properties)
Property Value Lookup Table
PropertyValueLookupId (PK)
PropertyId (FK)
And then have a dynamic view based on this. You could use the PropertyValueTypeId coloumn to identify the type, using a convention, like (0- string, 1-integer, 2-float, 3-image etc) - But ultimately you can store everything untyped only. You could also use this column to select the control template to render the corresponding property to the user.
You can use the Value lookup table to keep lookups for a specific property (so that user can choose it from a list)

Summarizing lets look at the options under consideration for storing product information:
1) some xml format in the database
2) similar to the post above about having x number of type defined columns (sharepoint approach)
3) via generic table with name and type definitions stored in lookup table and values in secondary table with columns id, propertyid, value (similar to #2 however this approach would provide unlimited property information
4) some hybrid of the above option where product table would have x common columns (for storage of properties common with all products) with y user defined columns (this could be m of integer type and n of varchar types). This may be taking the best of #2 and a normalzied structure as if you knew all the properties of all products. You would be getting the best sql performance for the properties that you use the most (probably those that are common across all products) while still allowing custom columns for specific properties with each product.
Are there other options? In my opinion I would consider 4 above as the best hybrid of the combinations.

Put as much of the shared anticipated structure in traditional normalized 3NF model, then augment with XML columns as appropriate.
I don't see MEF (or any other ORM) being able to do all this transparently.

I think you should avoid the Inner Platform Effect and actually build tables for your specialized entities. You'll be writing specific code to manage them so why not have proper backing tables too?
It will make your deployment slightly harder - drop in an assembly and run a script - but it will probably save you a lot of pain in the long run.

we currently use a XML field in the Products table to handle all product-specific data. So our Products table has a few common fields that all products share, an XML which contains whatever a particular product needs additionally, and a few computed fields that grab into the XML and surface some of the frequently queried fields as "virtual" fields on the Products table (e.g. "Style" would be set to whatever the current product defines, or NULL, if the product doesn't have a Style property).
So far, we've been quite flexible with that approach - if you create some decent XSD schemas for your XML, you can even create C# proxy classes for these fields.
Works nicely for us - joining the best of both the relational and XML worlds.


Database design advice needed on custom fields

I have a table that stores general information about a customer (name, address, etc) that is common to all customers. I have a field called CustomerType (list of types) that drives what other fields I need to capture. So if they are a government customer then they will see a different set of custom fields than a non-profit customer would see. I need to create forms that each different CustomerType will be fill out. On the SQL side, I need to figure out the best way to store the data so that when I do reporting it is simple. I don't know the best way to attack this problem.
On the SQL side, I need to figure out the best way to store the data so that
when I do reporting it is simple. I don't know the best way to attack this
There are many possible approaches each with different strengths and weaknesses, here's some to think about:
Create separate customer detail tables for each of the customer types, each containing the fields specific to that customer type. Each detail table keyed on the customer Id. The customer type does not have to be an attribute of the detail table, only of the parent Customer table.
(+) The correctly normalized solution (although you may find awkward situations
where attributes are common to a subset of customer types). The tables will be fairly easy to maintain.
(-) Reports harder to write - you may find yourself using a LOT of unions or outer joins. Development against this schema is more complex, the extra logic to insert/update attributes in the correct tables for particular customer types must be encoded somewhere. This might become unmanageable if you have many customer types, or if you're adding/changing them frequently.
Expand the customer table to contain the super-set of columns required by all customer types, keyed on the customer Id.
(+) Simple, very easy to report on, simple programming logic.
(-) The customer-type specific fields are only partially dependent on the key of the customer table (customer Id) - they are really dependent on the combination of customerId/customerType.
If there are many extra fields, and if there are few fields common between customer types then this denormalization may result in a very wide table with an unmanageable number of columns. It could be a maintenance nightmare - the table must be modified every time a new customer type is added/change.
You might find this a good solution if the number of unique fields required by each customer type is small and they don't change often and if ease of programming and reporting is an overriding concern.
Store the customer specific values as name/value pairs in a generic customer Details table, keyed on customerId/customerType/key.
(+) Very simple to maintain - No data model changes are required to add a new customer type.
(-) Non-relational, makes pure SQL reporting near impossible and makes integrity constraints very difficult to add. You might see this in specialized use cases e.g. where the data will only ever consumed as JSON and direct reporting will never be a requirement, or in some corporate environments where it may be appealing if database changes are very hard to push through.
First of all, have a look at some good tutorials on database design and object relational modelling (ORM) A beginner's guide to SQL database design
My personal suggestion for your design would be to create one table to store all costumers, together with some kind of unique customer id and the CustomerType. Next create a separate table for each of the CustomerTypes and for each user that belongs to that type, store that users unique id in a column together with its customertype specific fields.

SQL vs NoSQL for data that will be presented to a user after multiple filters have been added

I am about to embark on a project for work that is very outside my normal scope of duties. As a SQL DBA, my initial inclination was to approach the project using a SQL database but the more I learn about NoSQL, the more I believe that it might be the better option. I was hoping that I could use this question to describe the project at a high level to get some feedback on the pros and cons of using each option.
The project is relatively straightforward. I have a set of objects that have various attributes. Some of these attributes are common to all objects whereas some are common only to a subset of the objects. What I am tasked with building is a service where the user chooses a series of filters that are based on the attributes of an object and then is returned a list of objects that matches all^ of the filters. When the user selects a filter, he or she may be filtering on a common or subset attribute but that is abstracted on the front end.
^ There is a chance, depending on user feedback, that the list of objects may match only some of the filters and the quality of the match will be displayed to the user through a score that indicates how many of the criteria were matched.
After watching this talk by Martin Folwler (, it would seem that a document-style NoSQL database should suit my needs but given that I have no experience with this approach, it is also possible that I am missing something obvious.
Some additional information - The database will initially have about 5,000 objects with each object containing 10 to 50 attributes but the number of objects will definitely grow over time and the number of attributes could grow depending on user feedback. In addition, I am hoping to have the ability to make rapid changes to the product as I get user feedback so flexibility is very important.
Any feedback would be very much appreciated and I would be happy to provide more information if I have left anything critical out of my discussion. Thanks.
This problem can be solved in by using two separate pieces of technology. The first is to use a relatively well designed database schema with a modern RDBMS. By modeling the application using the usual principles of normalization, you'll get really good response out of storage for individual CRUD statements.
Searching this schema, as you've surmised, is going to be a nightmare at scale. Don't do it. Instead look into using Solr/Lucene as your full text search engine. Solr's support for dynamic fields means you can add new properties to your documents/objects on the fly and immediately have the ability to search inside your data if you have designed your Solr schema correctly.
I'm not an expert in NoSQL, so I will not be advocating it. However, I have few points that can help you address your questions regarding the relational database structure.
First thing that I see right away is, you are talking about inheritance (at least conceptually). Your objects inherit from each-other, thus you have additional attributes for derived objects. Say you are adding a new type of object, first thing you need to do (conceptually) is to find a base/super (parent) object type for it, that has subset of the attributes and you are adding on top of them (extending base object type).
Once you get used to thinking like said above, next thing is about inheritance mapping patterns for relational databases. I'll steal terms from Martin Fowler to describe it here.
You can hold inheritance chain in the database by following one of the 3 ways:
1 - Single table inheritance: Whole inheritance chain is in one table. So, all new types of objects go into the same table.
Advantages: your search query has only one table to search, and it must be faster than a join for example.
Disadvantages: table grows faster than with option 2 for example; you have to add a type column that says what type of object is the row; some rows have empty columns because they belong to other types of objects.
2 - Concrete table inheritance: Separate table for each new type of object.
Advantages: if search affects only one type, you search only one table at a time; each table grows slower than in option 1 for example.
Disadvantages: you need to use union of queries if searching several types at the same time.
3 - Class table inheritance: One table for the base type object with its attributes only, additional tables with additional attributes for each child object type. So, child tables refer to the base table with PK/FK relations.
Advantages: all types are present in one table so easy to search all together using common attributes.
Disadvantages: base table grows fast because it contains part of child tables too; you need to use join to search all types of objects with all attributes.
Which one to choose?
It's a trade-off obviously. If you expect to have many types of objects added, I would go with Concrete table inheritance that gives reasonable query and scaling options. Class table inheritance seems to be not very friendly with fast queries and scalability. Single table inheritance seems to work with small number of types better.
Your call, my friend!
May as well make this an answer. I should comment that I'm not strong in NoSQL, so I tend to lean towards SQL.
I'd do this as a three table set. You will see it referred to as entity value pair logic on the's a way of handling multiple dynamic attributes for items. Lets say you have a bunch of products and each one has a few attributes.
Prd 1 - a,b,c
Prd 2 - a,d,e,f
Prd 3 - a,b,d,g
Prd 4 - a,c,d,e,f
So here are 4 products and 6 attributes...same theory will work for hundreds of products and thousands of attributes. Standard way of holding this in one table requires the product info along with 6 columns to store the data (in this setup at least one third of them are null). New attribute added means altering the table to add another column to it and coming up with a script to populate existing or just leaving it null for all existing. Not the most fun, can be a head ache.
The alternative to this is a name value pair setup. You want a 'header' table to hold the common values amoungst your products (like name, or price...things that all rpoducts always have). In our example above, you will notice that attribute 'a' is being used on each record...this does mean attribute a can be a part of the header table as well. We'll call the key column here 'header_id'.
Second table is a reference table that is simply going to store the attributes that can be assigned to each product and assign an ID to it. We'll call the table attribute with atrr_id for a key. Rather straight forwards, each attribute above will be one row.
Quick example:
attr_id, attribute_name, notes
1,b, the length of time the product takes to install
2,c, spare part required
It's just a list of all of your attributes and what that attribute means. In the future, you will be adding a row to this table to open up a new attribute for each header.
Final table is a mapping table that actually holds the info. You will have your product id, the attribute id, and then the value. Normally called the detail table:
prd1, b, 5 mins
prd1, c, needs spare jack
prd2, d, 'misc text'
prd3, b, 15 mins
See how the data is stored as product key, value label, value? Any future product added can have any combination of any attributes stored in this table. Adding new attributes is adding a new line to the attribute table and then populating the details table as needed.
I beleive there is a wiki for it too...
After this, it's simply figuring out the best methodology to pivot out your data (I'd recommend Postgres as an opensource db option here)

Assistance in querying an Entity Attribute Value model ( "dynamic attributes" ) in SQL Server 2012

I need assistance to query from a model that contains one table of a specific object (i.e. Products) and one table of its dynamic attributes.
Let's say that I can store a Chocolate with attributes such as Price, Color, Weight and also a Car with attributes such as Engine, Gears, Color.
In my example I have a table called Products with the following columns :
Id (Int),
Name (NVarchar)
I have another table called dynamicAttributes with the following columns :
Id (int) -- of the attribute
ProductId (int) -- of the specific product
AttributeType (int) -- enum with the following values ("Color", "Price","Height", "Width".... )
StringValue -- of the product
IntValue -- of the product
DoubleValue -- of the product
BooleanValue -- of the product
I get from the client a list of attributes codes and a list of there values.
I can get value type (aka boolean, string, int) for each attribute.
What are my best options to query this model from my app ?
Dynamic sqls only ? Using Pivot keyword?
As others have noted, doing a lot of PIVOT queries is pretty inefficient and it's laborious to write and to debug SQL queries that use PIVOT.
An alternative is to fetch the data back from the database in the way it's stored, i.e. in multiple rows. Then write code in your database access layer to massage the rows into a single object instance, adding one attribute to your object per database row. This is called the Table Module pattern in Martin Fowler's awesome book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.
If you invest some time writing DBAL code in a reusable fashion, you may be able to make it pretty easy for subsequent code in your app to read and save objects stored in an EAV table.
But yeah, I agree with other commenters. I'm generally against using the EAV design. It takes a lot of work to write code to compensate for the ways EAV breaks database conventions. I would think you have better things to do with your time!
For alternatives, see:
My answer to How to design a product table for many kinds of product where each product has many parameters
My presentation Practical Object Oriented Models In SQL
My book SQL Antipatterns Volume 1: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming

What are some methods for persisting customer configurable data in a database?

I'm looking for some ideas on methods for persisting customer configurable data in a relational database (SQL Server 2000 in my case).
For example let's say you have a standard order entry application where your customer enters a product they want to buy. In addition to the fields that are important to both you and the customer (itemID, cost etc), you want to allow the client to enter information only relevant to them and persist it for them (for later retrieval on reports or invoices or whatever). You also want the labeling of these "customer fields" to be configured by the customer. So one customer might have a field called "Invoice Number" another customer might have 2 fields called "Invoice#" and "Invoice Date" etc...
I can think of a few ways to do this. You could have a customerfields table with some reasonable number of varchar fields related to each transaction and then another table clientcustomerfields which contains the meta data about how many fields a customer uses, what the field names are etc. Alternatively you could use XML to persist the customer data so you don't have to worry about filly up X # of fields, you'd still need some table to describe the customers meta data (maybe through an XSD).
Are there any standard ways of doing this type of thing?
You should read Best Practices for Semantic Data Modeling for Performance and Scalability. This is exactly the question addressed by the white paper in the link.
One strategy I'd use:
- field_id
- cusomer_id
- field_name
- transaction_id
- field_id
- field_value
As a generalisation I would recommend against using opaque XML blobs to store field-oriented data in a relational database.
The best solution is to have some 'user' fields and configuration within the application to set up how these fields are used and presented. If the fields are varchars the overhead for empty fields is fairly minimal, IIRC about 1 byte per field. Although this looks inelegant and has a finite number of fields, it is the simplest to query and populate which makes it the fastest. One option would be to make the configuration agnostic to the number of fields and simply run a script to add a few more fields if you need them.
Another option is to have a 'coding' table hanging off entities which user-configurable fields. It has 'entity ID', 'field type' and 'field code' columns where the 'field type' column denotes the actual content. The particular disadvantage is that it makes queries slower as they have to potentially join against this table multiple times.
I've actually seen both (1) and (2) in use on the same system. The vendor originally started with (2) but then found it to be a pain in the arse and subsequent subsystems on the application went to using (1). This change in approach was borne out of bitter experience.
The principal strike against XML blobs is that they are not first class citizens in the database schema. The DBMS cannot enforce referential integrity on the blob by itself, it cannot index individual columns within the blob and querying the data from the blob is more complex and may not be supported by reporting tools. In addition, the content of the blob is completely opaque to the system data dictionary. Anyone trying to extract the data back out of the system is dependent on the application's documentation to get any insight into the contents.
In addition to your own suggestions, another way is to look at the Profile Provider system in (Assuming a MS tech stack on this). You can extend the ProfileBase to include 2 arrays representing your user defined keys and another for the corresponding values. At that point, the SqlProfileProvider will handle the storage and retrieval of such and create your implementation of the ProfileBase object. Ultimately, this would be similar to if you were trying to use the ProfileProvider system in a Web Application project and not a Web Site project (which use different build managers).
I have done this in the past and used the concept of user defined fields. I would create four tables for the basic types:
UDFCharacter - id - int, order_id - int, value - varchar(4000)
UDFNumber - id - int, order_id - int, value - float
UDFDateTime - id - int, order_id - int, value - datetime
UDFText - id - int, order_id - int, value - text
I would then have a table that described the fields along with their type:
CustomField - id - int, customer_id - int (linked to customer table), fieldType - 'UDFCharacter, UDFNumber, etc', name - varchar, and other meta info
The responses to the fields go in the UDF tables. The fields get displayed on the page based on the CustomField table. Our system was may more complex and required more tbales but this seems like it would work.

What is the preferred way to store custom fields in a SQL database?

My friend is building a product to be used by different independent medical units.
The database stores a vast collection of measurements taken at different times, like the temperature, blood pressure, etc...
Let us assume these are held in a table called exams with columns temperature, pressure, etc... (as well as id, patient_id and timestamp). Most of the measurements are stored as floats, but some are of other types (strings, integers...)
While many of these measurements are handled by their product, it needs to allow the different medical units to record and process other custom measurements. A very nifty UI allows the administrator to edit these customs fields, specify their name, type, possible range of values, etc...
He is unsure as to how to store these custom fields.
He is leaning towards a separate table (say a table custom_exam_data with fields like exam_id, custom_field_id, float_value, string_value, ...)
I worry that this will make searching both more difficult to achieve and less efficient.
I am leaning towards modifying the exam table directly (while avoiding conflicts on column names with some scheme like prefixing all custom fields with an underscore or naming them custom_1, ...)
He worries about modifying the database dynamically and having different schemas for each medical unit.
Hopefully some people which more experience can weigh in on this issue.
he is using Ruby on Rails but I think this question is pretty much framework agnostic, except from the fact that he is only looking for solutions in SQL databases only.
I simplified the problem a bit since the custom fields need to be available for more than one table, but I believe this doesn`t really impact the direction to take.
(added) A very generic reporting module will need to search, sort, generate stats, etc.. of this data, so it is required that this data be stored in the columns of the appropriate type
(added) User inputs will be filtered, for the standard fields as well as for the custom fields. For example, numbers will be checked within a given range (can't have a temperature of -12 or +444), etc... Thus, conversion to the appropriate SQL type is not a problem.
I've had to deal with this situation many times over the years, and I agree with your initial idea of modifying the DB tables directly, and using dynamic SQL to generate statements.
Creating string UserAttribute or Key/Value columns sounds appealing at first, but it leads to the inner-platform effect where you end up having to re-implement foreign keys, data types, constraints, transactions, validation, sorting, grouping, calculations, et al. inside your RDBMS. You may as well just use flat files and not SQL at all.
SQL Server provides INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that let you create, query, and modify table schemas at runtime. This has full type checking, constraints, transactions, calculations, and everything you need already built-in, don't reinvent it.
It's strange that so many people come up with ad-hoc solutions for this when there's a well-documented pattern for it:
Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model
Two alternatives are XML and Nested Sets. XML is easier to manage but generally slow. Nested Sets usually require some type of proprietary database extension to do without making a mess, like CLR types in SQL Server 2005+. They violate first-normal form, but are nevertheless the fastest-performing solution.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM achieves this by altering the database design each time a change is made. Nasty, I think.
I would say a better option would be to consider an attribute table. Even though these are often frowned upon, it gives you the flexibility you need, and you can always create views using dynamic SQL to pivot the data out again. Just make sure you always use LEFT JOINs and FKs when creating these views, so that the Query Optimizer can do its job better.
I have seen a use of your friend's idea in a commercial accounting package. The table was split into two, first contained fields solely defined by the system, second contained fields like USER_STRING1, USER_STRING2, USER_FLOAT1 etc. The tables were linked by identity value (when a record is inserted into the main table, a record with same identity is inserted into the second one). Each table that needed user fields was split like that.
Well, whenever I need to store some unknown type in a database field, I usually store it as String, serializing it as needed, and also store the type of the data.
This way, you can have any kind of data, working with any type of database.
I would be inclined to store the measurement in the database as a string (varchar) with another column identifying the measurement type. My reasoning is that it will presumably, come from the UI as a string and casting to any other datatype may introduce a corruption before the user input get's stored.
The downside is that when you go to filter result-sets by some measurement metric you will still have to perform a casting but at least the storage and persistence mechanism is not introducing corruption.
I can't tell you the best way but I can tell you how Drupal achieves a sort of schemaless structure while still using the standard RDBMSs available today.
The general idea is that there's a schema table with a list of fields. Each row really only has two columns, the 'table':String column and the 'column':String column. For each of these columns it actually defines a whole table with just an id and the actual data for that column.
The trick really is that when you are working with the data it's never more than one join away from the bundle table that lists all the possible columns so you end up not losing as much speed as you might otherwise think. This will also allow you to expand much farther than just a few medical companies unlike the custom_ prefix you were proposing.
MySQL is very fast at returning row data for short rows with few columns. In this way this scheme ends up fairly quick while allowing you lots of flexibility.
As to search, my suggestion would be to index the page content instead of the database content. Use Solr to parse through rendered pages and hold links to the actual page instead of trying to search through the database using clever SQL.
Define two new tables: custom_exam_schema and custom_exam_data.
custom_exam_data has an exam_id column, plus an additional column for every custom attribute.
custom_exam_schema would have a row to describe how to interpret each of the columns of the custom_exam_data table. It would have columns like name, type, minValue, maxValue, etc.
So, for example, to create a custom field to track the number of fingers a person has, you would add ('fingerCount', 'number', 0, 10) to custom_exam_schema and then add a column named fingerCount to the exam table.
Someone might say it's bad to change the database schema at run time, but I'd argue that configuring these custom fields is part of set up and won't happen too often. Still, this method lets you handle changes at any time and doesn't risk messing around with your core table schemas.
lets say that your friend's database has to store data values from multiple sources such as demogrphic values, diagnosis, interventions, physionomic values, physiologic exam values, hospitalisation values etc.
He might have as well to define choices, lets say his database is missing the race and the unit staff need the race of the patient (different races are more unlikely to get some diseases), they might want to use a drop down with several choices.
I would propose to use an other table that would have these choices or would you just use a "Custom_field_choices" table, which at some point is exactly the same but with a different name.
Considering that the database :
- needs to be flexible
- that data from multiple tables can be added and be customized
- that you might want to keep the integrity of the main structure of your database for distribution and uniformity purpose
- that data MUST have a limit and alarms and warnings
- that data must have units ( 10 kg or 10 pounds) ?
- that data can have a selection of choices
- that data can be with different rights (from simple user to admin)
- that these data might be needed to generate reports without modifying the code (automation)
- that these data might be needed to make cross reference analysis within the system without modifying the code
the custom table would be my solution, modifying each table would end up being too risky.
I would store those custom fields in a table where each record ( dataType, dataValue, dataUnit ) would use in one row. So there would be a relation oneToMany from one sample to the data. You can also create a table to record all the kind of cutsom types you would use. For example:
create table DataType
id int primary key,
name varchar(100) not null unique
description text,
uri varchar(255) //<-- can be used for an ONTOLOGY
create table DataRecord
id int primary key,
sample_id int not null,//<-- reference to the sample
dataType_id int not null, //<-- references DataType
value varchar(100),//<-- the value as string
unit varchar(50)//<-- g, mg/ml, etc... but it could also be a link to a table describing the units just like DataType